reply to post by Liquesence
Who am I to determine what is labeled this or that, classified etc? For the sake of argument lets assume I have "Classification Authority" over
certain technologies, or projects. There are aspects of applied-science that to many are very obscure. One thing I can do reasonably well is see the
connections, and a "thing, system, device" on the other end. For example, a paper on "Boundary layer surface tension" may give me a way to reduce
friction on subs and ships. But that in the end is small potato's. What do I not want someone to get there hands on? How about codes that allow an
enemy to access military/diplomatic/intelligence communications? Or the secret of how a very advanced technology works, or an older one like stealth.
It cost's Tens if not Hundreds of Billions of $ and sometimes a decade to come up w/something, like stealth technology. We found that secret in an
obscure Russian scientific paper by they way, but we had to do the grunt work. Stealth came as close as WAS possible to render every air defense
system near obsolete, in one fell swoop. Motivation to spy on ones country? Maybe your native country sucks. Surprisingly few people recruited (though
this is anecdotal) actually spy for the US only for the cash. Even if it's JUST the money, which seems a consistent pathology of US traitors I should
add, it can cost more then just cash but could be a potential disaster in a military confrontation if certain names, dates, codes and a host of other
areas are compromised. John Walker USN, assigned a to work in a category called "CRYPTO" among THE MOST SENSITIVE "stuff" of any nation gave the
Russians what are called "key lists", that gives you the "key" to read our codes, we know and even confirmed by the Russians to a degree after the
cold war, had there been a war around 19**, we would have lost. Meaning we would have run out of all but strategic nuclear options. Thats WW-3.
Important enough for you? Aldrich Ames (CIA) blew our whole fricken spy network in the USSR that being his "desk" You want to know what really
enraged me about that? Try to use your imagination as to how those people suffered. Former KGB General Olig Kaluegin (name most likely misspelled)
stated openly on TV that he considered the tactics and "ways" of the KGB, at least when he was a spook in the US (For the USSR), as "worse then the
Gestapo". Thats hard for even me to imagine.
Or take a diplomatic cable labeled "SECRET". The kid who "gave it up" to Wikileaks had that access level. It might have something to do with an
observation of another nations leader, or top commander in a country is say a fruit loop. As in unpredictable, psychotic, an addiction problem. Maybe
he's a child molester. People in country need to be blunt and to the point with Washington. The agencies and administration need facts. Even the
ugly ones. They need people to open up. Who the hell is going to trust us with speaking with them under these circumstances? No one, if we can't keep
something as basic as diplomatic traffic fricken diplomatic? The main goal of both diplomats and spy's starts and ends with protecting the country.
Wars can happen for many reasons but the thing that keeps so many up nights is a war thats A MISTAKE. I lost count how many "mistakes" of that kind
we came so close to. Actually most information thats very useful is Open Source. Newspapers, and like that Russian paper technical journals. The
Russians who made the mistake of considering everything secret fortunately for us some how missed that one.
I said before "Secrecy" has often been used to prevent embarrassment, or for some "tacky, cheap" objective. But publishing the order of battle in
places like Iraq (and NO I don't think we should have gone into Iraq, but thats not the point) which the Wikileaks group did is dangerous to our
troops, and requires a lot of changes on our part, and that takes time. There is a known saying by a former Secretary of State who closed the US
Cryptological service after WW-1, what was called the "Black Chamber" it's above desks, water coolers, inside gym lockers next to pictures of the
pretty ladies, everywhere. It is the apex of stupid, and simply was "Gentlemen do not read other persons mail" What a moron. It's not the
"gentlemen" among us that I worry about, but those who are not. Thats why we have secrets.