posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Before you go patting these guys on the back, I want to give you a scenerio and a little side info.
Back in the 80s, I first got into "hacking" since it was the cool thing for all computer geeks back then. I wanted to know everything I could about
it. It was an interesting subject, one that could give someone some level of power... in a way.
Looking back all those years, I'm glad I didnt get mixed up in the serious side of hacking. I am not saying that I wasnt knowledgable enough about
it to do the things hackers do, quite the contrary. I was just the kid that was always afraid of being caught. My parents knowing that I was capable
of such hijinks back then was good enough for me. I wanted to have my parents proud of the things I knew, but I didnt want them to have a son that
wound up in prison. So when friends of mine did things that would very well land them in jail, I just laughed about it and went my way... From then
on, I stayed on the tech side of the computer world, but while still being aware and knowing a good hand full of hacking skill, It never lured me into
anything sinister. Well, not much anyways.
Today I see this and know what these guys are very well capable of, and quite simply, it scares the hell out of me. These guys arnt the hackers we
looked up to all those years ago, like the madhatter and blackbox, iCE, redhat, and many more. Some of these guys are behind the scenes today
COUNTERING just what these assholes are doing against their own country and people. Some are countering and fighting against hackers from China and
other countrys. Now and then a hacker war breaks out against one another and many many websites come down. Ahhh but dont think it's limited to
websites. That's just kid's stuff in comparison. Thats not even considered skill today. Some of those guys were "crackers", not to be confused
with hackers. Hackers hack systems while crackers "fix" software so you can use them without hindrance or the need for codes or numbers.
Just with the tools alone that you can get off of the internet, you can so some serious damage and get into places that could get you locked up for
life. I warn you, if you go out and look for these tools, remember, they are made for HACKERS. This means, if you try to download, obtain or use
them, most of the tools to use are also infected. This is to keep such tools out of the hands of people who dont know how to get around them. To be
honest, the "protection" to get around is pretty basic stuff. People who go to these sites to obtain these tools can and usually are infected with
viri. People who install and use these tools can get into the same problems. So you are warned. If you're curious, you better be careful and know
what you're doing. These guys arnt smart with code hacking for nothing.
Before I go off too far here...
Take this to mind and heart and think well what you say before you give these chums cuddos.
It only takes one hacker with a decent amount of skills to get around security, even on milirary sites. Imagine if you will, one person doing such a
thing and say... just as an example, hit a very high security instillation such as NORAD. Lets say that hacker is capable of shutting down monitoring
systems across the US. This gives any country with the capability to compromise our free country and do some serious devistation here. Do you for
one minute think that China, North Korea, Russia, Iran or any other country that has it's eyes set on us, would pass up this opprotunity or a
"Sir... The US no longer has radar capability at Norad due to hackers. What should we do..."
Another scenario. Take the same hacker, take the same installation and apply the hack to ballistic missle monitoring systems. Can you imagine what
could possible take place?
Do the words.... "Ballistic missle launch detected" mean anything to anyone?
So tell me now... Just how "cool" are these guys? That's what I call patriotism. (sarcasm) They would laugh their butts off right before russian
migs are flying in our airspace making Red Dawn a reality.
If you think that's too far fetched... Heh, sorry. It's a very real thing. No movie theatrics needed.