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Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by duality90
Jean Paul Zodeaux repeated the same half-cocked arguments that everyone else has on this thread. He added nothing to the debate that could not be disproven with relative ease and quick perusal of some internet sites (consultation of textbooks wasn't even necessary).
Typical of the priest class lawyer set, all you can do is reify, and like the poser that you are, instead of actually refuting my assertions you instead dismiss those assertions as being "easily dis-proven with relative ease", without yourself dis-proving a damn thing I said.
You are a perfect example of just how dangerous lawyers have become. While lawyers and judges in these modern times love to repeat ad nauseum the aphorism; "A man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client", the tragic reality is that increasingly if a man turns to an attorney for representation that man is not only a fool client, and if that man has you as his attorney, he most assuredly has a fool for a lawyer.
Here is what you have effectively managed to do in this thread, Snidely Whiplash, you have purposefully and willingly put on your black hat and with every post greedily rub your hands together while plotting how you can harm the next person. You have no regard for freedom, and you certainly have no regard for the rights of people. You are a government sycophant through and through, and the thing about governments is that if they are a just government they need no sycophants.
If there were actually such a thing as a wise lawyer in this modern age, and that wise lawyer actually had some respect for the accreditation of attorneys, they would be closely monitoring sites such as this and would not hesitate to pounce on people like you and urge you, nay beg you to shut up. Not that the priest class lawyer set needed your help, but you most assuredly help make them look bad.
All people have the right, when faced with criminal charges, to the competent assistance of counsel. In today's modern age, it would be a grand mistake to simply assume that a licensed attorney would function as that assistance of counsel, let alone competent assistance of counsel. Indeed, if they are a part of the priest class lawyer set they will flat out refuse to be assistance of counsel and insist that a person sign over power of attorney and allow that priest class lawyer to handle their defense. If people today ever hope to have any form of competent assistance of counsel, they must be very, very, careful if they choose a lawyer for that assistance of counsel, and they must never, at any time, sign over power of attorney, and since all people are presumed to know the law, then it is in all peoples best interest to face criminal charges pro per, and then demand their right to assistance of counsel be respected.
Keep posting away Snidely, I with all my craft and skill of language could never do the damage to the priest class lawyer set that you have managed to do yourself in this thread, all by yourself. Keep bwahhhhahahahaing while rubbing your greedy little hands together, for truly the good and righteous know you for the villain that you are, and this is why you have been shown the respect you deserve in this thread. You are being shown the respect all villains deserve.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by duality90
The most important thing to take note from this post of yours is that still you have failed to refute a single claim I made regarding the law, and instead spend all your time deflecting.
It is not nearly enough to offer up a Latin phrase declaring that knowledge is power. Uttering the phrase is not as if you are uttering some mystical incantation that grants you the power of knowledge simply by uttering a chant. Nor should knowledge ever be confused with memorization. Your indoctrination is not tantamount to knowledge. You can preen and prance and proudly pat yourself for being "educated" all you want. Your ignorance of the law remains clear for all to see.
This is why I have suggested that a wise lawyer - and please take note that when I place the word wise next to the word lawyer I do not refer to that lawyer as the priest class lawyer - would want to urge people like you to shut up. It is precisely because of people like you, who have relegated the lawyer profession to being nothing more than court jesters, that wise lawyers must cringe whenever confronted with the nonsense like yours. You obviously think all you have to do in order to refute an argument is cut a fart, and then prance and preen like any court jester would as if you have some how soundly refuted an argument, while the stench of your flatulence clears out the room.
You really are an arrogant douche aren't you?
I have no formal training in America.
As I've just said in my prior post, most of the things I've said are general principles of law - to describe the general principles of law would require several hundred, if not thousand, citations. It is impractical.
Also, I might have accidentally included you in my reply on one poster's line of argument about the definition of what a 'bill' is. If that is the case, I apologize.
If you wish to discover the meaning of 'bill', I can point you to "Commercial Law" by R.Goode - an English text nonetheless, but the definitive text on commercial law, wherein bills of lading/exchange/sale are described. They are basically the instruments that represent legal 'property' in goods. Do you really want me to cite cases that are difficult to find without the aid of a proper legal database like Lexis Nexis?
What you choose to do is continue to use the term "priest lawyer class"; you no longer come across so much as witty as you do a bit boring and incapable of using any other means of describing lawyers.
It goes without saying that the law is a complex beast.
I can't be bothered with you anymore. I have offered general knowledge on the law and have referred to at least several statutes which refute the stupid and baseless claims you have made about corporate law, the UCC, and legal personality.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by duality90
The most important thing to take note from this post of yours is that still you have failed to refute a single claim I made regarding the law, and instead spend all your time deflecting.
It is not nearly enough to offer up a Latin phrase declaring that knowledge is power. Uttering the phrase is not as if you are uttering some mystical incantation that grants you the power of knowledge simply by uttering a chant. Nor should knowledge ever be confused with memorization. Your indoctrination is not tantamount to knowledge. You can preen and prance and proudly pat yourself for being "educated" all you want. Your ignorance of the law remains clear for all to see.
This is why I have suggested that a wise lawyer - and please take note that when I place the word wise next to the word lawyer I do not refer to that lawyer as the priest class lawyer - would want to urge people like you to shut up. It is precisely because of people like you, who have relegated the lawyer profession to being nothing more than court jesters, that wise lawyers must cringe whenever confronted with the nonsense like yours. You obviously think all you have to do in order to refute an argument is cut a fart, and then prance and preen like any court jester would as if you have some how soundly refuted an argument, while the stench of your flatulence clears out the room.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by duality90
I can't be bothered with you anymore. I have offered general knowledge on the law and have referred to at least several statutes which refute the stupid and baseless claims you have made about corporate law, the UCC, and legal personality.
I have not made any claims regarding the U.C.C., corporate law, or legal personalities you silly little court jester. This is how foolish you are, you seem to think I have made claims I have quite simply not made. I said what I said, and I did not say what I did not say.
Any person who hires you as their attorney is in for a world of pain, if these posts are an example of your legal acumen, and ability to comprehend.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by duality90
I can't be bothered with you anymore. I have offered general knowledge on the law and have referred to at least several statutes which refute the stupid and baseless claims you have made about corporate law, the UCC, and legal personality.
I have not made any claims regarding the U.C.C., corporate law, or legal personalities you silly little court jester. This is how foolish you are, you seem to think I have made claims I have quite simply not made. I said what I said, and I did not say what I did not say.
Any person who hires you as their attorney is in for a world of pain, if these posts are an example of your legal acumen, and ability to comprehend.
Anyways. I haven't spent the last three years studying to be lectured by someone with no legal education like yourself.
As I recall from another thread, you said you were down to your last few dollars and were without employment.
You spend a tremendous amount of time personally attacking me, instead of ostensibly getting off the internet and seeking employment in "marxist" America (as you describe it - if it were Marxist you probably wouldn't be unemployed).
At the end of the day, I hate to break it to you, but I will be leaving this summer with a degree in law recognised by all relevant professional associations.
Anyways, as you plainly won't shut your fat, self-indulgent cesspool of a mouth, here are a few bits and bobs taken from internet sources which lay waste to the claims of the freeman movement (i.e. BAR stands for British Accreditation Regency et c., names in caps do not mean individuals like me).
I don't see how you could continue to believe the freeman nonsense in the face of what is ostensibly quite compelling evidence...
Jean Paul Zodeaux repeated the same half-cocked arguments that everyone else has on this thread. He added nothing to the debate that could not be disproven with relative ease and quick perusal of some internet sites (consultation of textbooks wasn't even necessary).
All legislatures pass bills. A 'bill' is just a term used to refer to legislation before it has been given legal force by consent/passing procedure of the legislature. That is what a bill is. A bill is not related in any way to the maritime-law meaning of 'bill'.
And also, I honestly don't know where you get the idea that a corporate entity cannot bring legal action against individuals. That is just plainly and simply not true. Just as an individual can raise action against a corporate entity (which is legally a person - it has legal personality), so can a corporation (with legal personality) raise action against an individual.
Equity has nothing to do with commerce whatsoever. Equity is a distinct body of rules which was invented to circumvent the harshness of the common-law rules (see: Law of Judicature Act 1873 (UK) if you want to see a fairly basic explanation of the differences between what used to be ourts of common-law and courts of equity - I should stress that 'common law' court is a term entirely different form what is described in the OP, and refers to procedure and the writs that could be brought rather than any rights accorded to the individual). Equity is largely limited (at least in the UK) to trusts, wills, and property law, although other areas of the law have borrowed some of its concepts, such as estoppel.
I'm not entirely certain what relevance the term 'charged' has if someone is suing you for breach of contract. I haven't heard that term used before but that might be the norm in America, I'm not certain. Unless of course you are referring 'charge' in the sense of a right granted over secured property (real or personal).
I'm sorry but you consistently misunderstand what the UCC and Equity are. Furthermore, how can you possible claim that the UCC is not recognised in the United States? it is THE definitive harmonising commercial code which makes inter-state commerce feasible and easy. You are literally just telling non-truths.
Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by duality90
Congratulations, Duality90, on your graduation and employment. I assume (with absolutely no basis) that jurisprudence in England is more involved than in the US. I suppose I feel that way because of the centuries of legal history to be studied in order to get a thorough understanding, so I am a little in awe.
I've heard that London is no longer the tourist destination that it once was, but if I ever get there I'm sure I'd enjoy a conversation. All my best.
Oh, as a post script, there are conspiracy theories abounding focusing on the City and the Freemasons. When you decide to take over the world, give us a word.
British Accredited Registry (BAR)? During the middle 1600's, the Crown of England established a formal registry in London where barristers were ordered by the Crown to be accredited. The establishment of this first International Bar Association allowed barrister-lawyers from all nations to be formally recognized and accredited by the only recognized accreditation society. From this, the acronym BAR was established denoting (informally) the British Accredited Registry, whose members became a powerful and integral force within the International Bar Association (IBA). Although this has been denied repeatedly as to its existence, the acronym BAR stood for the British barrister-lawyers who were members of the larger IBA. When America was still a chartered group of British colonies under patent - established in what was formally named the British Crown territory of New England - the first British Accredited Registry (BAR) was established in Boston during 1761 to attempt to allow only accredited barrister-lawyers access to the British courts of New England. This was the first attempt to control who could represent defendants in the court at or within the bar in America. Today, each corporate STATE in America has it's own BAR Association, i.e. The Florida Bar or the California Bar, that licenses government officer attorneys, NOT lawyers. In reality, the U.S. courts only allow their officer attorneys to freely enter within the bar while prohibiting those learned of the law - lawyers - to do so. They prevent advocates, lawyers, counselors, barristers and solicitors from entering through the outer bar. Only licensed BAR Attorneys are permitted to freely enter within the bar separating the people from the bench because all BAR Attorneys are officers of the court itself. Does that tell you anything? Here's where the whole word game gets really tricky. In each State, every licensed BAR Attorney calls himself an Attorney at Law. Look at the definitions above and see for yourself that an Attorney at Law is nothing more than an attorney - one who transfers allegiance and property to the ruling land owner. Another name game they use is "of counsel," which means absolutely nothing more than an offer of advice. Surely, the mechanic down the street can do that! Advice is one thing; lawful representation is another. A BAR licensed Attorney is not an advocate, so how can he do anything other than what his real purpose is? He can't plead on your behalf because that would be a conflict of interest. He can't represent the crown (ruling government) as an official officer at the same time he is allegedly representing a defendant. His sworn duty as a BAR Attorney is to transfer your ownership, rights, titles, and allegiance to the land owner. When you hire a BAR Attorney to represent you in their courts, you have hired an officer of that court whose sole purpose and occupation is to transfer what you have to the creator and authority of that court. A more appropriate phrase would be legal plunder.
What do you do anyways that makes you so authoritative?
The problem with petty men like you is that you try and exploit minor and trifling mistakes, easily forgiven in the context (i.e. I confused you with another poster who adamantly made claims about the UCC), and try to use that as a means of discrediting the other party, despite the fact that that party is the one providing actual basis for their logic and line of reasoning whereas you just seem to repeatedly make claims about states being unable to legislate unless the people consent.
I have provided a relevant quote from the Texas Constitution somewhere in the prior pages of this thread, and nowhere does it say anything about consent needed for legislation to be both effective and lawful.
Sec. 2. INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.
Sec. 3. EQUAL RIGHTS. All free men, when they form a social compact, have equal rights, and no man, or set of men, is entitled to exclusive separate public emoluments, or privileges, but in consideration of public services.
As yet you have produced no such evidence to justify your assertions about consent, and statutes being unlawful means of policy-making with no legal effect.
Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux
You have a fascinating mind and I really hope to spend time with you on this site. I anticipate learning a lot. Thanks.
You still do never cease to amaze me though. Someone else said the same thing on an internet forum recently when we had a political disagreement. "I pity the client...". And on what basis are you qualified to comment on my legal and critical acumen? Literally none, just like the other stooge who went back to his boring, dull life, fat wife, and 2.4 kids after I put him back in his place.