Hi you guys. I really felt i just need to put this up for my benefit if not for anyone else's. Recently here in Ireland we had an election and the
party that has been in government for 14 years uninterrupted got decimated. A new coalition gvnmt is in power now, but I'm under no illusions, nothing
is going to change. The Democratic West makes such a big deal out of giving power to the people - this is absolute bull sh*t. Excuse me but i find it
outrageous that all the western countries say they are democratic and one can plainly see this is a blatant lie. First off, i dont know how other
country's governments work, but here, if the winning party doesnt have a majority, they just pay off other parties to vote for them in the motions
they put forward in parliament so they can do what they like then - its a joke. Also, after election day, we dont see the local guys at all, until the
next election is coming up. We the people have no power whatsoever. The word Democracy comes from the Greek i think, two words, one meaning power and
the other meaning people. This is also another lie. Example:
-The infamous Lisbon Treaty. Basically it meant that most of our governing power when to the EU(Ons World Government, anyone?). Ireland was the ONLY
country in the EU to even VOTE on it. The other governments just accepted it straight away without any input from its citizens. We voted NO! to
Lisbon. So what do they do? They change the name, and some minor details, and send it on back to the voting polls under "Lisbon 2". The Irish saw that
this wasnt going to end until we voted yes so we did. Lisbon Treaty was passed through all of EU (That darn Ireland, holding it up with its voting).
-The EU/IMF Deal. We also were just "bailed out" by the EU and IMF. They forced us into taking the deal, and the interest is so high on this thing,
that what our country makes per year is not enough to even pay the INTEREST, let alone the bulk of the money. We never even got a say in this deal
whatsoever, no vote, no nothing. And we are going to default, make no mistake about it.
The whole western democracy thing is a sham to say the least. I personally hope for the uprisings in N. Africa + Middle East to spread up to EU. Im
tellin' ya, if Ireland goes riotin', ill be there at the front lines. Anarchy FTW woot!
So I'm here to ask you, what is democracy, in todays world? Does it even exist or are we under an illusion? Your view/stories/etc welcome.
Thanks for reading
P.S. mods not sure if this is in right place sorry if it isn't.
edit on 7-3-2011 by ParaZep because: typos