reply to post by Demiwatt
Having moved away from my home town,and leaving my friends and family behind to look for work,i set off to start a new life for myself.
However after a couple of years,things started to look pretty bleak.Bills were mounting up,my wages were'nt as good as i had hoped they would be,and
because of the distance i had relocated to find work,i was finding myself more and more isolated from friends and family.
Thats when the depression set in.
After a particularly hard and emotional day,(a group of my fiends had decided to travel 150+ miles to visit and when they left i closed the door and
slumped to the floor and burst into tears),and being to proud to ask my family for help,i decided i would take my own life.
That night i went to my bedroom and cried like i had never cried before,i mean i was literally screaming for my Mum and Dad,hoping that they might
hear me,and yet i was still too proud to pick up the phone.I set out the pills that i was going to take on my bedside table,said goodnight to my
cat,(who was curled up at the foot of the bed,and said to myself,"I will try and get a nights sleep,but if i still felt the same way in the morning,i
would scoop the whole amount of pills down my throat"
.Anyway,i somehow managed to drift into sleep.
It was around 1am when i was awoken by the noise of my cat growling.
I was lying on my side in a feotal position and i turned my head when suddenly the cat screamed and shot about 4 feet straight up in the air,and ran
downstairs.It was straight after that i felt a weight settle on the bed ,which then curled in behind me in the same feotal position as i was lying.
I was paralysed with fear,and no matter how much i wanted to turn over and see who was lying behind me,i was just too scared to do it.
Then the contact began.
I moved my feet,and to my horror i felt another pair of feet curled under mine.Then a hand came from out of the corner of my vision,sort of over my
shoulder,and held me across my chest and another hand came from below my pillow and held me across my chest also.The temperature plummeted,i had never
felt cold like it,(especially not in a slept in bed equipped with an electric blanket)!It was so cold i was having trouble breathing and my teeth were
After about 10 seconds of extreme cold,the temperature started to rise again and i was able to regain some composure.I looked at the hands that were
holding me across the chest and noticed that they were like an old womans hands,wrinkled and with age spots.I could hear breathing as well,like
asthmatic breathing and a smell which reminded me of my paternal Grandmothers asthma medication,(a powder which was burned on the top of the tin,and
the vapours then inhaled.Obviously before the advent of inhalers).
I still had the urge to turn over to see who was holding me,but i felt so warm,comfortable and secure that i just thought,"Well,atleast someone is
looking after me,i don't need to see who it is",and just drifted back too sleep.
Next morning i woke up feeling refreshed and energised,yet with the previous nights events still fresh in my mind.I looked at the pills on the bedside
table,scooped them up,took them downstairs and flushed them down the toilet.I then checked the cat and she seemed fine.
That night i went for a drink with some work colleagues,where i met a girl who i am happy to say has now been my wife for the last seven years.We have
two great kids and life seems pretty good right now.
Everyday problems still crop up,but i now feel that i can handle things much better thanks to my experience with my "guardian angel".
After all, she saved my life!