Hi Ats,
Credit: much of the information I am posting here, I have found on an Indonesian Language PDF file, made by Mr Agung Bimo Sutejo and Mr Timmy
Hartadi Turangga Seta found here:
I took the liberty to translate parts of it, add some own information such as introduction of Majapahit Kingdom and constructed this thread by only
focusing on Cetho, Sukuh & penataran temple , although the PDF file talks about a lot more. The PDF file also connects the temples with Sumerian, but
after some research i decided to put it in connection with Assyrians since it is more in time line with the Mayans (in addition I found quite a lot of
other interesting information on other sites due to leads provided from the PDF file, which lead me to Ancient UFO's reliefs , which are not commonly
known, as well as some other leads in connection with Plato, Atlantis in Indonesia, and bird like humanoids but this belongs to another thread on
another day)
As the title says, via this thread I am trying to point out that there is some big coincidence in the similarity of architecture and also some
statues, as well as reliefs of the temples mentioned with the Ancient Mayan civilization, as well as Assyrian (could also be Babylonians or Sumerians
- I am not an expert
) civilization . These temples have been build (supposedly!) around 1300 AD by the Hindu kingdom of Majapahit, which was a
vast archipelagic empire based on the island of Java, Indonesia from 1293 to around 1500(
majapahit). This kingdom has build hundreds of temples and palaces in an almost always similar architecture. Why "almost"? well, there are these
following two temples which have a totally different style from the usual Majapahit architecture, located on the mountain of Lawu in central jawa at
1400 meters above sea level, both temples only a couple of kilometers apart. It should be mentioned that former Indonesian President Soeharto made
some much criticized renovations and added an entrance not in line with the original architecture of those temples, and a couple of new statues.
However, the original "pyramids" are still there and these form the heart of those temples. Both temples are still in use for praying today by
remnants of the local Hindu population:
Cetho Temple
cetho temple
Sukuh Temple
sukuh temple wiki
Notice the similarity with Mayan temples? here is what wiki says about it:
The main structure of Candi Sukuh is like no other ancient edifice; a truncated truncated pyramid reminiscent of a Mayan monument and surrounded
by monoliths and meticulously carved life-sized figures. A stone stairway rises through the front side of the pyramid to its summit. It is not known
what the monument's unique shape was intended to symbolise. One theory is that it represents a mountain, however, why it replaced pre-existing forms
of ancient Javanese temple design. There is no evidence that the main building supported a wooden structur
And there is more.....
A lot of Indonesians Archaeologists say that Cetho temple has been build during the Majapahit times. however there are a lot of question marks
surrounding this statement. For example, the Cetho temple has been built with river stone, although most temples during Majapahit times were build
with red sand stone. Also the reliefs and statues are very simply carved if compared to the usual Majapahit reliefs and statues at other places, which
were done very detailed. This shows that Cetho temple should be even older.
Also some statues at Cetho temple are not showing a traditional Javanese person, but rather an Assyrian!
notice the beard, jewelery ("watch" and earrings -ancient javanese used sticks as earrings) big eyes, and back of head...I can assure you this is not
a Javanese statue, and you won't find a statue like this in Ancient Indonesian cultures again. Here are some images of Assyrian for comparison:
Coincidence made by a crazed ancient artist ? there is still more to come....
Relief at Cetho temple (top) and Sukuh temple (bottom):
Relief at Villahermosa, Mexico:
And one more time our Assyrian buddy at Cetho temple:
and a relief at Monte Alban, Qaxaca, Mexico:
The Question: is there a connection between the Old Javanese, Old Mesopotanians and Mayans? lets find out....
At Sukuh temple, there are several humanoid bird statues positioned around it. most of them have lost their heads, but luckily there is still one bird
man statue intact (as well as one bird man relief):
Sukuh temple bird-human statue:
Mayan Bird Man:
Mesopotamian Annunaki with a nice Rolex, like the Assyrian statue at Cetho temple:
I start to think that instead of Reptillians, we should focus our search on the human birds ?
PART 2 : The Temple of Penataran
the temple of Penataran is located at Kelud mountain in east Java and has been build between the 12th and 15th century by the Majapahit Kingdom:
wiki . It is the largest ancient hindu temple in east java. (fyi, the largest hindu temple of
the world is
Borobudur temple in central java, where I (nagabonar) personally went with my wifey and kid
before in hunt for UFO reliefs - this will be another thread because so far I only found one UFO relief at Borobudur out of thousands of reliefs
there are loads of reliefs here which seem to show a "certain" connection between Mayans and Ancient Indonesians, it is a pity though that most of the
reliefs did not stand the test of time, but luckily some are still recognizable:
the first head seems to show a Han Chinese, the second head a Cambodian Champa, the third head a Mayan, the fourth an Indonesian, and the two persons
on their knees with the scull cap, could it be ancient Jews?
the following reliefs show soldiers attacking something. Notice the headdresses - those are definitely not Majapahit soldiers. You might say " well
Mayans did not have elephants" ...but I come back to that a little below.
and here is another hit: an american cactus ! not an endemic Indonesian plant
In regards to elephants and Mayans...lets have a look at some reliefs and a statue which originate from Copan, a Mayan Kingdom in Honduras:
and here is an image of a Copan warrior:
Following another similarity. Left shows a relief of a demon at Penataran temple, middle is a mask still in use by Balinese hindus today, and far
right is a statue from mexico city, which archeologists are saying is depicting an ancient Aztec King:
And last but not least, an entrance guardian statue, left is from Penataran temple where one can find such statues in all sizes from small to big, the
statue on the right is a small one, originating from the Mayans:
So ATS, what do you think .... could there really be a connection between the ancient Indonesian kingdoms, Mesopotamians and as often discussed, the
Mayans ? Did the Mayans somehow managed to come to Asia, taking into consideration that elephants have died off in the Americas 10,000 years ago? Or
was it the other way around, Majapahit soldiers managed to bring an army to the Americas even before Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope?
After all it is proven that the predeccesors of Majapahit, the Srivijaya kingdom (7th - 13th century) ships managed to sail 3300 miles to the wedt, to
Madagaskar. But still - the Pacific Ocean is sure a big pool of water! And what about the humanoid birds.....is it pure coincidence that each of the
mentioned culture, each on a different side of the globe and at the same time, have a similar deity?
edit on 3-3-2011 by nagabonar because: typo