I know exactly what your dream refers to...
It is part of the "
Thermal Cycle"
Change on Earth.
Global warming is
NOT caused by the "
Species", but rather is part of the
Workings of Planets.
Its how the Planet regenerates its resources and provides more Land as the Seas relocate under The Earths Crust between The Mantel and The Crust. The
Earths Environment changes Completely....
Other Civilizations (on other Planets) often have the "
Technology" to evacuate their planets, but we can't do this as we lack the will and the
Technology"... Because we have put
$$$$$ First instead of
Fortunately we are given a little
Read in The
O.T. "
The Book of The Prophet ISAIAH" Ch. 24 for verification regarding your Dream.
Read carefully..... esp. verse 19 & 20 as it explains why the Sun looks very Large.
This is because of the "
Dynamics" involved when the Earth inverts (rolls over; North becomes South, and South becomes North.) The Sun is seen
to rise out of The West instead of the East.
The Earths orbit is changed, taking us near the Sun then further out past the orbit of Mars as for a while the Earths orbit becomes very elliptical
until things stabilize again.
At resent the Earth rotates in the same direction as its Orbit but when the Earth turns upside down then the earth rotates in the opposite
NO, the Earth does Not stop rotating, but keeps rotating in the same direction. So when the Earth Inverts it ends up being in opposite
rotation to that of its orbit about the Sun. It is this, which changes the Earths Orbit as it precesses...... Sways like a Drunkard...
In time (many years) the Earth slows in its Rotation on its axis until it stabilizes.
Fortunately, we are returned to the Earth many years after this event but while we are away from the Planet only a few days pas by for us but some
thousands of years pass on The Earth.
And we find a
New Earth, having
NO Seas... as written in The Ancient Writings....
edit on 24-6-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors