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you are your own god

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posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:30 AM
while i do believe that there is some sort of infinite force guiding the universe, i also have good reason to believe that we are gods ourselves. what ultimately leads me to this conclusion is by reading about numerous near death experiences. some argue that near death experiences are not real because no 2 are the same but i have to dissagree on that. how exactly do skeptics explain the fact that while everyone has a different death experience there are many reacurring elements (such as a tunnel of light, a life review, recieving some sort of message about love and happiness) not to mention there are those that have been cured of incurable diseases and have been able to accurately predict the future from visions they recieved from the other side. also some fundamentalists argue that near death experiences are works of satan because thier experiences dont correspond to the bible. but with these so called satanic experiences, people have also experienced love and happiness in thier death experiences. and does the bible not say that a good tree cannot bear wicked fruit and a wicked tree cannot bear good fruit (yes, contrary to what many may think of me, i have actually read a good portion of the bible)? but i'm getting sidetracked here now arent i.

anyhoo the reason why no 2 death experiences are the same is because we all have different perceptions of life, death, god, heaven, hell, morality, ect. lets take the death experiences of people of different religions. christians are commonly visited by jesus and thier heaven resembles most christian imagry, wheras buddists would encounter budda instead along with heaven resembling the buddist version of heaven. the same thing goes for those of other religions.

now lets talk about hell. while the majority of those who have experienced a nde have had a heavenly near death experience, there are also many that have had a hellish near death experience. like heaven, there have been many different hell experiences. the reason why some people experience is usually out of guilt, anger, sadness, and realising how much of an a$$ you where with your life. interestingly enough, only a very few people who have experienced hell where actually sent to hell by god. also most people that have gone to hell have escaped by realising thier "wrongdoings", letting go of your anger or sadness, or by calling upon god for forgiveness. but overall hell is caused by doing things in your life that you percieve to be "evil".

what about god? with all the near death experiences i have read that involved god, he/she/it is allways represented by a white light. the difference is that some people experience a strict or judgemental god, others have experienced an easy going loving god. so with all this in mind, what you experience upon death is all based on your own personal beliefs and perceptions. which also also leads me to the conclusion that we create our own reality by what we believe and percieve. which also leads me to the conclusion that we are gods within ourselves because we create reality by what we believe in and how we percieve the world. i mean we have free will to do as we please not to mention we also have the free will to believe and percieve as we please.

[edit on 19-7-2004 by mutehalo]

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:03 AM
i believe in the "god as in 'i' theory

here's a good discussion on the topic

as for the death and what happens thereafter, i also believe we "see" what believe or what has most subconciously affected us in the religious aspect.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:20 PM
"And God created man in His own image"...

There is/was this sect that believes that since God is everything, and that we are created in His likeness, then each of us has the universe/everything within us.

Don't recall that group at the moment...

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:57 PM
genesis 1:26 "Then God Said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."

genesis 1:27 "God created man in his image, in the divine image he created him;"

I've always thought of this a little different. Before God created anything we could assume that God had no image. He was pure energy, he could take whatever form he wanted to. Once he created the universe he now had a physical image of himself - ie the universe. So when I read that "God created man in his image" I assumed that just meant that God created humans to live IN his image, ie the universe.

From the quote of genesis 1:26 ("Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.") "after our likeness" is the key phrase there. That could mean many things. Who truly knows what "after our likeness" truly means. Does it mean the ability to love, to create, or I suppose the answer could be found just by looking inside of ourselves. By looking inside ourselves we can partially understand God because we are created in his likeness.

Therefore in a way, yes, we are all gods in a sense. Meaning we are all individuals and created after the likeness of God. Wether or not we are as powerfull as God once our potentials are revealed, is another question though. In our physical bodies I would not assume so, but in spirit form I believe its a whole other ball game.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:19 PM
Once upon a time there was a man who thought he was a god.

eventually he died, and thus his theory was disproven.

and then as a punishment for having a stupid theory, that man was sent to hell for ever.

the end

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:17 PM
Once upon a time there was a man who dismissed an idea to quickly.

he closed his mind off from things he didn't already know and things that didn't make sense to him given his current knowledge.

his punishment for this was ignorance.

the end.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:29 PM
The essence of the teachings of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism all revolve around teachings of humility.

While my own beliefs on this subject cannot be placed into words, I will say there is no easy way to teach this concept without it leading to pride. (away from humility)


posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:52 PM
I believe in God.
But I do not think that we are Gods(not even close to) ourselves nor I believe that we are the masters of our own destinies. By the experiences of my own and those of other peoples', I can say that there is something that's controlling our lives and all the events happening in our lives, which we call the God. You can say that we have some control on our lives since we have the power to think and make decisions, but by no way we are the masters of our own destinies. Things would be very different if we were!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by mutehalo
...we are gods within ourselves because we create reality by what we believe in and how we percieve the world. ...

I agree with your post and I too like the theory mentioned by WorldWatcher.

Except That I have broken out of the french roman catholic framework of God, Satan, good, evil, heaven and hell.

My morality comes from learning to understand my sense of empathy, fairness, regret, responsibility etc.

I beleive that we are only clumps in a universe of energy vibrations and that after we die we rejoin that ocean of energy. As for our consciousness and life experience. No one has the answer.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by jp1111
I can say that there is something that's controlling our lives and all the events happening in our lives, which we call the God. You can say that we have some control on our lives since we have the power to think and make decisions, but by no way we are the masters of our own destinies. Things would be very different if we were!

I disagree.. The only reason it seems to be like this is because we are unaware of the grand majority of the 50000/60000 thoughts we have evvery day. More than 90% (or probably more than 95%) of these thoughts are subconscious thoughts, which are based on our core beliefs and states of mind.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:56 PM
It is a wonder that I recovered from my brush with death, during which I was flat-line four (4) times in the ambulance. This occured after the truck I was riding in smashed in to an earthen embankment at >80 mph. Without explaining details, I was in the bed of the vehicle at the time and apparently landed on the back of my head when it impacted. (I can provide references for verification.)

There are a few things that I remember experiencing after awakening from a coma. Primarly, I recall going somewhere and being shown a large number of things by someone who I cannot describe. Though apparently important, I can only seem to visualize flashes of most of the things. But I do remember thinking that I would not be able to remember all of what I was being shown. So I fixated on one scene that I could recall later.

The image in my memory, seared into my mind, is of a massive stone tower by the edge of a sea. The structure appears very ancient for some reason and I guess it is a lighthouse. My viewpoint of it is from high above the ground, beside it, with my non-descript companion at my side. The light is diffuse and the colors are very rich.

Witnessing that scene was after going, or being taken, on something of a journey. I don't recall how I got there, but it was by way of my flat-line NDE. Apparently, the actual experience of the accident itself was quite painful and I blocked it out. After I awoke, I was pretty disoriented and still had some headaches that seemed to be tapering off. But I could not be given any medication whatever because it was a "closed head injury." Therefore, I am positive that what I experienced was not drug-induced.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795

Originally posted by jp1111
I can say that there is something that's controlling our lives and all the events happening in our lives, which we call the God. You can say that we have some control on our lives since we have the power to think and make decisions, but by no way we are the masters of our own destinies. Things would be very different if we were!

I disagree.. The only reason it seems to be like this is because we are unaware of the grand majority of the 50000/60000 thoughts we have evvery day. More than 90% (or probably more than 95%) of these thoughts are subconscious thoughts, which are based on our core beliefs and states of mind.

I can't really see a point, could you explain that better please? I would like to know more about your point of view, thanks!

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 07:14 AM
I already explained that here a few days ago.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 07:41 AM
I understand that many of you think that the individual affects the near death experience and is responsible for its content.

How is that different from what any of the classical religions have taught?

It seems that the concept "we are gods" resonates with a lot of posters. In what sense are we gods?

-you are not all powerful

-you are not all knowing

-you have a limited existence: there was a time when you did not exist

-you are neither infinitely good or bad, but a mixture of the two

-you are not self-motivating; you are driven by your psychological conditioning, your subconscious ambitions, and the hormones in your body.

-you are unconscious 1/3 of you lifespan.

-other than your language use and possible congnitive superiority, name one area where you differ in quality from the other animals.

-you didn't create yourself. In fact, you don't really know why you are here.

-you show all signs of being a creature, something created by someone else.

If you believe that you are a 'spark of the divine,' please give a reason for believing this, as well as how that spark is not present everywhere else in reality.

In other words. I cannot see how the human condition is any different from the rest of the universe.

I don't see any reason for saying "we are gods." I think the phrase "we wish we were gods" is probably a lot more descriptive.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:30 AM
drstrangecraft, while i can agree with some of your points, you have to understand that is simply a "concept" of what you believe. your concept of things is different from mine and mine's is different from someone else. Concept is individual, based on different levels of understanding. Hindu vedic texts tells us:

"Ekam Satyam, Bahuda Chintayanti"'
"Truth is one, but it is conceived differently"

"Ye yathamaam prapadyante Taamstathaiva bhajamyaham"
"Whichever path men may choose, however they may approach, I do
accept them all, as all the paths in their ultimate reaches lead to
me only, who am the Supreme Godhead."

Vedic Texts also tells us that:
Pragnanam Brahma " The Supreme Consciousness is Brahman (God). "
Tatwamasi " That thou art. "
Ayamatma Brahma " The self within me is Brahman(God). "
Aham Brahmasmi " I am Brahman(God). "

fyi, Hindus bow to each other, with prayer hands when greeting each other with Namaste, to acknowledge and show respect for the god that within each other.

Man/Woman/Humanity has the capability to realize this, however because of our inner enemies, Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (attachment), Mada (pride) and Matsarya (hatred), the majority of us can never lift the veil of reality called the Maya to see this. Man can control his destiny, his emotions, change the physical world, and affect other people he meets. Following the right dharma is the key to realizing how each of us has "God within ourselves".

most of the points you made can be argued in various stages, reincarnation, esp, etc, however if you are unwilling to lift the veil of maya, you will never understand the concept of "God is I". "God is I" concept also applies to everything on earth, Hindus worships animals, pay reverence to rivers and plants and rocks, all because they believe "God" is within everything.

therefore "God is I", btw i hope you read the link i provided earlier, it will shed a little more light on this concept that some of us believe in.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Ashlar
Once upon a time there was a man who thought he was a god.

eventually he died, and thus his theory was disproven.

and then as a punishment for having a stupid theory, that man was sent to hell for ever.

the end

and you know this? i mean did you come to this conclusion through your own thoughts and experiences, the only thing that is probally only real in this world or is it because somebody else told you to think this way. the sad reality is that your just a machine that does and say what somebody else tells you to do. and if anybody is living a hellish existance it is you cause you are obviously a slave and isn't hell all about slavery. i mean in all likliness you only saw my title and imediately assumed that i was some sort of heretic without reading my reasons for thinking this way. and even if the bible was true (which is obviously isn't because it is riddled with contradictions and has been disproven by science, hisory, and near death experiences) i still woudln't serve your god, even if it meant eternal damnation. i'd rather actually live my life and goto hell than to be a slave to some tryrant god and goto heaven. no matter how bad hell may be. not to mention i have prayed countless times to god and jesus in hopes that they will guide me to the truth. and to my surprise this is what i have came to, and i highly doubt god and jesus will steer me wrong.

[edit on 20-7-2004 by mutehalo]

[Edited on 20-7-2004 by mutehalo]

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by dusran
Once upon a time there was a man who dismissed an idea to quickly.

he closed his mind off from things he didn't already know and things that didn't make sense to him given his current knowledge.

his punishment for this was ignorance.

the end.


posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft
I understand that many of you think that the individual affects the near death experience and is responsible for its content.

How is that different from what any of the classical religions have taught?

It seems that the concept "we are gods" resonates with a lot of posters. In what sense are we gods?

-you are not all powerful

-you are not all knowing

-you have a limited existence: there was a time when you did not exist

-you are neither infinitely good or bad, but a mixture of the two

-you are not self-motivating; you are driven by your psychological conditioning, your subconscious ambitions, and the hormones in your body.

-you are unconscious 1/3 of you lifespan.

-other than your language use and possible congnitive superiority, name one area where you differ in quality from the other animals.

-you didn't create yourself. In fact, you don't really know why you are here.

-you show all signs of being a creature, something created by someone else.

If you believe that you are a 'spark of the divine,' please give a reason for believing this, as well as how that spark is not present everywhere else in reality.

In other words. I cannot see how the human condition is any different from the rest of the universe.

I don't see any reason for saying "we are gods." I think the phrase "we wish we were gods" is probably a lot more descriptive.

while all this is true, i personally believe that our lack of infinite power comes from a subconcious desire where we wanna lack infinite power or at least we wanna believe we lack infinite power. i believe that all beings no matter how small and "insignifigant" are all on the same level with each other including god and were all part of the same infinite oneness (which is what i define god as). we have ultimately chosen an existance that is "below" god. but at the same time we have the power to evolve into a more godlike being if we choose to.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:52 AM
The picture of Adam & Eve with the Serpent can be misleading unless you have done some research. Most people would look at this picture and think that the Serpent is Satan, when in reality it represents God. It was God/Ea who wanted to teach the truth and it was Satan who wanted to prevent the human race from recovering spiritually.

As long as Mankind accepted their servant status, and obeyed their "masters" all of their physical needs would be met and they would be permitted to remain in their "paradise" indefinitely.

The Latin word for "apple" and for "evil" are identical (malum), the apple came to represent the forbidden fruit (Knowledge) of the Garden of Eden. It is therefore often used to symbolize the fall into sin, or of sin itself.

The bible says that God commanded Adam & Eve not to eat of the fruit. The fruit is symbolic for knowledge. Eve eats the fruit, then she and Adam eat it. Was it Satan who told her to eat of the fruit? Certainly the story suggests that! But again, it is a misunderstanding. The Serpent is Prince Ea.

After EA created the human race he wanted to teach humanity truth in spirituality. But the other "gods" wanted to remain in control of the Adam. EA formed an organization called "The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake." Its original purpose was to educate the human race in spiritual truth.

The other "gods" didn't want the human race to be free, all they wanted is to control the human race. So they taught falsehoods regarding Prince Ea. They taught that Ea was evil, calling him Satan, Prince of Darkness, evil encarnate etc etc, a bunch of lies! Ea was against the harsh treatment of the human race, he even spoke out against it.

Here is the pivotal moment in the history of mankind. Satan overthrew God/Ea and took control of the human race and spread lies, turning the Brotherhood of the Serpent against Ea. Satan fooled everybody and switched places with God. So the correct way of looking at the above picture is to see God in the tree as the Serpent and God, who had forbidden the learning of knowledge, as Satan. There is only one of the two, either God or Satan, who would lie or withhold information.

Just anotherof the many theories, and it is MY personal belief that

The old testament tells that as long as Adam & Eve obeyed and stayed at a servitude level, all things would be provided for them. there was certain knowledge they were not to try and obtain. Those forbidden forms of knowledge are symbolized in the story as as two trees, the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. The "Tree of Knowledge" well ever notice how throughout the bible the word "knowing" is used for sexual activity; and Adam "knew" his wife Eve and was not originally meant to procreate (I can hear you saying, "oh no the bible says"....I KNOW what the current version of the bible says)! The "Tree Of Life" represents the spiritual side. Human kind was also not meant to achieve the spirituality of his creator, the immortality of reincarnation of the spirit:

"And the lord said, Look, the man has become as one of us, knowing good from evil: and now, what if he put forth his hand, and takes also from the Tree Of Life, and eats, and lives forever?" Live forever meaning "that"sense we are as Gods.. As you can see, I don't hold to the standard bible facts, as many here don't...

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

-you are not all powerful

That's something that we don't really know. What I know is that we are indeed all powerful when it comes to our own situations, although it's not obvious at all.

-you are not all knowing

Maybe, maybe not. The greatest wisdom and knowledge though, can always be found within yourself. Image Streaming is a method to do this.

-you have a limited existence: there was a time when you did not exist

Nope, IMO you have always existed, most of the time as something else, and a fraction of the time as dr_strangecraft

-you are neither infinitely good or bad, but a mixture of the two

Good and Bad are relative and each cannot exist without the other.

-you are not self-motivating; you are driven by your psychological conditioning, your subconscious ambitions, and the hormones in your body.

Psychological conditioning and subconscious ambitions can be changed with methods such as hypnosis, subliminals, NLP and the 3d-mind.

-you are unconscious 1/3 of you lifespan.

Your subconscious mind, which is another part of you is active then.

-other than your language use and possible congnitive superiority, name one area where you differ in quality from the other animals.

So what? That doesn't mean that animals are not creative beings and are not part of God.

-you didn't create yourself. In fact, you don't really know why you are here.

In a sense we did create ourselves. We are the parts of God which split itself into individual pieces.

If you believe that you are a 'spark of the divine,' please give a reason for believing this, as well as how that spark is not present everywhere else in reality.

Simply because we are creators 24/7, although we do it unconcsiously practically all the time in this society. I have done it consciously at times though.

In other words. I cannot see how the human condition is any different from the rest of the universe.

That's because humans and the rest of the Universe are in their most fundamental form, one and the same. Doesn't mean that there's nothing special with either.

I don't see any reason for saying "we are gods." I think the phrase "we wish we were gods" is probably a lot more descriptive.

Read the book "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, or one of the Seth books by Jane Roberts...

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