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Don't Bet Against the United States

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posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by LogicMan07

Originally posted by RANDOMguess
America is going to go down hill like the programme Jericho. without a happy ending. USA has no friends because the rest of the world love to hate your people. You all seem cocky because your programming has led you all to believe your the strongest...and that has done lots of things but none of them are good.

This post is hilarious. America may go downhill economically my friend, but you know what won't go downhill? The staggering amount of weapons and technology the entire U.S. is based on. You realize all the money other countries like China have lent us, and a lot of our tax money actually go toward the U.S. military? There are technologies that the citizens are not even aware of. When the time comes for WWIII, I'll stay in America where our missiles defense will not allow one nuke to reach overseas. I laugh at the first foolish country to act on their hatred for America. You know why nobody has attacked America yet, despite the fact everyone hates the U.S.? Because I'm right and they know this also.

Not only this, but the U.S. is fooling the entire world. "Oh lets shut down everybodys nukes and weapons of mass destruction so we can live in peace".. LOL
edit on 10-3-2011 by LogicMan07 because: (no reason given)

Wow the first intelligent comment I have heard on this thread. So much so I can't even counter your argument. Lots of your peeps still decided to go down the abusive comment lane...not you. You know what I liked about what you said, you are the only one who admitted/noticed America is hated. And everything else you said is bang on.

Wow...a smart American, who would have thought it.

edit on 11-3-2011 by RANDOMguess because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by xyankee
Thats ok we handled it ourself. Well we should just cut you all off. I am sick of bailing these ungrateful countries out.

I love it! The US doesn't need anything from ANYBODY EVER!

Originally posted by LogicMan07
You realize all the money other countries like China have lent us, and a lot of our tax money actually go toward the U.S. military?

Oh, well there is that whole borrowing lost of money from other countries thing. But we used that money for weapons and thus have the most powerful military in the world. No one can stop us with our borrowed money weapons. Just ask Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by superman2012

Originally posted by 31Bravo

Originally posted by teotwawki77
Dont bet against America you say well im all in against america. Land of the sheep home of the slave. Do you have the national anthem on your ipod no because it sucks.

310,000,000 Americans...not 2 billion. All governments lie to their people...your government has just made it an art form. I DO NOT blame the individual americans anymore than I blame any other is your government that is corrupt...not the individual.

Thank you sir, and yes I agree.. American government are pretty good liars. A lot of us can see right through it.. and Like Thomas Jefferson once said that every generation needs a revolution and when that will happen I wish I knew.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by mydarkpassenger
Seems like we are never smart enough or successful enough to satisfy ourselves. I think thats a good thing - we strive. We worship the cult of Liberty. Freedom is the air we breathe and thrive in, and we do not suffer BS for long.

I think America's best days are ahead of us.

Seriously?!?! I take it you have not traveled overseas to any non-third world countries and seen how much better most of the civilized world has it than us.

Here's some non-biased Statistics for you....all from credible sources....that is unless you want to be ignorant of such things as facts, and figures...then by all means don't continue reading this reply and feel free to stick your head back into the sand.

USA Ranking on Adult
Literacy Scale: 9 (1
Sweden and 2 Norway) –

USA Ranking on Health
care Quality Index: 37
(1 France and 2 Italy) –
World Health
Organization 2003

USA Ranking of Student
Reading Ability: 12 (1
Finland and 2 South
Korea) – OECD PISA 2003

USA Ranking of Student
Problem Solving Ability:
26 (1 South Korea and 2
Finland) – OECD PISA

USA Ranking on Student
Mathematics Ability: 24
(1 Hong Kong and 2
Finland) – OECD PISA

USA Ranking of Student
Science Ability: 19 (1
Finland and 2 Japan) –

USA Ranking on Women’s
Rights Scale: 17 (1
Sweden and 2 Norway) –
World Economic Forum

USA Position on Timeline
of Gay Rights Progress:
6 (1997) (1 Sweden 1987
and 2 Norway 1993) –

USA Ranking on Life
Expectancy: 29 (1 Japan
and 2 Hong Kong) – UN
Human Development Report

USA Ranking on
Journalistic Press
Freedom Index: 32 (1
Finland, Iceland, Norway
and the Netherlands
tied) – Reporters
without Borders 2005

USA Ranking on Political
Corruption Index: 17 (1
Iceland and 2 Finland) –
International 2005

USA Ranking on Quality
of Life Survey: 13 (1
Ireland and 2
Switzerland) – The
Economist Magazine …
Wikipedia “Celtic Tiger”
if you still have your

USA Ranking on
Sustainability Index: 45
(1 Finland and 2 Norway)
– Yale University ESI

USA Ranking on Overall
Currency Strength: 3 (US
Dollar) (1 UK pound
sterling and 2 European
Union euro)- FTSE
2006….the dollar is now
a liability, so many
banks worldwide have
planned to switch to

USA Ranking on Infant
Mortality Rate: 32 (1
Sweden and 2 Finland) –
Save the Children Report

USA Ranking on Human
Development Index (GDP,
education, etc.): 10 (1
Norway and 2 Iceland) –
UN Human Development
Report 2005

USA Ranking on Happiest
Nations: 150 (1 Vanuatu
and 2 Bhutan) -New
Economics Foundation

UN Human
Development Report 2005
October 2006 to
September 2007, that
about 1,589,000 persons
used an emergency
shelter and/or
transitional housing
during the 12-month
period, which is about 1
in every 200 persons in
the United States

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:44 PM
I'll start by saying that no, the good times are not ahead.

The unfortunate truth of the matter is....(drum roll)...nothing has been FIXED yet.

Bandaids have been applied...propaganda machines have worked overtime...the illusion of normalacy is returning...yay!

This applies to most of the world btw.

Until the root causes are identified and the problems are actually solved we do nothing but bide time until the mother of all crashes occurs.

We don't really know when this will happen, but it will be ugly.

All that said, good luck to you and yours, stay safe.

PS- I doubt the final crash will happen in our lifetimes, most societal bandaids can be held in place for upwards of 50 years.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
I love it! The US doesn't need anything from ANYBODY EVER!

You do realize that if your hat (Canada) ever moved along your entire east coast would be in the dark with no power or gas for the forseable future right?

We are all stuck in this boat together, we have to govern ourselves and our policies accordingly.
edit on 11-3-2011 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 01:16 PM
"We are not humans having a spiritual experience.
We are spirits having a human experience."

Generalizing any people and stereotyping by country, race, gender, etc. is taking a shortcut to thinking. People are individuals. Countries are comprised of individuals who happen to live in the same geographical region. People are extremely diverse, even more so these days with internet access. We all have our hopes, dreams, aspirations.

To cast a blanket of hatred toward a generalized, stereotyped group of people (e.g. "You Americans" or "You Euros" or "You WHATEVERS") reveals a lack of understanding about the nature of our shared reality, and a callous disregard towards the qualities that make us stand out from the animal kingdom. A quick quote from Star Wars, Episode III, Revenge of the Sith: "Only the Sith deal in absolutes." Yes, there are "sith" in our world, and you will find them posting here on ATS, and you will know them because they deal in absolutes. I have read every post on this thread up until now, and if you do the same, you will have seen who has revealed themselves as the "sith" of our world.

Beware your hateful thoughts because thoughts have a way of manifesting themselves. And, in closing, karma can be a beee-otch.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by RANDOMguess

What does MMA events have to do with you acting butt hurt about America?? Listen guy.. You obviously aren't catching my drift, and after reading your replies and posts I'm beginning to think.. no, I KNOW you will live out your life complaining about how America is sooo bad. Well good for you hope you enjoy it, and when your country needs our help and whines, like that proverbial highschool chick, I'm sure we'll bail you out like we do everyone else. That's what America is tired of, doing jobs for a bunch of ingrates who hate us because we're helping, and hate us when we don't intervene.. garbage.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by 31Bravo
reply to post by RANDOMguess

What does MMA events have to do with you acting butt hurt about America?? Listen guy.. You obviously aren't catching my drift, and after reading your replies and posts I'm beginning to think.. no, I KNOW you will live out your life complaining about how America is sooo bad. Well good for you hope you enjoy it, and when your country needs our help and whines, like that proverbial highschool chick, I'm sure we'll bail you out like we do everyone else. That's what America is tired of, doing jobs for a bunch of ingrates who hate us because we're helping, and hate us when we don't intervene.. garbage.

The MMA comment was because you said I was like a little girl....the should be obvious. Secondly you really haven't read my other comments because if you did you would have noticed I apologised for being out of line. And if you did read that and are still being an a$$, well that says more about you than me. And thirdly do you think you should be running your mouth about how sick America is of helping everyone, when yellowstone Volcano is on the verge of going. Lets see how cocky you are then.
edit on 13-3-2011 by RANDOMguess because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by mydarkpassenger

The founding fathers always said we should stay out of foreign affairs and I am starting to believe them. It seems in our attempt to create a stable world it has had the opposite effect. The fact is we attack after being provoked. shoot most the people that hate Americans wouldn't even have a computer to type on if it wasn't for good old bill. Iraq was a mistake but people forget how we first went there to drive out the saddoms invasion and chemical attacks on another country. we just went back to finish the job and the iraq's were glad for it at first.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by RANDOMguess
And thirdly do you think you should be running your mouth about how sick America is of helping everyone, when yellowstone Volcano is on the verge of going. Lets see how cocky you are then.
edit on 13-3-2011 by RANDOMguess because: (no reason given)

I would expect you to help out, just like every other country out there helping Japan right at this very moment. You just come off as the A hole that hates puppets because you don't like the puppeteer.. but If you apologized for being a douchebag then you are right, I didn't read everyone of them.. still kind of new to this, so I apologize as well.

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by 31Bravo

Originally posted by RANDOMguess
And thirdly do you think you should be running your mouth about how sick America is of helping everyone, when yellowstone Volcano is on the verge of going. Lets see how cocky you are then.
edit on 13-3-2011 by RANDOMguess because: (no reason given)

I would expect you to help out, just like every other country out there helping Japan right at this very moment. You just come off as the A hole that hates puppets because you don't like the puppeteer.. but If you apologized for being a douchebag then you are right, I didn't read everyone of them.. still kind of new to this, so I apologize as well.

I wrote my first post when I was drunk, and I was out of line. I would have reacted and said what you said as well. I have forgotten about, hope were cool.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by superman2012

I could not agree more, I don't condone what our government does. As a matter of fact I am not a fan of them at all.

I feel that right now as things are in our country we have enough of our own problems to deal with. I don't think we should be telling other countries how to live, when we can't manage our own lives.
I just don't like the finger pointed at the average Joe when we cannot control what our leaders do! The US is nothing like it was or should be now!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by mobiusmale
I agree, don't bet against the United States. And its stalwart and free thinking allies...Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia (among a few others).

When push comes to shove...and don't push too hard...we will come out of our middle class life induced stupor and take down those who seek to destroy the freest, most productive, and most affluent lives and lifestyles this world has ever known.

Push us (collectively) too trying to shame us for our imperfections (most of which you would know little about if not for there being a free press, and laws that protect even the likes of Wikileaks) trying to make us guilty for trying to figure out how to create multi-cultural societies without losing our core values and our own traditions...and you will see that America - and the free countries of the world like it -will eventually push back.

America haters out there...don't get too cocky, or believe in your own power too much.

History lessons, if needed, include...Germany, Italy, Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan...

The only thing that can really limit the power of America and its Allies is the power of its own people...because we are free happened in Vietnam, when America itself turned against the war effort.

Those of you who snicker and think that your little snide remarks...or your impotent IEDS and Homicide Bombings can really hold back America once it really gets ticked...are living in a dream world.

If America (and its Allies) decided to end the conflict in Afghanistan would be over. If America wanted to cancel Iran tomorrow, they would have to wait another thousand years for the Mahdi to appear.

Don't kid yourselves....

You got that right. Us and our allies can kick serious ass together!!! UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand..
We are a force together!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by RANDOMguess

You hate us because you want to be us , but cant be us. Its only natural. Textbook. See a therapist or find a friend to talk to about these jealousy issues. Im sure you will be just fine.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by LargeFries

i live in might be odd for u states people..but I can actually fell safe not scared that one day I will wake up to a falling building...or some sort of terror not conserned that my government is making Camps for everyone..the only thing im concerned about is what im going to do today..or better yet when the states starts WW3 and im forced to get drafted...ur country makes me sick to my core..u ahve done nothing for the world other than cause wars, kill people, and create war machines..Canada dosent want a fact last time I checked that was all the USA wanted...i rest my case

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:06 AM
In my 48 years I have seen America backslide. I voted for Obama thinking he would return us to the rule of law. Then he becomes like a mafia hitman. Our foriegn policy is like Hitler's. We have too many people in jail for victimless crimes. Our government cannot even support itself, even with the most resources of any country. I have a very small amount of hope, glad some have more.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by kellynap43

OOOOO boy i really wanna be a person from the states..oo man i want to be the casue of an economic melt down and I REALLY want to be FAT..I also really would like to be one of the most STUPID and IGNORANT PEOPLE THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN...I also realllly want to be afraid of what my government does next or if i will go to jail for stating my opinion...good call...all of the other places in the world that hate your country must be jealous...get real...Canada is 100 times better than the states

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by RANDOMguess

I don't think that's true of course I met people who hate America but those people never had a valid reason they just hated the fact the people are better off. I know a lot of Americans and cannot say they are arrogant or cocky. I'm sure there are some but aren't those in every country?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:27 AM
The United States of America is not the United States of old.

Both Dwight D. Eisenhower AND JFK warned us of the Military Industrial Complex and of what has come to be.

That our nation is no longer run by Government for the People and by the People.

But instead by the leading corporate entities. Corporate entities who ship their jobs overseas for profits based upon slave labor overseas. A high level manager will reap the benefits of these "downsizing measures" and those remaining will be forced to do more with less.

And furthermore, that whomever holds the office of the POTUS makes little or no difference because they themselves were granted membership to this exclusive club before becoming a Presidential candidate.

The policies and directives dictated to them were made in the boardrooms of these corporations long ago.
Long before they were even sworn into office.

And finally, nothing will change here in the US, only that the rich will continuously become richer and the poor will become continuously poorer.

This Graph says it all in that 80% of the entire US Population holds only 7% of the total financial wealth in the US.

State and local governments may cut 450,000 jobs in FY2012

That's just the way it is ...some things will never change...

edit on 25-5-2011 by nh_ee because: typographical imperfections

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