posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 11:35 AM
It actually gets quite complicated, here's what I understand:
Our souls (us) are a parasite for this organic creation (mankind). I say a parasite and not avatar because the other twist to this scenario is that
mankind was engineered by an alien civilization. Our true form (souls) are more advanced than even the alien civilization that engineered mankind and
explored this planet long ago, call them the Annakin or whoever if you wish.
We (our spiritual selves) connect with biological mankind at birth to form a symbiotic relationship. I'm not sure if it's all in fun, or if we have
a mission, or what reason we do so.
If you apply the little bit I speculate to your own beliefs and theories, I think it will clear some things up. We never attacked the Genesis from the
angle that there are at least three different cogs. We always had the religious angle, and then the evolution/alien engineering angle. With those two,
there are always holes. If you add the third goes a lot smoother and explains some things.
Take for instance the alien abductions that many claim. I've been told that what aliens are interested in are our souls (our true selves). They're
fascinated by a energy/spiritual species which lives within biological mankind. They were attempting to find ways in which to separate the two and
study the energy beings.
I guess our spiritual selves are a race of aliens even more advanced than the aliens we speculate are visiting Earth.
This theory is what allows me to understand life MUCH better, even the bible makes sense. The various religions make sense. Everything does!
What it comes down to is, we are trying to keep our true selves from being addicted to this physical realm. Apparently some of us get here and don't
want to leave. Not even realizing that we'd be taking a step back if we made ourselves physical again.
To sum up what I'm claiming: Modern day man was engineered by aliens, our species came upon this creation and begun manifesting in them for whatever
reason. We introduce our laws, whose purpose is to remind us that we are not from this realm and to not attempt to stay here forever. On top of that
there are also laws which biological man needs to govern his society. This world is owned by less advanced alien species or we can call them the
devil/demons. But since we are actually spiritual beings who only use man as a video game, even though our physical vehicles can be abused,
imprisoned, really means nothing too us because we're so advanced they can't really touch us. We simply abandon the body and return to
our realm...waiting our chance to return for another ride.