A major network news reader recently said that "evangelical Christians" are the "core base" of the Republican Party. No derogatory statement
followed the remark but the actor-like tone somehow also relayed that additional information.
So I wondered, "What's the 'core base' of the Democratic Party? You decide. In which party would you place each of these groups?
Evangelical Christians.
Those who believe all happiness and chances for success are given by the government, not individual effort or achievement (or, put another way, those
who wish to be "wards of the state.")
Activists who wish to remake the U.S. into a completely secular nation.
Extreme environmentalists.
Transsexuals or transsexual supporters who wish to reform society's attitudes about this group's open displays of their eccentricities, whenever and
wherever they feel it desirable to do so, regardless of the nature of the group gathering or ages of those present.
Personal injury lawyers.
Activists who wish to grant the legal recognition of marriage to homosexuals.
Purveyors and patrons of the most extreme pornography.
Activists who wish to grant homosexuals the right to adopt either sex of child in all states.
Members of Communist Party - USA who join one of the two major parties.
Hollywood actors and actresses who abhor lifestyles generally associated with those of moral behavior.
Atheists who wish to remove all vestiges of religion from the common society: religious holidays; any mention or symbol of a "Creator" from public
buildings, coinage and bills; sworn statements within a courtroom, etc.)
credit2:Robert O'Neal
Ok, now ya'll can start your little tap dancing moves, we all know how good you guys have become at perfecting the art of bs...
Let's dance! PS: If you want to sign up for marxism classes their down the hall to the left...