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Interview with Rainbow Eagle: Space People, Abductions, and 2012

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posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 07:07 AM
thanks for the post!
nice video and interresting interview

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

I understand the whole "not casting your pearls before the swine" thing, but with the times as bad as they are, people who are privy to certain information should be more than willing to educate the masses. No prophecy is for private interpretation. All are worthy, whether they accept it or not. When they stand before the Creator, they will have to answer for what they did or did not do with the knowledge they were given. Did they hide it away, or plant it to let it grow.

I know he didn't want to step on the other guys toes, so to speak, but it wasn't like he was asking him what the secret to life was. A Blue Kachina? This could be anything. There are multiple definitions for a "Kachina". Which one is it? Aggravating to say the least.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 08:08 AM


posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:00 PM
THe Eagle guy talks about the Blue stat Kachina, and derives from Robert Morningsky, I say I have audio of Robert Msky from 1996, where Robert say there is no blue star katchina, so now I am confused..

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by ianchattan

WHEREAS Christians claim to not know "the hour or the day", and so by extension the year of an "apocalypse";

WHEREAS the term "Jesus" is a Latinization of a Greek word which itself is a Greek representation of Aramaic "Y'shua", also rendered into English in a more direct manner as "Joshua", and stems from Hebrew and Aramaic, semitic languages, not any sort of Coptic language;

WHEREAS Tobacco is indigenous to the New World, give by Indians to the White Man, not the other way around;

WHEREAS "Our" Creator may or may not have moved on, but in any event appears to have left some screws untightened;

WHEREAS Mars' "close" passage in 2005 wasn't close enough to affect much of anything on Earth at all, but it was a pretty show;

WHEREAS a collision between Mars and Earth would most certainly have left some marks, if not resulted in the complete destruction of both, and no such marks can be found anywhere;

WHEREAS alligators and crocodiles can be found all the way back to the Carboniferous Era, long BEFORE dinosaurs;

WHEREAS a dinosaur "falling" from one planet to another would must certainly result in a very large pile of dissociated cells more properly called "dino-burger" than a "dinosaur";

WHEREAS the "out of resources" debate is laughable, but I'm game to argue it if you are, just not in this thread;

WHEREAS space is largely vacuum, and their is no air to carry "voices" to be heard in the first place;

WHEREAS Ancient Egypt was by no means the first instance of "civilization", much less the beginning of Mankind or religion;

WHEREAS anti-semitism and a demonstrated lack of knowledge of the history of the Jewish People is very annoying to folks who really don't care about that debate, much less the injection of some sort of "quasi-mysticism" into it, and recognize that it is but another attempt at the division of humanity;

WHEREAS the use of random alphabet letters in addressing others may be amusing, but is also confusing, for no good reason;

WHEREAS giving one's e-mail address, then claiming he has no "e-mail application" (for a web-based e-mail account no less!) to do his own e-mailing is also very amusing, but WRONG on so many levels;

WHEREAS Your post has much entertainment value, but not much to grab the interest of ANY Native American Mystic of any sort;

BE IT RESOLVED that your post was quite possibly the strangest, most non-sensical, least applicable post I have ever encountered at ATS.

Please try again, and this time put some effort into stringing together at least two consecutive, thoughts into a coherent whole. Try to make it at least plausible if you can't quite get all the way to verifiable.

You'll be glad you did!

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Habit4ming
I can "feel" the spirituality pouring off him, and what an inspiring message he gives...
I hope many follow his advice.

Exactly, that's what I'm talking about. A real spiritual guide or leader projects his energy like that, even in a previously recorded video you can feel it in your soul. I'm happy at least one person watched, thank you.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 07:27 PM

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
reply to post by Intelearthling

I think you're exactly correct. Some subjects are difficult to put into words or try to explain. Just because you have thorough understanding of a subject doesn't mean that you can, even if you want to, explain it clearly in what amounts to a sound bite in an interview.

I think we would all do well to keep in mind the goal of interviews such as this is to get an idea of the knowledge that is out there, to hear the cliff notes summary and use it as a starting point to further your own knowledge if you would like.

Either way I thought this was a good interview for what it was and was pleased to get the perspective.

I'm glad you have an open mind about things. There are many posts here that will ridicule Rainbow Eagle as being a fraud and so forth. I haven't got any proof that he isn't a fraud as well as I haven't got any proof that he is.

With all this said, I have talked to friends of mine who are natives, or should I say descendants of the indigenous people of this land, and they tell me that there are sacred knowledge that is held in secrecy by certain tribes. These secrets are considered sacred and holy and the content couldn't be divulged...or at least they didn't want to discuss these things because they were sworn never to tell. What they could tell me was that many people wouldn't understand, especially white Christians. I got my reasons for believing them because they haven't got any reason to lie about such matters.

What I sense about Rainbow Eagle is he's trying to explain something without breaking an oath but wanting the outside world to gain knowledge that's been hidden for centuries.

It's analogous to trying to explain the colors red or blue to a blind person. It's impossible.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by Sarahko
OK, thanks for the interview and everything...but ...was this the only place to do it? It looks like they are clearing tables after a sort of Oktober Fest!

And this guy?!?! Rainbow Eagle?? Funky name, yes, but come on, I could have worn a white wig and talked more, been more convincing and profound than him. He has no charisma, no aura....I don`t feel he said anyhing new or transcendental...

Or is it just me? Did I miss out on something big??

No. It's not just you. I totally reject the idea that any aboriginal peoples are possessed of any more wisdom than the rest of us. Let's not forget that we whites have aboriginal roots too. Mine are of the horse tribes of central Asia who existed for tens of thousands of years before there were any native Americans. Do I sit around pretending anything? No. The whole business is silly. Everyone on the planet has equal access, even white folks. Surprise???
edit on 12-3-2011 by trailertrash because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by ianchattan

WHEREAS Christians claim to not know "the hour or the day", and so by extension the year of an "apocalypse";

WHEREAS Your post has much entertainment value, but not much to grab the interest of ANY Native American Mystic of any sort;

BE IT RESOLVED that your post was quite possibly the strangest, most non-sensical, least applicable post I have ever encountered at ATS.

Please try again, and this time put some effort into stringing together at least two consecutive, thoughts into a coherent whole. Try to make it at least plausible if you can't quite get all the way to verifiable.

You'll be glad you did!

Does all that mean you didn't like the guy's post?

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by trailertrash

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by ianchattan

WHEREAS Christians claim to not know "the hour or the day", and so by extension the year of an "apocalypse";

WHEREAS Your post has much entertainment value, but not much to grab the interest of ANY Native American Mystic of any sort;

BE IT RESOLVED that your post was quite possibly the strangest, most non-sensical, least applicable post I have ever encountered at ATS.

Please try again, and this time put some effort into stringing together at least two consecutive, thoughts into a coherent whole. Try to make it at least plausible if you can't quite get all the way to verifiable.

You'll be glad you did!

Does all that mean you didn't like the guy's post?

Something like that...

It means the post was bunk, non-sensical and factually erroneous in every particular. It means I think he can do better simply by applying a couple of facts, a lot of logic, and putting it all together in a cohesive whole. Of course, throwing just the slightest bit of truth into it might screw up his entire premise. I'm waiting to see.

Think of it as his very own cheering section.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by trailertrash
I totally reject the idea that any aboriginal peoples are possessed of any more wisdom than the rest of us. Let's not forget that we whites have aboriginal roots too.

Here's my take on it:

We are living in a time when all our eggs are in the technology basket, which is a marvellous way of living. No-one can disagree with that.

On the other hand, it ALL depends on something that could very easily be taken away... electricity. One really intense solar flare has the ability to fry the grid and keep it that way for months or even years. One good war can do the same for a country.

If we once again had to depend on the 'fruits of the earth' for continued existence, we'd be in trouble. What ALL these 'prophets' are warning us is that the natural grocery store is running out of food and if we don't save the little that's left, we're cooked ourselves.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 09:43 PM
I'm not "into" this Rainbow Eagle guy, nor saying "yeah or nay" on Abductions.

However, I WOULD point out, that if I were investigating and alien species, the #1 thing I'd look at is their digestive track. Rather than "anal probing" -- I'd say they would be more interested in the "flora and fauna" of our intestines.

If you wanted to look at the POSITIVE aspects of abductions -- well, that's pretty obvious if it's a "gut check."

I've heard Ted Turner -- who USED to be sort of an inspiration to me, say that the earth needs to reduce the human population to 500 million. I think he is saying out loud, what some of the Elite are privately thinking; we are a teaming mass of open mouths!

I'm not on the top rung of society, but I've seen the top and bottom. I happen to be on the high end of the IQ curve as they test it -- but that isn't much of a real test. There isn't ANY selection going on, that puts people like Ted Turner at the top, and me at the bottom. You basically have to #`1 LOVE MONEY, and #2, be OBSESSED with #1. That to me, is a flawed an incomplete human being.

I thought about weapon construction as a kid -- and realized that making weapons would be a really POOR use of a brain. I don't hold any desire to manipulate people or money -- and I look at Financial Services as a way to rip people off. It's not that I couldn't make money on Wall Street -- it's that I see that it is wrong.

So "success" in this society, selects for Flawed individuals without a very high ETHICAL or philosophical development.

>> Also, when you are really understanding HUMAN LIFE, you realize, we are only about halfway in control of our lives on a good day. The bacteria in our gut, evolve faster than we do, and they survive by manipulating our urges and desires. We EAT more, not because we choose to, but we crave to. We play video games, gamble, fall in love, and follow urges because of pheromones or manipulating levels of endorphins -- so "FEEL" better.

There is a huge emphasis on Following Our Feelings -- but no motivation to understand WHY DO WE FEEL THE WAY WE DO?

More crimes are committed on full moons. People get depressed in the winter and without sunlight. The diet industry is a multibillion dollar travesty...

... So, if the PTB, made up of elites who look at the rest of us "poor people" as merely examples of "failed experiments on survival of the fittest" -- THEIR solution, would be to make us reproduce less, and quietly get out of the way. Combine this with the increase in robotics and automation, and that MOST of us, have make-work jobs to keep us busy. Without regulations, taxes, accounting, and all the nonsense and paperwork we do -- MOST of us, have no gainful employment. The number of people who ACTUALLY fulfill a vital role of feeding, educating, and oiling the gears of our infrastructure, are less and less a percent of the population. When automated, fully robotic manufacturing can be built -- don't worry about Chinese kids stealing your job -- NOBODY will be stealing your job.

People the the Koch brothers and the WalMart kids, will have an automated factory and an AI computer that will create what we need. Maybe a human will sell it to us but we can get it cheaper "direct" and online.

This concept that "everyone needs to be self-sufficient" and bootstrap themselves, is a relic of the days when manual labor and hard work meant something -- it doesn't anymore. You cannot shovel your way to wealth.

>> So if you are a sociopathic billionaire -- what to do? The BEST thing, is to make people infertile, and to create foods that will make them docile and apathetic. Cue Monsanto, ADM and genetically modified foods. Billions of dollars of research have been devoted to giving you the diet of a fat, lazy cow who never feels full. Many GM foods and plastics, for some reason, have "estrogen-like" molecules in them, that make men passive and less fertile -- and women more aggressive and prone to breast cancer.

If I were an alien race, that looked on earth like an "ant farm" and cared about cultivating an advanced species -- who knows, for a high school science project or just because it's the last COOL THING to do in a Universe you have conquered -- the NUMBER ONE thing I would be looking at is; "digestive bacteria."

>> So the next time you get an anal probing -- thank that alien scientist, because they MIGHT be saving you from a diabolical conspiracy of population control by feeding you plastic foods that turn you into a zombie.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by
From a strictly Religious point of view, all of the stuff written in the Terra Papers is very scary to me. I am not meaning to put down anyone's views, thoughts , or beliefs as we are all in titled to them and all are not the same. This is my belief, The Bible states , In the end days there will be such a deception upon man kind that even the most elite of god would be fooled. I think aliens and star people are that very deception. To try to make us all believe we come from star people's DNA. Instead of believing we are from a true living God witch is the God above all other Aliens and Star people out there, The God of ALL creation, we are special and have a after life promised to us if we live a good life here and believe in his son Jesus. We know there is life after death. There is enough proof of Ghost and such paranormal things we don't understand. But I feel this will pull a lot of lost and scared people in the wrong direction away from the True God and into the stars of deception. As a Christin I felt I needed to post this. I really do not mean to make any bad waves here, just needed to get it off my chest. As for the rest of the universe I am sure there are many kinds out there and this was an interesting read.

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