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TV Symbolism

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posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 12:03 AM
Many people have talked about the PTB symbolism found in TV shows. I've never seen these shows represented but the symbolism sticks out every time I watch them.

30 Rock:

Okay, so the show is set at 30 Rockefeller Center. With a name like that you should expect good symbolism and it doesn't disappoint. These are all still-caps taken from the credits-images that are repeated on a weekly basis.

First, the image that shows up right away, the English coat of arms. The phrase "Dieu Et Mon Droit" translates to
"God and My Right"


This next set all appears in the space of a few seconds. No other cast member has backgrounds so rich with symbolism.


The three lions are found in Denmark's coat of Arms. It is also the coat of arms of the Plantagenet family (identified in some sources as being part of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines.) Also the symbol of Richard the Lionhearted.

Notice the Atlas sphere resembles a halo


Notice how his head is centered on the torch in this first image



Incidentally, the name is numerologically a 7

How about another show?


It's about a town of high-tech scientists that work for the DOD. There are a lot of "fringe" science topics addressed in the show. The main player is a company called "Global Dynamics" (kind of like General Dynamics-known Illuminati Military-Industrial Company.) Here is the Global Dynamics logo:


Notice the mirroring and the general look of a pitchfork. Here is how the logo is represented outside of the building:


Interesting how it forms a capstone on the pyramid.

Finally, here is a cap from tonight's Family Guy. Notice how "evil Stewies" eyes are slotted like a Reptilian. Why would they choose that image to represent evil Stewie?


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all three of these shows, but the symbolism is certainly interesting for one who is sensitive to such things. What do you guys think?

edit on 7-3-2011 by coyotepoet because: cleaning

edit on 7-3-2011 by coyotepoet because: Grammar

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:47 PM
Once your eyes are opened, you can really see it everywhere. Previously you were completely oblivious to it, because you didn't know what you were watching. Thus you ignored it and your sub-conscious only was affected by it.

It's getting harder to enjoy even the old classics, like The Twilight Zone, being able to see and 'read' the symbolism now. The episode where William Shatner appears (Nick of Time), for example, has so much of this that it certainly doesn't leave any chance for 'coincidence'. Why is even called 'Nick of Time' - it's not very descriptive name for the episode. That only functions as a spoiler of the end solution at best.

In my opinion, it is to get the viewer to focus on TIME, and thus always look at the clock when it's shown (and it's shown quite a lot). In one shot, (which came to view just when I was wondering whether this show also has that symbolism) they show the clock being four (4) to three (3). In other words, the big hand was on 11+1, the small hand was on 3. That made me gasp - JUST when I wondered about that (and didn't really think such an old show could have any), it hit me right in the face. 11 and 3 - mason's favorite numbers!

At first, I wondered why the big hand isn't on the 11 precisely, but one minute off. But of course they love the number 1113 even more than 113, I reckon'.

Or 11+1 = 12. And 12+3 = 6 (numerologically speaking, because 1+2+3 = 6 AND 1x2x3 = 6)

In any case, having -anything- to do with 11 and 3, is quite startling, in the first scene that a big clock is shown really slowly and strikingly. (which happens almost immediately after the watch scene, which I am explaining later in this post - they REALLY wanted the 'aware' viewers to be focused on the TIME = clocks)

Then almost every scene that happens indoors, has at least one devil's head in plain view. The whole episode is based on a machine with a devil's head, that is shown disturbingly much in close-up shots (pretty needlessly in many cases). And those shots are disturbingly long, too. Like they want this image to burn right down to your soul through your retinas.

Please notice, that the other eye is closed, and the other eye sparkles .. like the sun, perhaps? In any case, ONE EYE is again the symbol here on top of everything else. And notice how the teeth seem to be pointing in opposite directions, like the triangles in the seal of the solomon, AND visually they look like the number 11.

Then there's the diamond-shaped checkered grid, through which the protagonist observes some old women, and which is shown many times very clearly (I am not sure if this means anything, though, but the diamond shape is of course 'two pyramids', which would constitute the seal of solomon, which is the 'true sign of the devil', not only because it has six points)..

A powerful visual, for sure. There's probably more to this than is immediately obvious - lots of pyramid shapes, if you look closely, for example. The straight line on the lower part of the picture (back of the wooden seat) forms upward and downward pyramids together with the grid.

Shatner also wears a peculiar shirt, which has the numbers 3 and 11 hidden in plain sight (or maybe I am reading too much into it). The three is the three lines that form the Y-shape, and separated by a button, there is the two lines, forming a visual "11".

The buttons form a visual reverse triangle, and of course the shirt does this too (or the skin revealed by the shirt).

Might not mean anything, could be just a design of a shirt. But it's somewhat odd how the woman wears masonic-checkers on her shirt. Did women really wear clothes like that back then? Was that considered feminine? Shatner also asks from a "Polly" on the phone, "What's the secret word, Polly?".

Secret word? Hmm. Why such an odd choice of words? I mean, if it's so secret, she couldn't very well tell him over the phone.

Later on, the woman says to Shatner's character: "Just one question per penny, please". Why would she say that? She's his lover (or wife, or whatever). Suddenly she works for the machine = works for the one-eyed devil..? Who, by the way, looks like this:

Please notice it has exactly six (6) stars. Please also notice the dualism - "Ask me a YES or NO question".

The questions read:

* Does He/She Love Me ?
* Will I Become Rich ?
* Is My Future Bright ?

Seems innocent enough, but the first question expressed doubt towards perhaps your trusted life companion. The second is obviously worshipping the mammon, and the third cleverly hides 'Illumination' within it. It says "Bright". This is of course a figure of speech as well - but when you think about it, why is it 'bright', as in 'illuminated', instead of 'prosperous' or 'good'?

Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but I just wanted to point out how this could be interpreted.

There are plenty of watches throughout the episode - it really is about "Time", secondarily, although the main point is being obsessed with the machine.

This is just one of the many clocks shown in the episode:

Notice how it's exactly 02:13. Thirteen again! Why 13? Why couldn't it be some other number?

The little clock within the clock (this is what 'they' love, isn't it? Something-withing-something - like Vatican being a City-within-a-City (just like the UN in New York)) shows 03:50, or the numbers 4 and 10.

Also, in the clock, only every other number is shown as number, the rest are shown as lines. Or 'rays of the sun', if you wish. The numbers that have been replaced by the lines are:

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

Numerologically the more meaningful ones. Also, that creates exactly six (6) such 'rays' or lines, which is of course an interesting number.

Moving on, there's then this shot of the one-eyed devil, shown from below, as if the viewer is looking UP to him (or being his servant/slave/underling). Subliminal, but effective.

About every time a time is mentioned, it's "three" (3) something. Three o'clock, or "two thirty", for example.

And finally, when another 'time' is shown on another clock, it doesn't have the 11 numerologically speaking, BUT it is now a ROMAN clock (were these really that common during the era?), which of course points to a lot of I's (because of the way roman numerals are), and still VISUALLY make the image of "11" anyway. Especially when the big hand is on XII (that's the beloved "X" _AND_ the visual II together!), and look where the little hand is... III. It's both 3, AND visual "111" at the same time - ANOTHER instance in the same episode that produces 1113!

I am sure someone could decypher more symbology from this picture, and certainly from the episode itself, and most certainly from the whole show.. (Like - what letter is missing from the word "LORIA" there, to form the word "GLORIA"? Yes, that's right. The masonic G of course)

Then there are the numbers of the houses and such, but I can't be sure of those, because I am not that deep into the numerology aspect of this in my casual research yet.

Then there's the episode number 54 (5+4 = 9) that mentions "The Odyssey of Flight 33".

Why ODYSSEY? Why number 33? Of all possible numbers, why choose 33?

Then I have noticed "11" on a painting in the episode number 077 (The Jungle), with a light triangle on top of it (from a lamp that itself looks like a rounded triangle, I forgot what that's called in english - something-hedron?), and a meeting room that is overseen by a lamp that looks almost exactly like an EYE.

Here is a picture to illuminate (pun intended) my point:

Have you ever seen a lamp like that in real life? Why would anyuone design a lamp that looks like that, and feature it so much and so strikingly (it's like the background is designed so that the lamp really makes an impression)? They also show a heck of a lot of that lamp, it's practically in every shot from the whole meeting room. It's like the 'all-seeing eye is watching everyone from above'.

You can even see the painting and lamp in question on the background, but here is a closer shot of it

I am not saying these are conclusive proofs of anything, but it certainly jumps at me and makes me think. Incredible coincidences? It's possible for any individual symbol of course. But combined with all the other symbols and 'coincidences', it's starting to look quite slim that it could ALL be just a coincidence.

I could go on, but by now, either my point is proven, taken into consideration, or dismissed. So take what you will from all of this, I find it peculiar (and even surprising, although I really shouldn't be)

I guess it's just sort of disappointing that you can never really escape that symbolism, if you watch any TV shows, movies, etc.. maybe only in the very old video games you can for awhile live in a world without that annoying and evil symbology.

(At least if you stay away from "military" games - the militaries have influenced the movies and video games way too much - there is even a book about it, which I'd like to read some day)

My point is, that it's sad, how widespread and old all this is - you'd think an old show like Twilight Zone would give you some escape from all this, but no. I suspect almost nothing (of the kind) does.

So the next time someone suggests 'Twilight Zone' music to be played on the background, because their 'conspiracy theory' was too shallow, remind them that the show itself is one big illuminati symbol-fest.
edit on 20-6-2012 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:21 PM
It goes much deeper than just noticeable visual things in tv. Tones frequencies repetitions color timing and other technologies. Of course this sort of talk is all dismissed as schizophrenia and other mental illnesses when someone brings this sort of subject up,

Lets put it this way- If you truly knew what they do to program would become more fierce than a suicidal islamic terrorist bomber. The only difference is you would not be striking out at innocent targets for by then you would have learned of the true source from where it all comes. The powers that be would basically be in serious grave danger even with their current protocols for retreat if you truly and fully awake.. Fortunately for them you have layers upon layers of programming and blocks in your mind even at a DnA generational level that prevents such an all out awakening that would lead to an all out retaliation .

for now that is.

edit on 20-6-2012 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:23 PM
sarcasm ? comedy ?

I sure hope so, lol

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
sarcasm ? comedy ?

I sure hope so, lol dead serious

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
It goes much deeper than just noticeable visual things in tv. Tones frequencies repetitions color timing and other technologies.

Well, of course. They use every mean they have, that's just common 'sense'. But tones of what? Frequencies of what? Repetitions where? Color in what? Timing where/in what?

Those are not 'technologies', those are just basic receptions of the human body system. We receive those things all the time, unless we are blind, deaf etc. Using them in certain way could be said to be 'techniques', and the TOOLS for utilizing said techniques could be said to be 'technology' (not sure if 'technologies' applies quite yet).

I nitpick for clarity. Otherwise things get too foggy and messed up, and no one knows what is meant. You could also have used a comma inbetween the words, as that is a list.

And my other point is, that you are being quite vague in what you mean in actual practical reality. Frequency of light can be controlled in a church service, for example. But if you don't go to a church service, what then? Repetition only works if you constantly let the same source influence you, long times in a row. Otherwise it doesn't work. What is repeated, and where? You can talk about TV commercials, for example. But if you don't watch TV, then what?

I could do this with every item in your list, but you get my point. Sure, I get that HAARP probably modifies people's frequencies, that there's probably more 'esoteric mind-controlling' going on, that reaches beyond the physical level, and manipulates people from the 'invisible' planes of existence as well, and all that.

I get it.

But you CAN minimize the effect, and these 'obvious' visual clues are still pretty interesting in any case.

Of course this sort of talk is all dismissed as schizophrenia and other mental illnesses when someone brings this sort of subject up

Dismissed by who?

I am not dismissing it at all, for example. So who are you talking about? The masses? The people in ATS? Psychiatric 'doctors'? All of the previously mentioned?

Lets put it this way- If you truly knew what they do to program would become more fierce than a suicidal islamic terrorist bomber.

Why do you say this? Not everyone is that temperamental, and there are various worldviews, according to which, we have volunteered (in more levels than one) to all of this, there is the perspective that all this is SUPPOSED to happen, and so on. Why would anyone get that angry and mad?

I know a lot about what they do to "program" me, and I don't think I am very 'programmed' yet anyway. So what does it matter what they DO to program me, if it doesn't AFFECT me? And if it DOES affect me, I won't care or believe they are programming me anyway, so why would I get angry in either case?

Are those people 'fierce' btw? What's so fierce about blowing yourself up? They do it to get sex in the afterlife (a silly thought, I know), not because they are 'fierce'.

And lastly, I'd like to ask you to reveal what you think you know about 'what they do to program me'. Please tell us, help us become 'fierce'. Explain it all to us.

So far you have just made a vague description, listing a few items that are basically neutral, and have not elaborated at all or given any relevant details that support any of your claims.

If you are willing to explain it thoroughly and elaborate on your claims, it'd be so much easier to take you and your claims seriously (I don't doubt they are trying to program people, but I do wonder what you are actually saying in detail, and I think your claims about 'becoming fierce' are wrong - I mean, why are YOU not 'fierce', if you know all this? WHAT is it that you are talking about, that would make people "fierce"? Why would it make anyone "fierce"?)

The only difference is you would not be striking out at innocent targets for by then you would have learned of the true source from where it all comes.

..True source, which you are not going to reveal after all these claims?

Come on, you are making interesting claims, please follow up and elaborate on them.

The powers that be would basically be in serious grave danger even with their current protocols for retreat if you truly and fully awake..

What would happen to people who were truly and fully awake? What do you mean by this exactly? Do you mean 'the masses' when you say "you"?

Fortunately for them you have layers upon layers of programming and blocks in your mind even at a DnA generational level that prevents such an all out awakening that would lead to an all out retaliation

How do you mean? Please elaborate.

for now that is.

What do you imply by this?

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