To be honest I'm not liking all this because it only shows the things I have been shown and told on my experiences.
What you have to do is keep a check on all the new fissures opening around the Planet and plot them on a map and you will see future events coming to
I know many just ignore the threads and posts where members say..... start getting prepared and have a plan ready to move inland etc. I believe it
wouldn't hurt to heed the warnings.
I know I was show several volcanoes erupting at the same time, I observe earthquakes and new areas they occur that are not normal and I also look for
new fissures opening.
From my understanding all this has to happen like this and in this way to save the Human race, they are attempting to lesson the blow that is heading
our way and it was to be an ELE.
What I am really watching is the Atlantic Ridge Mid- Central and little South and somewhat North. The area I am talking about is not really a very
active area and the area I was shown would not be expected for this event to occur. Watch the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
All I can tell you is if you see two large connecting quakes off the tip of Brazil out to the Ridge get your acts together and be ready because and I
don't know exactly how long it might be, ( possibly several weeks????) the event will be preceeded by an unmistakable P-WAVE coming from the Ridge
and when that happens-- the event happens, the largest quake ever imagined covering the entire hump of Africa out to the Ridge it will cover other
Countries also the Tsunami's will be something hard to comprehend.
Dread will be the word
It's not now but it's coming and you will see things (which I described before) that may actually wake some people up to the fact UFO's and Aliens
just might be the real deal......but of course there will still be others that....................................
Time is ticking my friends
I have now again written and given you what to look for those two connecting quakes off Brazil when that occurs its only a matter of time it's your
choice to heed the warning and as they say:
Whatever is to be will be!
They will have done there job saving this race from extinction and the ones that are here and share their experiences are going to be the ones that
will be helping you bring forth your New Beginning so I suggest to the skeptics and debunkers to start an lighten up.
The winds, fires and floods will get worse observe your Moon and SUN.