posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 05:31 PM
On the great big picture it seems there are far too many incredible historical sights all around the globe that modern man cannot explain or theorize
into a neat compartment. We've all see many documentaries of lost civilizations, incredible feats of architecture and engineering, and places where
stones are placed in grand and confusing patterns. Seems like mankind (or a derivative thereof) has come and gone many times over the years.
Or, maybe then as now, those in power who hold the wealth and the knowledge made certain to have underground accommodations available for their use
when TSHTF.
Unknowns from elsewhere may be the answer to The Missing Link. We learned to hit golf balls on another planet, someone may have too.
On the not so great big picture, more recent history, it seems like the sad yet true sayings of "only the strong survive" and "to the victor go the
spoils" has been the deciding factor of mankinds fate.
Think about it: when people primarily lived of the land in a self-sustaining effort they worked hard and worked together for the benefit of all.
Family that stuck together in clans had a better chance of survival in case of attack by a wild animal.
IMHO it was not until mankind was exposed to unacceptable behavior, perhaps even mental illness, that provided the impetus of our destruction. Those
that were willing and able to injure or kill with little provocation, with no empathy, sympathy, remorse or regret were feared by others. Match up
that fellow threat/reality of danger with another impaired mind, one who feels he is above others for example, and if hes clever enough to find
something the murderous maniac likes and you have the worlds first Power Couple.
The clever fellow knows it sucks to work planting in the fields so he & the maniac disrupt the peace of some local clans, causing mayhem and
disruption, setting fire to their shelters, making slaves of the surviving men and raping the women who later bear them little maniacs. The strong
survive. To the victor go the spoils.
It doesn't take too long and it evolves into history as we know it, simplified. Thugs, murderers and villainous types lording over people who were
once free to work the fields next to their brothers, sisters and uncles. they are under the whip, under the tax and pushing the plow.
And the s.o.b.'s with twisted minds and questionable values rein over mankind year after year. Their greed, lust and delusional superiority just
continues while their holdings grow vast and mighty. Trusting no one they choose to inter-marry and breed amongst themselves, thinking this an
acceptable way to ensure their family line maintains the iron fist.
Over time, you are left with the absolute worst people of the world all the way at the top, in charge, owning everything. Along the way they gathered
land, slaves, armies, trinkets of the world - and knowledge. I'm confident that if someone in The Kings Court heard about a child in the village who
exhibited a clever skill or talent they would be whisked away. Those in power were the only folks who could sponsor artisans, philosophers, those with
talent and minds that were gifted. Those in power had the knowledge and only let out what they wanted others to know.
The wealth/power quickly learned how to manipulate ( politics ) to further gain what they wanted. The organized religions of the world have been a
great success for the deranged at the top. And here we are, in a world where war is constantly waged and even people 'of religion' hurt and kill
each other.
All the wrong people are in charge. Look at what they have done.