posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 02:56 AM
I would also have lasik surgery for my eyes and, of course, rehabilitative surgery if I should suffer disfigurement in an accident etc.
Being 52, I've mulled over the idea of "having my face done" and decided not to for several reasons:
1. I do not want to incur the risk of general anesthesia for vanity and I certainly don't want major surgery with only local anesthesia.
2. Most importantly, I have decided that our "cult of youth" has gone too far. Why should I try to look as if I am 21 (even if possible?). When
looking at my face, now, I see character. Ok, so I'm not a 20 year old anymore, but I'm in good shape, take care of myself, and have learned to
cherish those little wrinkles that sneak up. There's an old saying that you earn the face you have at 50 and I think there's some truth to that.
Beauty should not be seen as being only the provenance of the young. Of course, young beauty is a wonder to behold, but there's something graceful,
elegant, chic, and joyous about mature beauty.
You don't have to turn 50 and turn into an old bag in saggy polyester dresses.
I still wear jeans, tee shirts, long hair etc. I take care of my face through natural means and my body through exercise. That's the choice I have
made. I don't really criticize others' choices.
And, for full disclosure, I will admit to having my teeth zapped for brightness after I gave up my disgusting smoking habit.