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The Catholic Church and Witchcraft

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posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 02:09 PM
Food for Thought:
Wasn't Catholicism created by Jesuit priests for the purpose of raising money for the kings? Weren't Jesuit priests wizards and shaman before they created Catholicism?
What are your thoughts about the fact that the ceremonies/rituals practiced in the Catholic church are similiar to those practiced in Witchcraft? the chanting for example?
Would it be so hard to believe that the masters of Witchcraft diverged into the more socially acceptable religion of Christianity for the sole reason of raising monies? Isn't the Catholic Church one of, if not, the most wealthiest organizations ever to exist?

Consider the first few paragraphs here:

[edit on 19-7-2004 by cmwig]

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by cmwig
Wasn't Catholicism created by Jesuit priests for the purpose of raising money for the kings?

The Catholic Church was actually instituted by Constatine. Not Jesuit Priests.

Originally posted by cmwig
Weren't Jesuit priests wizards and shaman before they created Catholicism?

Once again, Jesuits did not create Catholicism. As for the claim that they were "shamans" and "wizards"...history doesn't really support that. Surely some of the early bishops and priests were originally "pagan" in their practices before the implimentation of the State religion.

Many biblical scholars believed Moses was a practiced wizard having being taught by Egyptians in preparation for the possibility of Moses becoming Pharoah.

Originally posted by cmwig
What are your thoughts about the fact that the ceremonies/rituals practiced in the Catholic church are similiar to those practiced in Witchcraft? the chanting for example?

The Catholic Church was an amalgamation of pagan practices and Christianity. During Roman reign, the Romans assimilated other cultures and religious practices instead of destroying them. You seem to be indicating that the Catholic mass, one of Catholicisms most criticised rituals, may have some roots in witchcraft when in reality the black mass was actually not witchcraft at all but a political statement started by villagers who opposed the church and state. Most black mass type ceremonies were simply parodies of the churches mass and came after the creation of mass.

Many religions incorporate chanting into their practices. That doesn't mean they're practicing witchcraft.

Originally posted by cmwig
Would it be so hard to believe that the masters of Witchcraft diverged into the more socially acceptable religion of Christianity for the sole reason of raising monies? Isn't the Catholic Church one of, if not, the most wealthiest organizations ever to exist?

It wouldn't be hard at all to assume many pagans accepted Christianity to avoid presecution and make money once it became a State religion. And?

Is the Catholic Church one of the wealthiest organisations? That depends on how you look at it...if you're looking through the eyes of a fundamentalist who's read too much anti-catholic propaganda, yes, they're wealthy and evil. If you're looking at it through the eyes of a historian who isn't could the catholic church not be wealthy? Look how long it's flourished.

You need to lay off the fundamentalist propaganda man.

[edit on 7/20/2004 by Sinobyte]

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by cmwig
Food for Thought:
Wasn't Catholicism created by Jesuit priests for the purpose of raising money for the kings? Weren't Jesuit priests wizards and shaman before they created Catholicism?

Sinobyte's right... the Jesuits came along long after the fact. They were founded by a priest, and there was no association with "wizardry or shamanism."

What are your thoughts about the fact that the ceremonies/rituals practiced in the Catholic church are similiar to those practiced in Witchcraft? the chanting for example?

Speaking as a practicing Wiccan (30+ years), there's no connection. They don't invoke the powers, and their chanting is simply reciting prayers. I happen to love Gregorian chants, but those aren't practiced by the entire church (only a tiny group) and not by Jesuits.

Would it be so hard to believe that the masters of Witchcraft diverged into the more socially acceptable religion of Christianity for the sole reason of raising monies?

Yes. Absolutly. There were no "masters of witchcraft."

There's a difference, by the way, between witches, warlocks, wizards, shamans, and priests. Priests are an outgrowth of king/imperial powers attempting to control the religion of the people. The others are raised on a more local level and often are in danger from the rulers. The exception here would be shamans, but their power exists only at a tribal level.

Isn't the Catholic Church one of, if not, the most wealthiest organizations ever to exist?

At one time, yes, but it was less wealthy than individuals... one Giles de Rais was wealtheir than the Church at one time.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 04:27 PM
Witchcraft and black mass have nothing in common. Witchcraft is/was a earth based religon with medicine, meditation, and were the first doctors, pharmacists, psychologists, midwifes, and spiritual leaders in most of Europe. The witches and witchcraft as you see in most movies and shows are what the catholic church created to help in the killing of the millions of witches and Druids. Witches, and now called Wiccans, believe in the "Do what one wilt as long as yee harm none". Also, the catholic/christian holidays ie Halloween, Christmas, and Easter are stolen/borrowed from the Witches and Druids. Halloween, or All Hallows Eve was taken to get people to join. How? Well, if you didn't celebrate the witches version, then you could celebrate in the feast and what not on All Hallows Eve, now known as Halloween. Christmas was taken from Yule, Dec. 23 if I remember correctly. That is where the tree and ornaments come from. And last, Easter, is taken from Ostara. That is where the Easter Bunny comes from and hiding of the eggs. But why take all the Witch/Druid holidays and make them yours? To get followers in the early days. The church also uses a ton of Witch symbols, like the cross.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 12:07 PM

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by chekme

Thats a great site

I really like the part about a comet destroing the earth and russia invading Isreal back in 2002.

I must have missed those seems like it would have been on the news.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 02:02 PM
heheheh pope hit by meteor hheheh

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 02:27 AM
His Holiness Pope John Paul II the anti-christ? pfft..yeah right, as if.

Viva Il Papa!

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:21 AM
Since my First Communion was the last one our Parish did in Latin - perhaps I can toss my 2-cents in on this!

  1. King Constatine appointed himself as the first pope of the church
  2. Jesuits were the hit men & assassins for the church.
  3. the creation of Sunday as the Sabbath was started to get the Sun worshipers and Christians to worship on the same day.
  4. The monk "Beattes" (may be spelled wrong) personally destroyed many writings which he felt were harmful to what the church doctrine should be.

FYI: The word "CATHOLIC" means Universal (like a universal government?)

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:41 AM
This is the main thing that always bothers me about organized religion.....most of those that follow it....know nothing of it................drives me nuts!

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
The church also uses a ton of Witch symbols, like the cross.

Okay, that one's a stretch. The cross (for the Church) is a symbol of the crucified Christ. Not some borrowed witch symbol.

Also, 2b4 - Sunday is the Sabbath because that is the day Christ rose from the dead, after conquering sin. The greatest day in the Church.

A lot of these speculations against the Church just go to far, grasping at straws comes to mind.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:01 AM
i do agree with the idea that the catholic church stole alot of traditions from the pagan religions of that time. is that a bad thing? well i dont think its nice to take something that aint yours and call it your own, but at the same time, so what if the catholic church has ties to witchcraft. paganism is just as much a religion as christianity, islam, hinduism, buddism ect. and i find nothing at all wrong with paganism. not to mention i hold some pagan beliefs myself.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by mutehalo
i do agree with the idea that the catholic church stole alot of traditions from the pagan religions of that time. is that a bad thing? well i dont think its nice to take something that aint yours and call it your own, but at the same time, so what if the catholic church has ties to witchcraft. paganism is just as much a religion as christianity, islam, hinduism, buddism ect. and i find nothing at all wrong with paganism. not to mention i hold some pagan beliefs myself.

I think most people find it extremely hypocritical that the church holds many Pagan traditions and symbols...and then denounces Pagans as evil, worthy of death (Witches) I see plenty wrong in it myself.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:15 AM
Lady V - It drives me nuts too!

I often wonder why religion contradicts Biblical teachings so much.

Here are a few things I often question:

WARNING: The facts I have found in Biblical teachings may upset some - BUT I did NOT write the Bible!

  1. 1Ti 2:12 - But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. yet there are female ministers
  2. 1Ti 2:9 - In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;yet when a man commits to wed a woman we place a gold and diamond ring on her finger - rather costly array - no?
  3. Le 19:10 - And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the LORD your God. the farmer did NOT just give them a free bag of food - they had to work in the field to get it for themselves
  4. De 24:21 - When thou gatherest the grapes of thy vineyard, thou shalt not glean it afterward: it shall be for the stranger, for the fatherless, and for the widow. they did not go to the food bank to get FREE (of labor) food

These are some of my own pet peeves. . .

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:22 AM
Oh brother!

Isn't the Catholic church ...
I heard this ...
I heard that ...

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by 2b4thought
BUT I did NOT write the Bible

No, you didn't. The Catholic Church did.
It was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It was put together by the Catholic Church
in final form and approved at a CATHOLIC council
near the year 297 A.D.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Relentless

Originally posted by James the Lesser
The church also uses a ton of Witch symbols, like the cross.


Also, 2b4 - Sunday is the Sabbath because that is the day Christ rose from the dead, after conquering sin. The greatest day in the Church.

That is NOT correct - actually - in those days - a day was sunset to sunset - Christ was buried before sunset Friday which in the Hebrew culture means first day was sunset Friday through sunset Saturday (DAY ONE)

sunset Saturday through sunset Sunday was DAY TWO

sunset Sunday through sunset Monday would have been DAY THREE

That my friend is an inconsistency of church teachings - just because church teaches what they want does not make it correct!

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by 2b4thought
BUT I did NOT write the Bible

No, you didn't. The Catholic Church did.
It was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It was put together by the Catholic Church
in final form and approved at a CATHOLIC council
near the year 297 A.D.

actually - the Catholic Church did NOT write it - they compiled the scrolls that they allowed in it.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by 2b4thought

Also, 2b4 - Sunday is the Sabbath because that is the day Christ rose from the dead, after conquering sin. The greatest day in the Church.

That is NOT correct - actually - in those days - a day was sunset to sunset - Christ was buried before sunset Friday which in the Hebrew culture means first day was sunset Friday through sunset Saturday (DAY ONE)

sunset Saturday through sunset Sunday was DAY TWO

sunset Sunday through sunset Monday would have been DAY THREE

That my friend is an inconsistency of church teachings - just because church teaches what they want does not make it correct!

So now you are telling me that Christ didn't rise on Sunday. Honestly!

This all depends on how you count it. The day of the death I think we both agree is Friday. This is counted as day one (and the burial is not the event so sunset has nothing to do with it).

You can count it how you want but there are plenty of instances where counting days from events uses the first sign of the event as day one. You can view it how you want, but I really don't think the Church counts it the way I presented because Christ rose on a Monday.

posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Relentless

Originally posted by 2b4thought

Also, 2b4 - Sunday is the Sabbath because that is the day Christ rose from the dead, after conquering sin. The greatest day in the Church.

That is NOT correct - actually - in those days - a day was sunset to sunset - Christ was buried before sunset Friday which in the Hebrew culture means first day was sunset Friday through sunset Saturday (DAY ONE)

sunset Saturday through sunset Sunday was DAY TWO

sunset Sunday through sunset Monday would have been DAY THREE

That my friend is an inconsistency of church teachings - just because church teaches what they want does not make it correct!

So now you are telling me that Christ didn't rise on Sunday. Honestly!

This all depends on how you count it. The day of the death I think we both agree is Friday. This is counted as day one (and the burial is not the event so sunset has nothing to do with it).

You can count it how you want but there are plenty of instances where counting days from events uses the first sign of the event as day one. You can view it how you want, but I really don't think the Church counts it the way I presented because Christ rose on a Monday.

Jesus was buried according to Hebrew law under Hebrew tradition - once you study the actual specifics - you will understand what I am saying!

Blind Faith in mans Religion Does not make it correct.

Remember: The original basis to all of todays Christianity was started with a power hungry KING (Constatine the Great) who ONLY wanted more power over the people - he of his own accord claimed to be the first pope. No one had the nerve to dispute him - people feared him!

... and Christianity has been controlling people ever since.

WHY do you think people are taught to have faith as that of a child?

ANSWER: So you will BLINDLY follow that doctrine and not question the authorities on what they are doing - that is why there is an insinuated link between church and the illuminati - it is all about beingcontrolledd!

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