reply to post by Zanti Misfit
What I , and many other Americans in this Country would like to know is, Who is Behind all this Civil Unrest in the Middle East right now ? It All
seems Orchestrated by some Group for Sinister purposes don't you think ?
May I suggest, in all sincerity, is that this may be a form of blowback (though not necessarily the literal definition of blowback, a CIA related
term. But possibly.).
The major actor in disruption of the middle east and middle Asia in this millenium has been the US of A (and so-called allies who supply a smaller
percentage of the forces). We invaded two countries based on the
blatant lies of the so-called official story 9/11/2001. The occupations
of Afghanistan and Iraq have continued since 10/2001 and 03/2003 respectively. We made a lot of promises, but: have we kept them?
Have we not killed (by very conservative and incomplete estimates) at least 650,000
civilians in Islamic countries? Forget about the
term "Blowback". Consider that this is "Payback". Maybe these people are just tired of having their sons, daughters, and babies killed by "anonymous"
drone bombings, and "extarordinary renditions" and "silent assasinations".
What would we (USA citizens) do in those circumstances, when we had nothing to do with the crimes we as a nation were accused of??? What if we felt
that our "leaders" were bribed with $$$billions in foreign aid, just so our/their covert ops would do what is normally done in a Mafia street
protection racket. Hmmmm...
Maybe the rest of the Islamic world is tired of it, and they have enough sense to see that nobody is going to stop the killings.
Maybe they are rising up because they realized that most of their leaders are puppets, paid in US petro-dollars to keep their regimes afloat as long
as our Corporate Raiders have
carte blanche in their not-so-little fiefdoms.
We as a supposedly "Consitutional Republic" have an obligation and a duty to set this country on the Righteous Path, and do no more harm.
We, as a people, need to get a
firm grip on our elected leaders, so we can save the Republic, kick out the War Dogs, and bring it back to what
the founders, our ancestors, and you and I (Americans and all freedom loving people) had envisioned when we first woke up.
Maybe the protests are not engineered, maybe the Middle East is tired and waking up. After going through things that we almost assuredly have no idea
edit on 6-3-2011 by 1SawSomeThings because: (no reason given)