posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:28 AM
I've been informed by a forum moderator (TheBorg) that my thread has been closed do to insufficient evidence...
"As there is no subsequent evidence at present, this thread will be closed until you find something new"
Now I've documented a legit case of paranormal activity and supplied photographic evidence to back up my claims. (which should be enough on a free
speech forum?
Others, even in my thread, agreed with my photograph, that it was indeed plausibly paranormal and I have as much right to claim aforementioned
experience as any other human being that also cannot prove a personal encounter without scrutiny. So why is my thread closed and others allowed to
remain open?
Above top secret is a free speech inspired website, so unless in some way I have discouraged others from their right to free speech, under what
authority has my thread been closed and my story deemed unworthy of publicity?
So please, give me your feedback... How does one determine if one piece of scrutinized evidence is deemed worthy and another's isn't? Or should all
stories be heard and personally determined by the reader whether he or she decides to believe?