Okay guys, some interesting news that I really would like to share with you.
Since I've posted my first message here on March, I decided to go further and see if this software (or some other similar) could really help in our
understanding/analysis of UFO documents, i-e photos and videos.
First step for me was to contact Mr Cozien, the French Maths PhD who created "Tungstene", in Paris, at the end of September.
Mr Cozien and "Tungstene"
I'll not fully detailled neither what Tungstene is nor how it works here, as I prepare a full presentation of it (and another called "IPACO") both in
French and in English to be posted here before the end of November.
However, what i can say is that:
1- It compiles a lot of known maths filters
2- It has an intuitive and attractive interface
3- In most cases, it gives a good indication whether the photo has been manipulated or not
4- It absolutely don't have to be an end by itself, I mean that only a thorough and serious investigation can give credits to the results. In other
words, an analysis done by Tungstene alone have zero credit, and usuals methods for an UFO investigation are needed.
See also this interesting and complete article about Tungstene
Tungsten allows the user to analyze the way and the propagation of the light on an image in order to check the consistency of the
What I obtained from Mr Cozien after our meeting is:
1- The principle to buy the software licence and the right to have full ownership for the results
2- Due to the very restricted field of study, a "low cost" software, around 20.000$, divided in 10.000$ for the software itself and also 10.000$ for a
full week of formation, which is essential for a good control of the capacities of Tungstene.
Back at home, I remembered that there was another imaging specialist in France, well known in the UFO field: François Louange. (Full biography in
Louange is an engineer who worked as an imagery expert for the GEPAN (CNES) and the ESA.
In 1989 he founded and was CEO of
Fleximage corporation, specialized in photo-interpretation by computer, providing all the French secret
service, as well as lots of European countries, which allow softwares to work on images taken by satellites and other sensors. Subsequently Fleximage,
holding 95% of the photo-interpretation market's in France and other countries, become an affiliate of ESA (European Space Agency).
François Louange also participated to the Pocantico symposium who took place from the 29th september to the 4th october 1997, as a scientist.
It was organized at the initiative of Rockefeller (and headed by Sturrock) and in which he participated, with Velasco, Vallee and Veyret, among many
others researchers. This symposium was intended to take again Condon report's conclusions to try to contradict one of it, in which it was said, in
substance, that the UFO phenomenon was not worth any scientifical study.
Thanks to the substantive diplomatic work of Peter Sturrock, it ended with a consensus that was far from a foregone conclusion, as there was so much
various point of view on the matter.....
Full report of the Pocantico symposium can be seen
From left to right:
T. Holzer, V. Eshleman, Rodeghier, Schuessler, H. Melosh, J. Jokipii, H. Puthoff, D. Pritchard, Sturrock, C. Tolbert, F.
Louange, Laurance Rockefeller, Vélasco, I. von Ludwiger, H. Diamond, M. Sims, J. Vallée, B. Haisch, B. Veyret, Haines, Swords, J. Papike, G. Reitz,
E. Strand
We also talked about many famous UFO cases, including "Petit Rechain" in Belgium, which we now know that it was a hoax.
Then, the state of research in France has been mentioned and I came to realize how much he was happy to talk to someone on the photo/video analysis
subject, which, from his own mouth "does not happen every day."
Louange, although officially retired, continues to gradually develop its specialized analysis software "IPACO" (version 2.19 as of today)
He made me a demo and gave me a CD with software and a license key valid until the end of the year.
IPACO graphic interface
I told him about my meeting with Mr Cozien, the cost of the software and my plan to conciliate on solid basis (which does not yet exist) the UFO world
and the one, more scientific, of photographic analysis.
What interests Louange is my excellent contact among the ufology characters, that he do not have (he do not go on forums, blogs and do not follow
closely UFO news).
Going back to its software, it is developed in three phases:
1 - Materials for picture analysis
2 - Materials for video analysis
3 - Establishment of databases: UFOCAT (based on "UFOCAT" from Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos), IFOCAT and CAMCAT (cameras and camcorders database)
François Louange is actually at the development of phase three.
I must also say that I am both surprised and flattered by the confidence that Mr Louange put in me, which proves that it is still quite possible to be
able to do some good job based on reciprocal and mutual trusted relationships.
Compared to those of Mr Cozien, its software uses less powerful mathematical filters, leaving a greater share in logical reasoning and scientific
interpretation than Tungstene, which is more like a "turnkey" supplied product.
In short and in conclusion, I would say that my trip wasn't vain. Many positive things came out of these meetings and I now have good raw material to
work with confidence.
As I have already explained many times here and on other French and English speaking forums, I think, and it is a constant since I'm in the UFO field,
that there's still lack of education, seriousness, professionalism, in the study of UFO documents.
It goes without saying that very few ufologists in the world are specialized in this area and, when they are, they also lack the tools, that could be
able to help to support them in their efforts to unravel facts from fictions and fakes
I started, some years ago, a substantive work and education on most UFO forums/blogs in French and English, but I think I have reached the limits of
what I could show; now I miss many powerful tools designed to help to detect fakes.
IPACO, like Tungstene, in my opinion, are certainly such tools, from what I saw from Mr Louange and Mr Cozien, they are fast, efficient and scalable,
although different in their practice with the user interface, IPACO being simpliest to use.
In short, my goal, to today's date, can be summarized in three points:
1 - Make a detailed and objective presentation, as far as possible, of the capabilities, possibilities and techniques used of both softwares dedicated
to forensic analysis, and supported with concrete examples such as the already existing studies of UFO photographic documents.
[Incidentally, a technical connection with the operation of the license proposed by Mr Cozien is that I'm not operator of this license on behalf of
Tungstene or owner of such license, but only the owner of the analysis results. I'm then free to do what I want with these results; to get paid for
the work done, for example.]
2 - Present this document to all my contacts in the UFO world (who know me also for my analysis work done here, for the MUFON and some others ...)
specifying them that I have now much more powerful tools able to help me to do this work more thoroughly and professionally, and opening a
subscription (or using an existing one) to help me to buy the rights to operate a license (either Tungstene or IPACO).
3 - If points 1 and 2 take place without problems and if I succeed in interesting enough subscribers to my project, the purchase and operation of the
license will follow, with either the opening of a new specialized Internet site or a dedicated section in an existing forum / blog dedicated to
photographic analysis, and the opportunity for private organizations or UFO independant researchers of ordering.
So, here's, quickly and roughly outlined, what I intend to do in the future, the most difficult point is obviously to raise enough money to buy a
license ...
But hey, there already has been generous subscribers in France who helped me to finance the necessary travels to meet people, so I do not despair!
Of course, I'm opened to any suggestion, opinion and comment; I'll do my best to try to answer any of these.
edit on 8-11-2011 by elevenaugust because: resizing pictures!