Ok... here's my quasi-bat-sh!t crazy theory of the day...
we are not being prepared for the reality of aliens with the influx of their images in the media...
we are being used by the media to allow aliens to enter our reality.
this theory relies on several other (admittedly fringe) theories, but hey... it's what i come here for.
follow me (or skip to the next post if your feeling particularly skepterrific)...
old theory #1)
belief shapes life. thoughts manifest as tangible. focus determines reality.
this has been discussed often, and is underlying most forms of prayer / religious incantation / spiritual invocation / magic ritual / montaukian
experiment etc. and so forth. on a more nefarious level, this theory is the basis of mind-control, propaganda and mass delusion (i'm looking at you TV
even Qui-Gon-Gin said it to Anni Skywalker (right before Lucas the whole thing up with that midi-chlorine horse-badunk).
old theory #2)
aliens are pan-dimensional. this has been a theory that prowls about the edges of alien conspiracy exploration, especially concerning greys. look
around, if you haven't heard of it, you'll find it. most ATS 'believers' are savvy enough to at least have come upon it more than twice.
well, now put the two together and we have the wacky (yet not implausible) theory of the day:
without our collective conditioning / belief / focus on aliens, "they" cannot enter the cold-hard reality we've co-scribed here on earth: 2011. but if
enough people have their conscious/sub-conscious minds perpetually seeded by the notion that aliens are coming, well... sooner or later, that can be
all the key "they" need to pass through the final membrane that separates us from them.
if i uphold this theory, i believe "they" have done this often, but on a smaller scale.
now, it seems, they're ready to up the ante.
just why "they" keep showing us images of them being destructive and evil is a topic for another thread.
so that's my theory and i'm sticking to it.... 'cause that's just what they don't want me to do.
edit on 8-3-2011 by mythos because: mad a
happy face when he shoulda been mad