posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Bout Time
Can we review:
- A song dedication
- No foul language
- No disparaging of the pResident
- No endorsement of any political party
What happened:
- An icon is escorted from the grounds
- An icon has her room emptied, without being allowed to return, and her stuff is sent to the tour bus
- An icon is "banished" from the Alladdin Cascino & Hotel
What she said:
"I'd like to dedicate this next song to Michael Moore. He is someone who cares about this country deeply and is trying to help."
That's it. Nothing more.
The liberal's definition of "Censorship": when a liberal speaks out and is disagreed with.
It is absolutely the right of Linda Ronstadt, The Dixie Chicks, or Michael Moore to voice their opinions onstage during a non-political event. It is
also the right of anyone else to disagree with what they say and boo them.
It is also the right of the Aladdin as a business to fire her for whatever reason they deem necessary.
Americans have the right to free speech, but the problem is that many Americans think this right means that they can say what they want and be free of
consequences. If a person is arrested because of comments, then that's censorship.
Some other recent comments by Linda Ronstadt:
"I saw a movie recently about a camel and these people in Mongolia, and I relate to them better than people here in this country. It looks like
(Germany's) Weimar Republic to me here."
"It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my
enjoyment. I'd rather not know."
[edit on 20-7-2004 by Homer Jay]