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Cracked - 5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam

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posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:15 PM
i believe the truism of all religions: there are going to be good and bad apples in all of them. that being said, i'd like to be heard regarding islam. there are many religions that do not have a heaven or even a hell. that is to say a place where the non believer is punished and the believer is rewarded. many religions have alternate endings, such as an enlightenment or a different level of spirituality or physicality. specifically with islam, there is a paradise. as a believer of islam, it is not enough to believe to get there. every good muslim tries hard to live his/her life according to the quran. the problem becomes apparent when there is a sin according to the teachings. the religious doctrine subscribes to only 1 method of going to paradise directly for a person who sins. it is to be a martyr. if you have studied islam all your life and want to believe in this religion and adhere to the teachings, one must lead the perfect life, or become a martyr, in order to gain entry to paradise. it is one thing to try to live a certain life or lifestyle. it is another to search for what happens when i die direction. there is no religion in the world that gives admission into paradise/heaven on the basis of martyrdom.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Lawgiver

you are starting from a flawed start as the koran is the bible in different words and adjusted to suit a genocidal maniac hell bent on domination search the web,

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by arollingstone

It's true most religions do have examples where violence was commanded to be administered. There again in this debate we can't use other religions to "justify" the violent tendencies of the Muslim faith. It has to stand or fall on its own.

And, forgive the tone of my earlier reply, but you still speak as if you aren't truly aware of both the textual and historical examples that clearly show Islam to be a religion of violence
You will see there are several examples I provided where "fight" isn't used but " murdered or crucified" and " terrible agony" are used.

I'm sorry that the facts are offensive, but we need to be able to keep a logical head when approaching religion and while historical context is indeed relevant it doesn't negate the events that took place in them where there was mass murder, killing of innocents, and entire cultures either assimilated or eliminated.

edit on 9-3-2011 by Rockstrongo37 because: spelling error

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by nonetruegod

you can certainly believe your interpretation. i don't think the quran and the bible are the same. and there are so many religions in the world. who is the genocidal maniac you are referring to? please elaborate on your assertion of the "flawed starting point".

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by nonetruegod

I think the bible is kinda public domain, friend.

Copyright infringement... he he he... You're serious, too...

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by arollingstone

Originally posted by RANDOMguess
Women In Islam do dress like that always. Maybe not all the Islamic women around because they don't have to, at home they do. That's only when they are around men and outdoors.
edit on 9-3-2011 by RANDOMguess because: (no reason given)

Wow, what an intellectual opening statement. They don't always dress like that, in Islam woman are expected to cover their bodies but times are-a-changing and many modern Muslims dress in typical western clothing (dresses, t shirts and jeans/shorts, etc.). The abaya is traditional clothing, saying that women are forced to wear them is like saying that Indian men suppress their women and force them to wear saris.

In any case, the idea behind this is not to suppress them, but rather to protect them from being objectified. Additionally, the stereotypical veil is not necessary at all and as the article states, most Muslim women don't wear them.

Maybe not too intellectual but far more accurate than your thread. I can't really say its your words all you did was post a link and say this is what it think. My girlfriend is Islamic and when she goes home to visit she must wear a Burka, or she will get beaten it's disrespecting the men plain and simple. I know you think you have all the information now you have read one link, but I know women whom live the life.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

I think its important here to show quotes from the Koran just to show that indeed the Muslim faith is filled with commands of violence to those who are non-believers or members of other faiths.

Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." etc etc.

you can also select quotes from the bible and show how unevolved the authors are. its also full of contradictions. there are also gems of divine inspiration amongst all this.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by orangutang
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

I think its important here to show quotes from the Koran just to show that indeed the Muslim faith is filled with commands of violence to those who are non-believers or members of other faiths.

Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah." etc etc.

you can also select quotes from the bible and show how unevolved the authors are. its also full of contradictions. there are also gems of divine inspiration amongst all this.

Funny cause that exact quote tells Muslims to only fight in self defense, if you had just shown a little more.

Misinterpreting much?

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
reply to post by arollingstone

It's true most religions do have examples where violence was commanded to be administered. There again in this debate we can't use other religions to "justify" the violent tendencies of the Muslim faith. It has to stand or fall on its own.

I'm sorry that the facts are offensive, but we need to be able to keep a logical head when approaching religion and while historical context is indeed relevant it doesn't negate the events that took place in them where there was mass murder, killing of innocents, and entire cultures either assimilated or eliminated.

edit on 9-3-2011 by Rockstrongo37 because: spelling error

reply to post by Rockstrongo37

As aforementioned, although I tend to believe in a god in some form or other (whether as an intelligent entity, or karma, whatever I'm not sure), I'm not a Muslim. However, I was raised as one and took it very seriously when I was a kid before realising that staying indoctrinated in an organised religion is pretty irrational. I therefore have a first hand understanding of the religion. If Islam is so orientated around violent, how come when I was growing up all of my Islamic Studies teachers and family always taught me that violence is wrong in any circumstance? The only violence I encountered in my studies was with regards to hell and the punishment awaiting sinners. Rather than trying to analyse the religion yourself, go ask Islamic teachers or Muslims or scholars how they feel about violence. I'm not defending the religion, I'm defending the Muslim people. Because essentially, human nature is fairly constant amongst all creeds and its the people that suffer as a result of prejudice, not the religion.

My argument is that Christianity has done just the same, if not more of what you mention there but does that mean that all Christians are violent? No, the actions of the institution (or some people falsely claiming to represent the institution) do not reflect the nature of the individuals that are born inside of it. Why does everyone focus on Islam? This is a current trend since Muslims are portrayed as the bad guys in the media. Now if you call someone out on it, they'll say 'Well fine, Christianity ain't perfect but Islams worse'. These same people will differentiate between Judaism and Zionism, but then they state that 'all Muslims are fundamentalist and violent, otherwise they are not proper Muslims'. They clutch at straws to prove that all Muslims have a tendency towards violence, when most Muslims use the religion as a moral framework as any Jew or Christian would. It's hypocrisy of the highest degree man!

The most truly religious Muslims that you will encounter will be just as compassionate as the strictest Buddhists. Anyone who wants to use the religion as an excuse to enact violence is just a violent person, but they'd be like that regardless of their religion - its rooted more in their financial, social and family circumstances than in their religious beliefs.

The Qur'an is written in an extremely poetic manner and in Arabic many words have multiple meanings. Hence, many Muslim scholars to this day are still unaware of the exact meanings of various lines or surahs. So for some who isn't fluent in Arabic to find some English version of some quotes on the internet to back up their claims that Islam is violent is pretty bold.

Peace and love to all people, not to a specific religion or race. That's all I'm saying really. At least you do research to back up your claim, but don't let your view on the religion affect your view on its followers because that isn't fair on them.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by arollingstone

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
reply to post by arollingstone

I hate to say this, but you need to read the Koran a little to understand your ignorance to the violent nature of Islam.

Sorry pal, though I'm no longer a part of any organised religion, I'm fully educated in Islamic Studies and spent hours every week for years learning about it. I have also read much of the Qur'an and I'm pretty fluent in the language its written in. So let's not jump to conclusions and type in a condescending manner in an attempt to back up our arguments shall we?

Such a weak argument, trying to pull quotes out from here and there without any reference to the historical context for which it was written. Islam also says killing or inflicting suffering is forbidden, oh but that isn't relevant is it? Often 'fight' is misinterpreted, its directing Muslims to strive to defend the integrity of Islam but not necessarily through force. It was written at a time when Muslims themselves were under violent attack and needed to use force to defend themselves and spread the religion. Besides, your methods are irrelevant. Most religions have these sorts of quotes in them, anyone can google 'Religion X's Holy Book Violence'.

Good point, but people seem to think that quoting a text gives their argument infallible legitimacy

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by orangutang

As I have already stated several times before, please can't make an argument for Islam by bringing in examples of other faiths. Islam has to stand on it's own in this debate.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by binomialtheorem

Funny, but your not quite telling the entire truth either my friend.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:58 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by arollingstone

For the 5th time (I think it's the 5th time, lol) Christianity has nothing to do with the argument for or against the timidity of Islam.

And, as for your teachers, either they don't accept the fundamental teachings of the Koran (by the way many Christians don't accept the fundamental teachings of the Bible, but that has no relevance to this discussion), or they aren't fully versed in the teachings of the Koran. I would say the first possibility is the more probable.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by duality90

Thats simply saying that facts aren't relevant.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:01 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:02 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:03 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:04 PM


posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM


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