posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 04:30 PM
Being new to the whole conspiracy ideas, I thought I would ask some questions, to help me understand things.
I should also say that I am currently reading "Final Warning: History of the New Wolrd Order," my questions arise from reading the book.
Andrew Carnegie - was he a Mason, Communist or part of the Illuminati or any or all of the three?
What is the Council of Learned Societies and how does it influence society.
Is the U.N. a front for the Illuminati?
My opinion on the last question, is yes.
The Illuminati in a sense control the presidency of the U.S. Once the president is elected, he will pick someone who is in favor with the Illuminati
to fill the post as Secretary of State, who in turn will promote the ideas of the Illuminati to help bring about a one government world.
Any answers or comments is welcomed. Don't worry I'm not offened easily.
Say what you want.
[edit on 19-7-2004 by 71LSPC]
[edit on 19-7-2004 by 71LSPC]