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Why have the Abductions stopped?

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posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by bertapearl

That is fascinating. Would you be interested in relating all of your abduction experiences? Perhaps a new thread inviting other's experiences as well? I want to hear more.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Trying hard to find an expiration date for this treaty.
How do you know it has expired?

I guess you didn't read the links I provided.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by Amaterasu
Trying hard to find an expiration date for this treaty.
How do you know it has expired?

I guess you didn't read the links I provided.

Um... Actually, I only saw one link, and I DID read it. Did not see mention of an expy date.

Thanks for the help.

EDIT to add: Did you add that second link in the edit? I swear there was only one link when I first read your post.
edit on 3/4/2011 by Amaterasu because: addition

EDIT to add: I searched through the second link, both visually and with my search function (tried "expir" and "end" - did not find a date. Any help?
edit on 3/4/2011 by Amaterasu because: another addition

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Isn't it obvious? They know that the Earth is about to be wiped out and high tailed it outta the neighborhood. That is why all UFO sightings lately are the 'critters' and no solid space craft

Cool, and these critters show themselves briefly at the door, which is sure sign that something will be up that night. I'll find my link on that siting.

And then, that night, you dream a very odd masked dream of abductions that involve your family and wake up at 1 17 am with the words write it down, when at the end its about Time, and you're being told they don't do time, but that this day took 9 days to complete, and your son has just had a huge jolt and feels he has missing time, on the computer. Yes, he was on of the 3 that got dropped off in the dream.

The critters look a like like a pinky type grey, twig like body, though a little bit more than a twig, but close, grey. Though in the dream it was 4 cloned blond women, identical looking.

Just one of the experiences, but this was very significant. The only other times I've seen them are in flash backs, something as a child that is still masked by time, and dream like now, and flashes, down a viser, outlines, shadows, or whatever they project in the communication, which is a signal going into your mind, they have the remotes and you can't be sure that is what they look like. The one I just gave May 22nd, was significant because I saw the "grey" at the door. It was something I had always wondered if it would happen, could I be fully awake and in normal state of being, what would I react like? Just like I did as a child, fascinated, completely fascinated, though terribly alarmed for what night time would bring.

edit on 4-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by bertapearl

and in what way is that different from sleepwalking really? you said yourself you dont know how you got there, but immediately assume something (besides you) moved you there? your brain can convince you you are an amputee when you really arent, it can convince you everyone is a reptillian and cause loads of paranoia, but its too far out there to believe that aliens have an easier time getting here in spirit than with a physical craft?

remember what i said about studying some, and teaching others? which category do you think you and your family were? you dont remember anything it seems, so i have my opinion.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:35 PM
The closest to the actual look, of anything online was Lowki's avatar, he's since changed it. But he included it in this post:


Except, head is finer, narrow and tall, not quite as rounded, eyes are not quite as big, the lenses I mean, those are lenses, like sunglasses. Delicate and fine boned just kept coming over and over, and though the photo shows a thin body, it was far far thinner. It was almost twig like, but not quite. And the color was more akin to the ruddy darker pinky colors in the area 51 type pics. Not grey colored at all. The movements are surreal and no human can duplicate this. These are not critters.

They're humanoid and quite probably AI or Bot of some sort. Who's in the bot is another question, since they often are not just AI.
edit on 4-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:42 PM
they probably didn't stop....

Earth is probably in transition of sorts....major stuff is happening.

Perhaps if there ever was a Treaty, it was in humanities interest to agree and not demand technology, there probably was an agenda to help earth, but they were asking for too much that wasn't relevant, as usual.

Humanities lack of ability to see real facts got in the way...maybe in a micro/macrocosm way it's because of the shielding from the atmosphere that 'clouds' reality from humanity, maybe the reason for HAARP blasting the ionosphere with the hope of realising some truths.

However it is, truth is there's stuff going on.....

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

something like you described, the greys I seen were taller,much thinner and much more elongated, faces included, very long thin faces, eyes much smaller, longer less apparent 'noses', and not grey but sort of mottled khaki beige.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by bertapearl

interesting, I experienced similar abductions in cars with more than just me and missing time and my son has mentioned aliens a few times and seeing space ships from about age 4 and this was before he knew anything about aliens and spaceships. Accounts consistent with mine, humming sounds and crafts.

I wouldn't ask relatives anything of this nature, would likely be not taken seriously, to say the least.

I would be interested in hearing more of your experiences.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

They have not stopped. There are different types though, we're not having the atypical ones, I'm not allowed to recall negative things. Aside from the images they give you in communication, which in my case is human, tall, muscular, dark and blond men, and blond women. And aside from seeing the pink colored "grey", the outlines, shapes, flashes down what appears to be a viser at varying heights, are tall. Just over 7 feet to 8 feet for the human shaped ones. 9 feet for something else. About the ones that usually get hoaxed, they could be uniforms, suits, I'm not sure they are their real forms at all. This is not an area where various life forms can just pop into our atmosphere, its more avatar. Some from what I've been told, perhaps 90%, are from dumbs and their various programs throughout the world.

Which would make some of those UFO's possible Russian surveilance, or another foreign country.

But this is not all. I can also pick up a craft when its around. The one I saw roughly a week before Feb 18th, outside the supermarket with my mother in the car, I knew there was one in the sky and to look up. I nearly rear ended a car and had to pull over, then it flew off, at about 300 feet I'd say. I have no idea if its a Russian spy job or anything else. It was a craft with stubby bent back odd looking wings, no sound, barely moving, almost hovering, and soundless, covered by a red light only. Whatever kind of energy is accompanying them, whether that is anti gravity or scalar waves, or whatever they're using, I'm sensitive to, I pick them up, whether I see them or not.

Now I remember, I was wondering on that date, of February the 18th. I know was a date of a siting but that shadow I saw that was identical to the "grey" I saw, was actually not that long afterwards bringing groceries home, so roughly the same time those other sitings occurred just after dark, when I sensed but didn't see the craft. I imagine they're related.

When things like that happen, I am not ruffled, send love not fear. But, I don't go to sleep early and try to stay up now, as late as possible, because I don't believe you see things like that without something occurring while you sleep, even when you don't recall anything.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:05 PM
Now I can't remember when this happened, but in 2010 I think, probably last spring. I was out back, and saw a flash, at around 8- 8 1/2 foot, literally as if down a viser, and suddenly was getting a message about waking up my son more (he is the one with the missing time and odd wounds along his head on both sides, and down the crown to his neck, often). And was given this message to clean up my room. Naturally I stayed away from my room, and sat up until after 2 am until I was falling asleep. When I went in my room I had this primal fear, saw nothing, but knew they were there, and would have walked back down the stairs, except I couldn't move backwards. I could only lie down on my bed right near what I knew, with this primal fear, was a surgery bot, and somehow interchannel at that, as my headboard was at the outside wall.

Couldn't move my arms, but turned my head, it was 2:22 am and I felt this cut, it hurt. Then I started praying and asking HS to intervene since I didn't want this to happen, and the words came in my head "You were told to clean up your room!" And it was instant lights out. Not everything happens via abduction.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I posted in another thread some weird experiences involving animals, like writing on ATS about bees and walking outside a few minutes after, and there was a huge bee sitting on the mat, it's eyes reminded me of greys. Another time recently was when I couldn't sleep, around 3am, looked out the window and a fox was across the road making a beeline for my front door, I felt like I knew it was approaching and it was walking a very definite and determined pace with direction, like it knew exactly where it was heading as if it was a regular journey, I watched it approach the path and tapped the window lightly as I felt a bit sort of concerned it was heading fast right for front door, for which purpose?, and it stared me in the eyes for moments, fluorescent eyes, and I 'told it' really quietly not to go to my front door and after staring some more it turned and walked back on the path and along the pavement.

I didn't get a picture of the fox but took a pic of the bee, it's eyes, and the vibe of the bee and the fox were that of an alien, or alien messenger, certainly like they were trying to communicate something, and from my experiences, aliens communicate telepathically with their eyes. How did I know a fox was approaching in the middle of the night when unable to sleep with a sense of something about to happen? how coincidental was it a huge bee was sitting in the middle of the doormat, first bee seen all winter, when I was writing about bees?

I mention this due to the recent 'critter' sightings and due to the fact I believe aliens and 'entities' are able to shape shift.

A picture of the bee:

edit on 4-3-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

No there are different types of ETS. Critters are something we don't see within the Light Spectrum and we don't realize just what is around us on this channel. ETs, well I try to draw a line in this, its very complicated. It has to do with the way the universe really is, the hologram with infinite channels. So to me ET is corporal, a being from a planet with Family, true love the whole bit, yet this a complex thing. Entities? The threads people write about demons and jinns? Well those underground dumbs, they are bringing in negatives, and cloning, ie. Super Soldiers, and various unusual types.

But, I've had protection from the negative experiences and waking up with wounds and bruises. My son still has signs of what I saw, in memory, after an abduction where I had wounds and he had missing time, 1 hour I believe it was then. I saw him with something on is head, in a kind of high tech chair, a device on his head. I don't call anything that leaves you with wounds positives.

But I've had too many quantum things, relating to time and miracles, too, problems I've dealt with falling away, so I knew some of them were Higher Ups, not all of it was this ET experience, some would be Family watching over. Not everything is what they, ie military even, think it is.

One evening I sensed what was like more than one craft, and my recognition just pegged them as paramilitary surveillance of some sort, I knew it, don't ask how. And then a friend who is very psi, started chatting with me saying he saw a fleet over my property. I said well, black op one. But there is something over that, and its steady, Family. I could pick up the layers of surveillance, and the protection.

The movements that are like fluid, those are surreal. I'm not sure how to describe that in terms of their cloning. Doesnt' make sense.

The only thing I saw that morphed was what appeared to be a craft laying on the surface of a cloud, quite high up. It was intelligent, but it may have been a critter. The reason I say intelligent, is it looked like a black triangle, and I felt connect to it. I looked away, then back and it had morphed into a Manta Ray shape.
I was still feeling this connect, and knew before it vanished, that it was saying Goodbye, and saw clearly in my mind that it would sink up into the clouds and vanish, which it did a few seconds later.
edit on 4-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

when I said entity, it wasn't meant as a demon, just 'something', an intelligent entity and these 'critters' the bee and fox appeared to be able to communicate also and seemed like they had connections to something.

Some of the zooming light UFO'S I saw were also very intelligent to us and to each other.

I believe this is a dimensional thing that these aliens or intelligent forms are able to attach themselves to, or translate themselves via other creatures and forms, perhaps even large areas of sky, like holograms.
edit on 4-3-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

From what I understand, every single person is processed several times I believe, checkups and medical for sure, more possibly. What they remember if anything has to do with their level of awareness and readiness, though some remember more negative, ie, in an experience that is from Higher Ups and not negative, but there is a consequence to behavior here and other reasons even, for being given a jolt for a wake up. Everything we see, hear, touch, taste is a perception. Our brains take in the energy waves, and with their energy recognition centers, you're dealing with the external world, as perceptions and they're erected on a screen on the back of your mind, which brings the chair you're sitting on into question. Is it really there? Well energy organization, possibly we're experiencing something.

But because our brains/minds are the actual DVD player for the entire cosmos we're seeing, you can understand, someone has the remote. Time is just a program relating to the orbit of a planet around its clock, the star. They can pause that. Its not critters doing it either.

In some cases, ie. when I was told for example to write it down, and was told that "this day had taken 9 earth days to complete" we're branching into Quantum. Quantum physics type answers immediately calm me down and make me awed and realize these are positives. That day, before siting the pinky "grey", and having the masked surreal type dream that involved my entire family including father and brother from another town, was an earlier contact, and the question I'd asked all day, was "Do we have time?" I am a believer in the 2012-2017 kind of scenarios and what was being suggested to help wake up others was something that would take time to develop, atrophied skills.

Then this thing occurred.

What is time? What is reality? How much is perception? I've seen earth like hotel earth, or like corriders, where the rooms you journey into are different depths of Infinity itself, since its infinity this platform and there is measurement in it. I have been in the crafts that are bigger inside than out. I recall this circular hallway, with the computer room and medical room, but outer corrider, and have flashes of it since I was child. So, those crafts are like gateways, doorways into something, another arrangement of space, perhaps even a station, world, astroid, planet, system. Who knows.

Can you be in your own personal room for stretches of your life, if you need to fine tune something and are close to advancing, making a breakthrough in your understanding? Can those around you at that time be perceptions? The answer is yes!

One experience, and it was not that long after the surgery bot and feeling primal fear, was a checkup, in my room. I felt the presence, and the covers moved, something was clipped on my right finger tips, straight across feeling like a pinching device, which seemed to be taking vitals. Hands were touchign my head and arranging something there, which I don't see, ,I could feel something like tubes or something anyway, moving. The covers on the other side moved as well, and there was this faint impression on the mattress. My other hand was dealt with, so I was calling out for help and demanding they identify. I also blanked out quickly, but this time, a very very gentle mind met mine and said, "You do realize this is the past, don't you?" Another Quantum answer that filled me with such a feeling of peace.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 10:35 PM
Now, I do wish to add, 3 levels so far from what I can pick up from my experiences and contacts, as to who ET is. Critters aside. There is the black op Vrill type co-op programs, that seem to be advanced branch of science, related to Dumbs and stargates and the mafia boss's gnostic negative type occult beliefs. They are bringing in entities. Creating body suits, and abducting people. Greys also fit in here, but also on the higher levels too. This is the most common Et one.

There is also, those in the cosmos, on higher level channels. ie. relating to I believe some of what Lou Baldin speaks of in his posts as Sleeper or his site: Very good Q & A, with the disclaimer that I don't support his spiritual views, and I feel there is some distortions going on, my own soul knows some things different, pertaining to advancement and that all will make it in the end, however long it takes and even when they go through horrible consequences in regression. Family love them, and heaven isn't heaven without everyone. Everyone in this cosmos is in some degree of distortion. However, its an excellent site overall. Really out of the box answers, that are only a small fraction of what he could say, in fact he is holding back on so much.

From this perspective, I have much contact. And sitings of the crafts for my son and myself. Where, I would have in depth contact, and even some form of an astral experience, including one given after some tests to show impartiality or rather that I was not selfish in my views on certain matters, that I was being thoughtful of the other, and passed that, to find myself on a balcony railing many stories high, on a station that monitors the sun, looking at the sun, through what appeared to be this deep hi tech open space, seemingly no viewing screen, but I gather some sort of force was in the way. That was something that changed my paradigm forever.

Those sitings seemed to be related to the contact in that, I would never trust contact like that, thought it was some kind of surreal dream, though this was daytime, just before supper, and then there would be a siting of a craft that would appear and both my son I saw it, and I got greeted often.

I stopped needing confirmations. I also stopped seeking any form of answers and didn't even want any kind of experiences, not that I wanted them to go underground. If its happening, I want to be aware, nothing hidden, everything transparent. But once the Quantum nudgings on infinity began, I was really excited, knew this was it, this was my soul's memory banks, and on meditation had much Higher contact with Family.

Which the third type and connecting within and beginning to find the answers in life, to life, and this school, is the real pearl, that which you would gladly give up everything in this world save for the responsibilities towards family and people in this world for.

Despite not going outside to see crafts, moving, things are still occurring however. This hasn't stopped.
edit on 4-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 10:52 PM
Maybe they have just perfected their memory erasing skills. For all we know there are even more going on now than before.

Just for the record I do not believe in aliens, but if they did exist and were in the business of abducting people and messing with their memories, I would think that they would keep getting better with experience.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 11:15 PM
Some have moved on but not all. There is a huge war being waged and many have gone to be part of that war. Sad but true.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 11:29 PM
I have shared with people in the past and most dont seem to want to reply with much help.
And yes it could just be explainable or me. I just wish I can get help on to why...?
But here it is:

I'm not saying I am an abductee it was just pointed out that I am, I was thinking it too being that I had almost all the signs. I think it is or could be happening, I have a strong feeling it might. Youll see why I feel this way.
Thanx. Hear ya' go...

Well, when I was 4yrs I had a lucid dream that some one was calling me while I was alone in my room. I dont know where my mom was. but I knew it was a bad person so I wanted to hide, so I ran behind the door while it was open against the wall. N as I went behind it, he was there n he grabbed me. I dint see his face, he was just a shadow figure?? ater that I was back in my room, so I passed it off as a dream.

Later as I was 16yrs I got a lucid daydream that I was in a circular room. in the midle of this room there was a round table. I was or what I thought was me, as child shadow figure, was looking out a window looking at the stars, then we aproched a large planet. Just then there was a tall man was pointing to it and I got a sence that was where he was from. I took this as a past life. theres more to this story just shortining all of them.

I have these dreams that are "continue's"?? since I was younger: These dreams take place in the same sene. A cave that I sence is under ground and it has a water hole at one end that I feel is the ocean. all are the same sene and they still give me the sence that these are continues !

I have awoke to my heart pounding so hard the beds head board was tapping the wall, I couldnt breath either, like a panic attack. N at the same time I felt some one was leaning over looking at me. I got a sense he was the devil or sim'. I have had these several time in my life.
I also have awoke looking in my room and seen a man from behind sitting on my soafa in my room. He had a business suit on, grey with stripes going down and a slick back hair. I thought he was the devil or hitler him self in demon form.
I got a sense that they were that they were there to keep an eye on me after a strange event that I cant remember, kinda like they were there to see if I was ok..??

I also have alot of dreams that Im in or around 2 story buildings of some kind. I have ufo dreams too. Energy crafts like my recent post. But the colors change like a swirling and random color changing. Other dreams that hit me for along time I cant remember but I know it is similar to all the above.

I have had electrical anomilies since a child to present. Kinda like the kind you see in movies. Ex': Tv valume going up and down, same with the channels. Also the radio's, too. Light fictures going at different energy frequency up and down. We even came out to all our car lights are on from the previous night. N my wife has awoken me to toys, non-sensitive toy going off by them selves.

Recently I heard little padder sounds like a small child running in my house at night. I went to check n nothing. I went back in the room and the wife heard it, I dint even tell her that I was hearing that. She got scared. we even heard the silver wear get nocked around on the sink from what ever it was.

Yes I am prior Army. My whole family was and is military, all the way back from the civil war. And I do have masonic history in the family, and oradox Jew in there, too!

There is way more to this story but I dont feel like putting more n plus the side of being judged!!
And its funny all my car lights were on again tonight n the switches were not on..

Edit to add:****
I never paid attention to these strange anomilies because it was the norm but I knew they were happening all threw out my life. I had only recently re-got these memories back do to seeing that energy plasma type ufo change shape then come chasing after me and my wife and other asking questions and me going over other memories with the wife. and those abduction ebooks given to me to see if I had a connection. She (my wife) has had similar events, too. She had awoken at night to some one in a dark cloak and unable to see his face.??? but anyways I have much, much more that I would like to get out but most would just say...well you know lol

I have awoke from a nap n felt that I wasnt there during my sleep, like either my soul or my physical me wasnt there and having to rush to the restroom feeling like I drank a bottle of wild turky lol
I never put this well together Ahaha
edit on 4-3-2011 by VenomVile.6 because: add

Edit to add: On topic, I aggree with most that said, how do we know if its stopped. It could be that most dont want to speak about it anymore and most dont want to come forward.
edit on 4-3-2011 by VenomVile.6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Has anyone else noticed there are been literally 0 ET close encounters/abductions reported in the last 20 years or so, they have all of a sudden died out.
What makes you think that? I have noticed maybe in the last 10 years is has been lessening, but the 1990's seems to be fairly hot for abduction activity.

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