reply to post by Illusionsaregrander
I definitely identify with this. I have been going through a severe depressive phase in the past few weeks, becoming very acute in the last few days.
My idle fantasies have turned to horrible scenes of unspeakable crimes - crimes against me and those I care about, crimes against my relationship with
them, etc. All I can think about is literally tearing the imaginary culprits of these imaginary crimes to pieces with tooth and nail. I don't know
why I have these miserable thoughts. They creep in and won't go away. Once or twice I got something positive, but the positive thoughts are being
drowned out by their negative image.
I wrote my own thread about this, it seems that everyone is doing that! I won't plug it, but you can find it in my profile.
I feel like my creative powers have been limited. My body is full of aches, I can't sleep comfortably anymore. I feel trapped in my own mind, in
repetitive thoughts. It makes me want to die, but at the same time, I really just want to live, to really live, and I can't wait for this misery to
go away!
Last winter did this to me, too, I think. Winter is awful. When I was a kid it was great, but it seems that its been getting more and more severe
every year, more and more intolerable.
I am very very tired, at all times.
Sigh, my shaman buddies are so far away, I really wish I could spend some
therapeutic time with them. SADFACE.
seconded, this describes me exactly!
I've been having tooth-aches, the kind that penetrate the skull and are felt
behind the eyes, for the past few months. My teeth are fine, it's the sort of pain that I usually feel from over-exertion. But, I'm not
exerting? And, for some reason, the bags under my eyes are deepening, darkening, and acquiring red spots. Too much internet and late night
Bahh, this is reassuring, to know that I am not alone, but distressing to have it confirmed as a real psychic (mental) phenomenon. At least I feel
anxious-energized instead of anxious-depressive, right at this moment. Thanks, ATS!