posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 05:52 PM
Someone name "Killer 5" u2u'd me and ask a favor of me, to post this in Paranormal as his computer is having problems, though I see his computer
problems didn't keep him from sending a u2u to me asking me to to do this...which I really don't mind doing it a bit, but I am of a suspicious
nature is what he wrote.
I have this theory that if you can convince somebody of something to such a degree that to them it will become a reality to them. So my theory is
maybe if somebody could break skeptisism of people to such an extent and then conivince a large number of people that something is real, would it come
into realilty?
I have tested it on a couple of friends and it worked to a degree where my friends beleived something was there so much that they interacted with it.
I convinced that there was a wall where there wasn't and they actually walked around it but then i crushed their belief by walking through the
illusion that created (The wall).
(sory for poor spelling, grammer and any other mistakes you spot)
So my question is if you could convince a large enough group of something, an object existing, would it become a realilty