Hey ATSers,
I feel the need to voice my opinion(s) and concerns. Perhaps ATS is not the place to do this but I'm going to do so regardless. I'm in my
mid-thirties, I've worked my ass off since the age of 16, I pay my debts, and I pay my taxes. I am a middle class American and I am sickened when I
see where this great nation is heading.
Allow me to vent -- rant about issues that are affecting us all. It is quite obvious the problems America has are far too vast for a single thread. I
am going to rant about the issues that will cause this country to fail if left unchecked. My hopes in writing this thread is to open a discussion so
that I may learn from some of you and vice-versa. I do not "know-it-all" but one thing is certain on ATS, if I am wrong it won't take long for some
member to correct me
(1) The single biggest problem in America right now is apathy/lethargy. It is disgusting to look at the number of Americans that actually show up and
vote to elect a President. It is unbelievable how short everyone's memory seems to be. How
people are so easily swayed by the media. I do not understand how people just don't care about what their Congressional representatives are voting
on. How is any member of the US Congress that voted "
for" the Patriot
Act is still in office? How have we allowed a private bank (The Federal Reserve) to have full control over our money? Everyone seems to just throw
their hands up and say, "it's just the way it is." Nearly all of the major problems of this country could be solved if everyone wakes up and
demands real change. Boycott deceptive media. Vote out these worthless politicians that have sold us out. Quit being a victim and voice YOUR opinion.
(2) Separation of Church and State. I am not talking about getting rid of "In God We Trust." I'm talking about the Church that we all attend. I'm
talking about the deity we have all come to worship...MONEY. I cannot believe we tolerate ANY politician that would put a corporations profits over
the people. This government was supposed to be "By the people for the people," not "Buy the Politicians for "Big-Business."" Yet we have people
like Meg Whitman who was willing to spend $120 Million of her own money to get a job that pays $175,000 a year. I'm sure some of you will argue that
she was willing to spend $120M, of her own cash, to make California a better place. What I am getting at is, corporate interests are being put in
front of the interests of the people and the US Constitution.
(3)The Federal Reserve Act. I consider this the single greatest FAIL in US history. This event is responsible for our money being nearly worthless.
It is the reason you pay taxes on your wages and the sole destination your income tax dollars go to. The reason a middle-class family needs a duel
income to get by, and their children are raised by Xbox, Prozac, and microwave dinners. The American People have been sucked dry by this private bank.
They have destroyed our precious dollar while we consumed more important headlines. "Lohan, Hilton, Cocaine, Crazy!" This country is going to
collapse if we do not take control of our own currency. I'm not saying that going back to the Gold Standard is the answer, there isn't enough gold
on Earth to account for the dollars in circulation. We had better take action soon before we are all using the Yuan to pay for our Big Mac's.
(4) Entitlements. I do not understand how we have turned into a society that rewards laziness and under achievement. When did we start believing that
the government and the US taxpayers will be responsible for everybody's mistakes and misfortunes. Can you imagine where this country would be if we
had this mentality during the great depression. If all those people who lost everything just went on welfare instead of doing "all the immigrant jobs
that no one wanted to do." If this country falls into another "Great Depression" we are in serious trouble. Everyone will just go on Welfare and
Food stamps until the Fed pulls us out of it, right?
Please start speaking up! Quit voting for Dems and GOPs if they continue to do what's wrong. Quit listening to Fox Entertainment telling you which
candidates are "electable." Be a leader with your vote. Let's get rid of these politicians who have no regard for the US Constitution and who are
breaking their Oath to us, The People.
Senators and Representatives Oath taken at the start of each new Conrgress.
do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and
that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
The POTUS Oath
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability,
preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
The US Constitution is not meant to be undermined or usurped by lawmakers, bankers, CEOs, or greedy politicians. Please hold our politicains to the
Oaths they have taken.
Thank you,