posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Im just curious as to how many threads are actualy necessary for this one, single topic. And folks, please dont try and tell me that ALL the copies
are down to people not looking for the subject on search first, or not being able to find it on search first. I seriously havent been able to go a day
in the time since the story broke, without literaly falling over a thread about it.You dont need to search this thread, because it jumps up, latches
on to ones netherparts, and refuses to go away.
Now, seriously people I wish to make a suggestion. For those of you about to post a thread on the subject, I salute you for your efforts, but you
really just need to google the damned subject line, and ATS, and that ought to tell you what has been posted so far.
And a word to you wonderous mods as well if I may.... can we please have a crack down on the sheer amount of these threads? They are like flippin