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The reason why you're not taken seriously

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posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Motive
I mostly just skim through ATS looking for interesting topics, and I always see alot of people in Aliens and UFO's complaining that more people need to open their eyes etc etc.

Ever wondered why alot of people simply don't want to be open to the concept of things such as abductions, or ET's already visiting Earth? Look at the way so many people act on the forum.

1. Constant stream of ridiculous videos. e.g Kid Catches Alien on Film. SIX pages of replies about a blurry youtube video of an alien supposedly running around some kids house, doing squats in the bushes - posted by someone who has a number of other ridiculous Alien related videos also.

/nip for brevity/

2. Alot of people seem to be of the view that, if you don't believe that ET's are already in contact with Earth, or that there isn't a massive government coverup going on, then YOU MUST BE A NARROWMINDED SHEEP.
/snip for brevity/
You can't convince people to open their minds to pretty unfounded theories, when you cant even open yourself up to the prospect that it might be wrong.

3. "Nibiru" - Wow, personally I don't buy into the 2012 theory but who knows. Though seriously, do we need all these "NIBIRU IS COMING" "THE 12TH PLANET" threads constantly. Just look now on the forum, the "NIBIRU, 4th march has arrived!" thread. Full of posts such as "there is definately something up and everyone can feel something - gut feelings."

/snip for brevity/

4. "Debunkers" - I really dislike this term, especially as everytime I see the word used, it's used in a pretty patronising way. When most people see or hear that word, they probably think of trolls. Yet every time a ridiculous picture of some teenager taking a picture of themselves in the mirror and thinking they can see an alien in the corner of the picture, I'm ashamed of humanity to see that alot of people jump on it. Or when someone takes a dodgy picture out of their window and claim to see a light in the sky, even though it looks fairly obvious to be a smudge/reflection on the window, there'll be countless replies against "debunkers" along the lines of, you're a government misinformationist, or why would he lie or open your eyes they're here.

This thread may've turned into a bit of a rant, whoops. The thing is, I'm openminded to the possibility of ET's, whether they're years away, or whether they've been here for hundreds of years, or that we havent encountered them at all. My point is, the attitude the majority of this forum has really doesn't do ANY favours whatsoever for this "community" or for the general ideology behind ET's and such.

Rant over.

You have made a lot of excellent points here. I strongly suggest that everyone read the original post, it makes a lot of sense. I can say this because I'm part of the tinfoil-hat crowd. Many of the theories I hold stock in sound absolutely insane, at least on the surface. I know they sound nutty so I don't try to push it on people. Many times a "false choice" is presented to people that pits folks against each other. I believe things are sometimes deliberately designed the way. For example evolution vs. creationism. I'm an athiest. I can also poke holes in evolutionary theory all day long. Why can't there be other theories? Or a merging of the two? Or a merging of several theories? You may be unaware of this, but there are many choices besides "Evolution" or "Creation"...and no I will not discuss my beliefs publicly because I invariably draw fire from BOTH sides.

...and that is the problem. People can't be polite, or be bothered to make even the most basic research steps before jumping on one side or the other of these two sided bandwagons that are constantly presented to us. I used Evolution and Creation as an example, nearly EVERY issue is presented as a dicotomy, and once people pick a side, they act like idiots and close their once open minds.

Sad really.

edit on 12-3-2011 by woghd because: snipped areas were mangled

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 09:39 PM
Both extreme sides ruin it all for the rest really. That is true of everything though I suppose. Believers that believe anything, and people that deny everything, both make us all look dumb. When someone claims something is a hoax, I expect them to provide some evidence, is that really so much to ask. I have experienced a UFO myself, I know it is real. Do I know what they are, and where they came from? No, it could be aliens, or a secret government project, I have no idea.

posted on Mar, 12 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Some obvious examples why we cant be taken seriously by anybody with have a brain. Here, take a look at some of these current threads without laughing out loud:

Zeta Reticulans want of Pacific Earth.....
SOHO Glitch shows something "astonishing"

I could go on all evening. It is like this subject just sucks those in that want to treat this like a religion or something,

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by woghd
You may be unaware of this, but there are many choices besides "Evolution" or "Creation"...and no I will not discuss my beliefs publicly because I invariably draw fire from BOTH sides.

You have been a member for a day now. Couldn't you have chosen another name and let these theories out so people can analyse them and therefore be aware of this information?

I'm saying chose another name as you may value the name woghd and don't want to be hounded.

But the knowledge would be out there at least and being debated.

As is no one but you knows this information.


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 02:45 PM
Kid catches alien on film once again

I'm sure there are a hundred more examples, like the two above as well.

Here's what I saw in this thread:

-Someone claims they have proof. And not only is it an actual alien that actually hangs around his house, but it comes back again and again (7 times at the time of that thread), and he'd done nothing but gotten the same out of focus, worthless footage. No calls to any university, no calls to any UFOlogists, nothing. He got a small mention on the daily local newspaper's website.

-He claimed to have been attacked in a later video, and then showed off a sizable bruise in another. Again, no police report, no hospital visit (which would be smart, considering a being from another planet just touched you, and who knows what kind of germs it could have).

-We go through each and every one of these scenarios over and over, attempting to get a clear picture of what he actually did with any of this footage and personal experience, and he ended up pointing out that he's done nothing other than putting it on youtube (which he'll allow others to use for their own projects if you ask permission).

Not only were there people in the thread accepting blindingly that it was actually an alien in those videos, they were defending the OP when people asked the right questions and he blatantly ignored them.

Why is the UFO/Aliens community not taken seriously? Because it doesn't deserve to be taken seriously due to it's own actions and the actions it chooses to support. You should all be tearing each and every person who claims to have evidence up one side and down the other to get to the absolute bottom of it, but instead it's so much better to let it languish in mystery and an unsolved status, because that means it could still be what you want it to be.

So many people within the community are absolutely not truth-seekers, they're fantasy-seekers. They want their fantasies to be real so badly that they're willing to shut down real discussion to achieve it. Skeptics are bad, debunkers are bad, everyone who doesn't accept their particular flavor of alien life is bad. Basically the only person worth keeping around is themselves, but damn if you're not still going to hear their opinions on it all!

I doubt that posts like these will leave the lasting impression they were meant to. Often times I wonder if there's really any point in shouting at the wall in an attempt to get people to open their eyes a little bit, and back off of their own soapbox for a second to listen to what's really going on.

A whole community teetering on 1% of worthwhile cases and research, and 99% of the tripe in the threads mentioned above. That's not how things should be.
edit on 3/13/2011 by EsSeeEye because: cleanup

posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by EsSeeEye

Why is the UFO/Aliens community not taken seriously? Because it doesn't deserve to be taken seriously due to it's own actions and the actions it chooses to support. You should all be tearing each and every person who claims to have evidence up one side and down the other to get to the absolute bottom of it, but instead it's so much better to let it languish in mystery and an unsolved status, because that means it could still be what you want it to be.

I, and many, many others have said this dozens of times here over the years. Most of those people are gone. They have been banned or just left due to the ridiculous amount of ignorance that is not only displayed here on a daily basis, but also supported by management because this place is first and foremost a business. Nothing wrong with that. But, if we all sat around and discussed this like intelligent adults this place would be a ghost town. Not good for business.

This place is designed to foster an environment that tries to walk the line between "denying ignorance" yet at the same time doing whatever they can to attract and promote it in order to get clicks.

Simple, and very easy to understand. We are our own worst enemy.
edit on 13-3-2011 by MainLineThis because: to add a few words. Wont last here long anyway becasue the truth hurts around here.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:24 PM
Hello All,

Is that it? End of discussion?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:07 AM
I would like to state that I am a believer.

I believe that ufo's are government aircraft first invented by Nikola Tesla and then stolen by Edison.

I believe that ancient ufo's are moot, because the lack of real science back then.

I believe that abductions are real,,,,,but I believe they are abducted by some government entity for research purposes of some sort. Maybe to make it seem like we are "visited". The worlds biggest disinfo campaign.

I believe these "aliens" are EBE's. Engineered Biological Entities for the same purpose as above.

I believe some "body", as in a human is pulling the strings to decieve.

I believe that I have exhibited the same amount of evidence that I have seen on about 80% of these types of threads.

I believe this is my opinion and I have the right to that.

I believe I S&f the op along time ago because I believe that I agree with the op.

edit on 24-3-2011 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2011 by liejunkie01 because: spelling, grammar, I believe

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:20 AM
Hello liejunkie01,

I am not a believer but I do believe there should be a plan that at least attempts to find out who is right.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by hiflier
Hello liejunkie01,

I am not a believer but I do believe there should be a plan that at least attempts to find out who is right.

I agree 100%.

I have my camera locked and loaded. Ready for action. Of course my pictures, if I ever get the oppertunity to find something of interest, it will be blurry out of focus. I hope not but that is how my luck goes sometimes.

Just for the record I believe I seen the Shiloh Illinios ufo several years ago. I have no proof so I do not talk about it much. The thing I find interesting is it was near Scott AFB.

This famous UFO case involved the sighting of a huge unidentified triangular-shaped UFO by police officers and others in the early morning hours of January 5, 2000, over the state of Illinois. The officers, from a number of small Illinois towns, were able to track the unknown object and maintain radio contact with each other during the event. Their in-depth testimonies have been fully documented by investigators.

This image is not that great, but I guess that some of the ufo files photos are copyrighted and it was only one.


I believe it was the TR3-B on a test flight. I have seen so many people debunk the TR3-B, but what do they know. It is secret right. I just thought I would share this.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Hello liejunkie01,

May I call you"LJ"? The Shiloh UFO is without a doubt one of the most famous in recent time. My focus IS actually the BTs. You and I are so on the same page it isn't funny. I have a story if you are up for it. It is isn't about Black Triangles but I am now on a huge path because of them. Or should I say because of my interest in them. I t is a story that has occurred over 4 months but really came into focus around Feb. 6. Goes to the present and will go for a few months more and then I think I'll quit the UFO scene for a while, maybe for good.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:21 PM
At the end of the day, if some people really want to learn more about Ufology but only use this forum and then make their minds up either way, then that's their own problem. If you don't like the way this forum is, then research elsewhere and keep checking back for interesting threads or something. Judging the field by threads on one forum of one site is utterly stupid, lazy, and just shows a lack of interest in the firstplace.

To be honest I have no clue what's going on with this forum any more and rarely read threads, but every now and then there's something interesting. In fact, there's rarely things that interest me on any sites nowadays, but no matter how stupid people become and what ridiculous stories they push, I'll still keep an open mind as to what's out there. I'm not going to be put off by how crap we are as a species at making the field of Ufology into what it should be. It probably just shows how ignorant we are as a whole, or just not ready to have our false, safe, (which are actually anything but.) and comfy beliefs of reality altered.
edit on 24-3-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Hitoshura
Hello Hitoshura,

It is discouraging that not everyone really wants to know much. The idea of ET being real is just to fearful for most.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by hiflier

I have a story if you are up for it. It is isn't about Black Triangles but I am now on a huge path because of them. Or should I say because of my interest in them. I t is a story that has occurred over 4 months but really came into focus around Feb. 6. Goes to the present and will go for a few months more and then I think I'll quit the UFO scene for a while, maybe for good.

You should make a good thread and share it with everyone. I have been thinking about my incident for a long time. One day I will make a thread and post it. I believe you should. If you do can you u2u me the thread title.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:45 PM
I'd say the ultimate goal here should be to have the forum shut down.

The fact that the UFO phenomenon has existed all this time and that so, so little evidence is available I'd say it's a pretty sure shot that the whole thing is... well, imaginary.

The sooner we realize this the sooner we can stop wasting our time investigating this phenomenon, as it's probably a collection of peoples fantasies, our need to not be alone and our brains fantastic ability to make connections based on little information. The last part referring to "seeing things that aren't there".

I used to say that the UFO phenomenon was almost certainly real and that aliens were definitely visiting us because of the sheer amount of evidence throughout the years. I was, however, 13 at the time. Now that I'm an adult and can think critically I've since abandoned my belief because of the sheer lack of evidence.

Sure, there are interesting videos out there, but after years of being interested in the UFO phenomenon, you realize (as OP describes) that a lot of them are bogus, and uninteresting.

Now here's my point, and the reason I made that claim about how the forum should be shut down. If you pile up the remaining evidence, which really comes down to a handful of videos and a handful of credible sightings which two or more people experienced (meaning it couldn't have been a hallucination at the very least), do you really get enough justification to claim that there's something worth investigating here, claiming alien visitation and what not?

I say no, simply 'cause of the sheer amount of videos/evidence that have been debunked, or are inconclusive, or are unusable as actual evidence for any number of reasons. That's why I feel this forum has done it's job. We got to the truth, even though it hurts to admit it.

There's no mystery here. What we did learn though is that we're gullible in more ways than one.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Drexon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:25 PM
Nibiru is for reals. It is cloaked and already very close

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Drexon

UFO is real, maybe you are not lucky enough to have seen one. I feel sorry for you if that is the case. What was the UFO? I have no idea, that is why it is a UFO.... I don't claim what I saw was made from aliens, but it was not like anything known to the general public. A giant triangle that makes no noise louder than the vehicle we were in, unheard of in the public. Could it be some secret government airship, yep. Could it have been aliens, yep. Not to mention some of the "debunkings" are laughable.... The giant triangle that was claimed to be flairs.... Hillarious.
edit on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 17:36:18 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by aBlueRAY
Nibiru is for reals. It is cloaked and already very close

wait...I thought nibiru was a planet or comet.

I dont think planets can cloak.

Is the new theory that its a spaceship....or something?

Lol unless you were joking
edit on 26-3-2011 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Motive

Originally posted by Perfectenemy
I conpletely agree.

Ofcourse you do, you're the guy that said you hated skeptics and alien life is a proven fact, then continued to dribble all over my thread. You're hilarious.

Well aren't you an entitled one. If you don't like this place, or the people discussing things in this forum, you can always leave. (instead of being obnoxious)

The believers will always believe, and the skeptics will always be skeptical, this thread is nothing more than you wanting an argument.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:35 PM
I'm new here, let me try and follow.

"Poster #1- Here is a video posted on Youtube by someone who isn't myself, looks interesting, I wonder what it could be?

Poster #2- What a crock of bologna, I'm so sick and tired of these fake videos. They don't ever back up anything with proof, and it's so fakety fake faker fake.

Poster #1- How do you know it's fake? I mean, it could be real.

Poster #3- OMG! They are here man, that's totally an Alien and it's coming soon. The Government will try to deny it, but it's here man!

Poster #4- Poster #3, you're kidding right?

Poster #2- Poster #3, you're the most idiotic person ever, it's believers like you that are the bane of this world and these boards.

Poster #5- That's a fake, been there, seen that. Fakkkkke.

Poster #3- Figures, the Government Disinfo Agents are fast at hand in covering up this 100% real video on an internet message forum!

Poster #2- Prove that it's real, Posters #1 and 3

Poster #4- Yeah, let's see some proof of it being real!

Poster #3- Prove that's it isn't real, everyone else! The government!"

Copy and paste for 8 pages worth with varying other posters. Is that about right?

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