posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Hello, this is my first thread so please bear with me, creative writing was never a strength of mine. A couple of months ago I was driving with my
fiancee down the highway at around 7:30-8:00pm. It was a full moon, cloudless night, and I was just kind of staring off into the sky (my fiancee was
driving) when I noticed a black rod passing in front of the moon. It was solid black, very thin, and seemed to be twice as long as the moon was wide,
which is a rough estimate I got by gauging how much of the rod I saw as it passed over the moon and how fast it was moving. It was travelling at a
forty five degree angle towards earth at what seemed to be a fairly slow speed. It definitely didn't seem to be free falling. After it passed
completely by the moon I lost it because, well it was black.....and night.
The entire ordeal lasted maybe ten to fifteen seconds. My first thought was power lines but I saw the front and back of the rod, it definitely had a
beginning and ending to it. There are also no power lines over the highway near that area in the direction I was going. It was almost completely
centered fairly high in the sky so it wasn't in the same area as the light poles. I also thought maybe it was a comet or meteor but it gave off
absolutely no light, and I thought they all did. (I'm definitely not an expert though) It didn't look like any kind of vehicle either, human or what I
would imagine alien to look like. I asked my uncle who is an amateur astronomer and he told me the only thing he could think of was maybe a flock of
geese viewed from the side. Now that's possible, but there wasn't any kind of "flapping" motion...just a perfectly straight solid black "rod". I've
attempted to include a picture I drew in here goes.....
Behold the Artistic Magnificence!!!
edit on 3/3/2011 by Crackavelli because: (no reason given)