posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:37 AM
Hello everyone!
I am a long time lurker, signed up a couple of months ago, and just decided that it is time for me to introduce myself.
I live in North Eastern Pennsylvania. I have a full time job, single mom of 3 wonderful children, and trying to live the perceived American dream.
I came here to be with like minded people. People who are not satisfied with the spoon fed lies of the MSM. People who are open minded. People like
you all!
I am someone who, until it is proven without a doubt that it cannot be, will believe that anything can be possible. I try my best to not be
judgmental. I also believe that the word "paranoid" is over used. I prefer "suspect"
I am also a numbers kind of gal, love mathematics and science! I see sequences all the time and I currently on a quest to see if my love of math is
the reason why.
I have had NDEs (yes, pural), I have seen ghosts, and I have seen UFOs. I can lucid dream (for some reason) and I do it often.
So other than being a Leo, liking Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream, and windy walks on the beach, that is me in a nut shell.
I hope to get to know you all better.
Thank you for having me,