posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 06:30 PM
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The Bar, Your Point Total, and That Red Word under Your Name
The bar below your point total shows how many posts (not points) you have.
The redder the bar, the more "applauds" a person has received from ATS staff. It is not known at this time how many applauds are needed to make the
bar change color.
Orange bars indicate ATS staff members.
If you mouse over the bar, you'll see the total number of posts.
Courtesy to Banshee.
Hovering over the bar to see the number of posts you have does not work in all settings, and some settings where they are supposed to work may not.
Other features of the board also work this way. For example, I set my viewing so that images are non-repeating and so the animated gifs will not move
(I find movement in my peripheral vision while reading too distracting). This is a local setting not a board setting. Your local settings will affect
the way the board is experienced (e.g. See answer re: monitor resolution discussed above).
You can always see the number of posts you have if you go to your Control Panel. You will also find a cursory explanation of what the words in red
under your name mean. The terms �Writer�, �Scholar�, �Fighter�, �Researcher� are not explained there. I�m guessing that �Writer� has something to do
with people who have blogs; that �Fighter� has something to do with people posting on the debate forum; and that �Researcher� or �Scholar� has
something to do with the Research Projects Forum.
In addition to a color change, you also earn points when applause is received. A complete explanation of the point system is found here:
ABOUT ATS: The points system. Courtesy to Skeptic Overloard.
Basically, you receive different points for different types of posting. Some threads do not award points, and not all threads award the same number of