posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 02:31 AM
I agree that we have no way of knowing of their nature. We don`t know why they don`t come down and talk to everybody and teach us things. Maybe
instead of shaking hands, they join dna together to create hybrid species. Maybe they didn`t ask permission to abduct because to them, they
psychically entered our minds and sought permission somehow, as may be customary in their culture. Maybe if we truly understood what was happening, we
really would say yes to it. Maybe they simply don`t have time to wait for us to evolve and mature enough to understand what is happening, and the
quickest most efficient way to come to an agreement is to ask our subconscious minds without us consiously realizing we had entered into an agreement
willingly. Not likely, but when you`re dealing with an advanced species, you can only guess. Maybe they really do just look at us as ants or cattle,
or savages who are not worth communicating with except key people here and there who will help further the agenda, whatever that may be.
Another thing is, since we don`t know how far along technology really is in our world, it`s difficult to even know if abductions were done by
aliens or humans. Makes more sense that the militaries of the world would have a need to test out new technologies than to think aliens have some need
to mutilate cows and abduct and experimant on humans. But then that`s coming from a place of very little understanding... Well I sure do think it`s
funny when people pretend to know.