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Originally posted by ken10
reply to post by boncho
Well you are taking the stance that free energy is impossible ......No ?
So I have shown that there is an energy source in our surroundings that we currently use for a free energy source, and that there is potential to harness that same energy from a weaker source....It just takes a breakthrough.
So i wouldn't discount other ideas.
We keep going back to "The laws of physics" and such to stop us moving forward, So lets look at the world around us...
Originally posted by XtraTL
reply to post by boncho
I looked up one of the references provided at the OP's link "Integrity Institute". It's a nature article.
Well, naturally, as a scientist, I have access to Nature. Not only do they give the wrong year for the "publication" and from what I can tell, a defective link, but the actual "article" referred to was on the Nature News site, i.e. a science aggregator website. So I didn't need my Nature subscription at all. This is open content:
No surprises there.
It was written a year earlier than claimed, and it is *completely misquoted*. The article on the "integrity website" says the effect should be a few centimetres per hour. The actual article says a few tenths of a millimetre per hour.
Compare the "integrity" website version here:
The actual article being referred to by the Nature News aggregator is:
Feigel, A. Quantum vacuum contribution to the momentum of
dielectric media. Physical Review Letters, 92, 020404,
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.020404 (2004).
(I guess the article had not actually appeared when the Nature News piece was written.)
And just in case there is any doubt that this article is misquoted, here is the abstract:
Note it states 50nm/s which is 0.18 mm/hr.
Any response to this OP?
Originally posted by boncho
I'll give them 2 pts for not outright declaring they have a free energy machine. The problem is when you start looking into this free energy stuff you get plastered with bogus crap from all over the place. If you want people to have an unbiased critical view, number one, I would not have them be part of this FE circuit.
There are legitimate labs in Japan, China, Russia (Ok, well it is Russia so quasi) the US, and India, (possibly more) that work with LENR. These labs you do not find on this FE web circuit.
Sorry, but most of these places look like fraud. And when I questioned the one in the OP I got nailed with references to dozens of these stupid semi-professional labs. Maybe you argue, "But universities got linked too". Well I already posted an example of how the entire physic community was conned and that included Universities.
The point is, if you want an unbiased discussion on a real technology that has evidence to back up any claims it has made, post a new thread with evidence. This thread has been scamming from its inception.
All the labs I a
Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by GeeGee
Look, I've read so much through these sites about their experiments and their creators in the past two days than I can't separate them. What I noticed was that in general, a large number of them were making unsubstantiated claims. That is fraud. You say there are some good ones among the mix that have been posted in this thread. Fine. Maybe there are.
Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Amaterasu
Nor is ZPE "free" in the sense of energy from nothing. There's a huge something pumping energy into the universe such that is accelerating in its expansion - so obviously it does interact with ZPE... We don't know WHY the energy is there or what that something is yet, but we know it is there and it can interact/be interacted with.
Interacting with it and exploiting it are two separate things.
But that something pumping the energy in is equivalent to the sun in the solar energy illustration you offer. And the energy is there to be used. The PTB, however are VERY threatened by its presence (relying on oil to control others), however, and it would be naive to assume that They wouldn't suppress it as best They could.
Please back these assumptions up with facts. You are going back into fiction. Why don't you just read Twilight for your fix. Why make stuff up?
Explain this to me, if I made a FE device tomorrow, than would "TPTB" come knocking on my door? How would they know, what if I gave working models and blueprints to hundreds of people, would they come for all of us?
And tell me, you never explained why Tom Bearden never released the device he claimed was ready for production, why was that again?
Originally posted by Movescamp
reply to post by boncho
Just want to point out one more time you called Jovian a hoax. I provided the link. And every other link I provided was by reputable scientists. You have been slandering people over and over simply because hoaxers exist. It's all here in plain English. Just like discrediting the German scientists how did you put it rubbing balloons on hair? (still have no idea what you are referring to there).
Why are you asking me? I think he would be the one to ask. I am not privy to his life. I can speculate and suggest it could be HE was threatened - he clearly was marginalized and had his character assassinated, so there is some reason to suspect things went further...
Originally posted by boncho
Why are you asking me? I think he would be the one to ask. I am not privy to his life. I can speculate and suggest it could be HE was threatened - he clearly was marginalized and had his character assassinated, so there is some reason to suspect things went further...
Did you ever think that he assassinated his own character by claiming something existed and failed to provide that?
And what do you think is real dis-info...questioning something that looks fishy or blindly believing in unproven nonsense.
My only stance on this subject is that the evidence doesn't support the claims provided, whether the claims are by people in this thread or the scientists themselves.
I have a dis-info theory for you: to keep curious scientists (because they are all curious) from experimenting in a field that the "TPTB" don't want them in.... The government employs other scientists to portray themselves as crack pots and publicly announce they have discovered free energy. When the claims are proven to be false, the media, the public and all scientists everywhere are so violated by the subject they go on to ignore it. Leaving every competent physics professional to stay away from the idea to protect their own career. Didn't you say one of these guys is former military?
Now that, actually sounds like a plausible conspiracy, the one you create in your head just sounds like you are projecting anger towards the world because you feel like you've been unfairly treated.
Originally posted by boncho
Actually, I think that would be the definition of uneducated.
Maybe you meant intelligent?
Originally posted by Amaterasu
Originally posted by boncho
With my knowledge from my father, I can say that evidence is difficult to impossible to come by about things in black ops, and that electrogravitics is in there. Lucky me to have that knowledge. It just seems to me that a questioner would take what I say and grant some possibility that what I say is true. A disinfo person, on the other hand, would come up with any and everything they could to suggest I am wrong (like perhaps my father lied to me).
Quite true, they possibly have anything under the sun in the black ops.
While every1 is skeptic to some extent, but 'What if' should never be ruled out
Possible. But then, I have read his work and give the probability of that as much lower than that he was "talked to."
ike, "That's BUNK!" is disinfo tactic
With my knowledge from my father, I can say that evidence is difficult to impossible to come by about things in black ops, and that electrogravitics is in there. Lucky me to have that knowledge.
("In your head" is a disinfo phrase tucked into the line - it is unnecessary other than to subtly disparage me...)
Again by you slandering good peoples names (not the science) you have discredited yourself to probably everyone here bur the mean spirited folks who don't believe anything new can be done.
There are actually bonefies scientist who have put forth theories of reality being a hologram or thoughts effecting the zero point field.
Originally posted by boncho
reply to post by Amaterasu
Possible. But then, I have read his work and give the probability of that as much lower than that he was "talked to."
If you read his work and he built free energy than why don't you replicate it yourself?
ike, "That's BUNK!" is disinfo tactic
Perpetuating false and misleading information and/or information not based on fact is disinformation.
With my knowledge from my father, I can say that evidence is difficult to impossible to come by about things in black ops, and that electrogravitics is in there. Lucky me to have that knowledge.
What knowledge? That isn't knowledge. If you have knowledge on 'electrogravitics' than go build something. Otherwise you have hearsay. And just because the Gov researches something it does not make every fantasy in your head about the technology real.
Perhaps your father did lie to you? I would be critical of someone who told me magnificent claims. I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just saying one person telling you something isn't proof there is working technology of said idea.
("In your head" is a disinfo phrase tucked into the line - it is unnecessary other than to subtly disparage me...)
Because every time there is something you can't explain "TPTB" show up and there is a conspiracy behind it. No facts, no decent evidence that would imply something, just claims that seem to cover any holes that develop in the story you are trying to weave. -hence, in your head. As in, "I made it up to cover my claims."
Because I have not read ALL his work, I have no money (you know that already), and I am not an engineer. I do understand, however that a great deal of what he has to offer has everything to do with the fact that Heaviside and Briggs truncated Maxwell's quaternions, eliminating half of what Maxwell described. This is so typical of disinfo, love. "Why don't YOU do it?" C'mon. You can be more creative than that, I think.
Tell me why my father, who was an electrical engineer working for one of the top aerospace companies in the 1950's would come home from work often, glowing with excitement at being able to share his work with me, try to explain how EG works, describe what the future would hold for Humanity because of it, and then come home one night and tell me it was secret
Disinfo tactic.