Really great interview and excellent pointed questions. The interviewer did a wonderful job.
Was interesting regarding the Chicago O'hare incident and especially good question. His answer indicates a deliberate and quick cover up there and in
Stephenville, losing (?) 10 F16s!
He strongly implicates THE PRESS as complicit in a cover-up as well.
I never liked Bill Nye the Science Guy. Yes, it was because he is adamantly against all possibilities of UFOs - at first, but then it grew. I just
sense something creepy about him..
To me, you have to look at this subject with at least the open mindedness to say "it is possible." Follow that with "though doubtful, highly unlikely"
etc. whatever you want... but at least man up and admit "it is POSSIBLE."
Friedman mentions when people present him with photo or film evidence he says 'I am no expert and cannot verify THIS is real.' (whereas eyewitness,
radar or other parts of an account may be verifiable...the photo evidence cannot) and so this he puts in his gray basket."
Neither proved nor disproved.
He points out that he himself outed or debunked Bob Lazar and parts of Lt Col Corsos stories, so he IS critical and does not blanket believe.
I put it in my gray basket.
I thought, "There are people who do not have a gray basket."
They have only 2 baskets. This explains a lot.
To me you have to look at this subject with at least the open mindedness to say "it is possible."
It is as possible as is possible there is a God.
God is (admittedly- because I am a believer) in a gray basket too.
To some more so and to others less so but still - the gray basket.
Aliens are AS possible AS God - no matter what your thoughts on God are.
It is even possible the aliens ARE "God" - causing rise to the many colorful, assorted tales and bizarre customs based on claims of otherworldly
beings from heaven, helping and hurting lowly stupid humans... as recollected in Muslim, Christian, Jew, and Buddhist tales... or
He points out being a "debunker" can cost lives. Goes on to mention a historical example where ignorance killed. There was once a doctor with an
impossible (to prove) idea - washing his hands before delivering babies could lessen death of the mothers. Instead of believing him, the hospital
Administrator "debunked" the claim - booted him out of his job for even making the outlandish suggestion the doctors were in any way responsible for
killing mothers.
Then the hospital proceeded in misguided and inadvertent kill a great many more mothers.
Maybe you can't prove a negative but you should always pause for thought.
Finally, I especially love where Stanton Friedman says in the interview (paraphrasing)
"new and different, evolutionary ways of thinking are not accepted because the opponents of such thinking come to believe them...they are finally
accepted because the opponents die." I love this!
"...and a new generation comes to replace them."
This is hopeful since it means I don't have to frustrate myself trying to change anyone's mind.
Seems time heals all wounds, even huge, gaping ignorance.
edit on 6-3-2011 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)