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If The House The Senate and Supreme Court Aren't Going to Protect The Constitution, Why Are We Stil

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:29 PM
If The House The Senate and Supreme Court Aren't Going to Protect The Constitution, Why Are We Still Talking?

If its constitutionally illegal to charge working class citizens income tax and no law can be shown to prove otherwise, why are we still talking?

If the president can write constitutionally illegal executive orders without any ones knowledge or approval why are we still talking?

If the Federal Reserve cant be forced to be accountable and uses tax payers hard earned labor to pay unknown bankers for debts that have nothing to do with the American people why are we still talking?

If both political parties are one in the same and are groomed and financed to push the agendas of the globalists then why are we still talking?

If the military industrial complex is only building protection for the globalist with the lives and at the expense of the American Tax Paying CITIZEN, why are we still talking?

Why Are We Still Talking?

If we have nothing left to lose and it really will not matter, then why aren't we doing what our forefathers did to give us back our freedom and our lives back?

Are we that far gone to care anymore?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:34 PM
Until it really hits home we won't do anything

We are comfortable with our cars, internet, and cable tv. (good food and beverages)

Try and take those away and you will see action from the masses

(I know it's quite sad)

with this new budget however, we may see something happen really soon
edit on 2-3-2011 by BadBoYeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 04:35 PM
Haven't watched the video yet, but I totally agree. It's just all talk, no action nowadays. We can see what's wrong with the country, but we do nothing about it in hopes that our next president will fix things. Nobody wants to get their hands dirty and take matters into their own hands, their mostly all too busy updating their facebook statuses, buying the next $300 cell phone because theirs somehow isn't good enough, watching TMZ to see which celebrities they can talk about during their next pointless materialistic conversation, or complaining about how terrible their lives are when in comparison to other countries we are literally living in heaven. Sadly even 'heaven' is slowly turning into hell, one baby step at a time.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Why do you people foam at the mouth for violence and chaos in the streets?

If that's what you want count me out!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
Why do you people foam at the mouth for violence and chaos in the streets?

If that's what you want count me out!

you mean "We The People For The People"?

aren't you one of the people?

maybe you're one of the other people?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by anumohi

We don't need misguided notions of revolution, we need restoration.

Those who START the violence will find no friend in me.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by projectvxn
We need to have a voice that is needed to be heard, a new Patrick Henry, or Tomas Jefferson, get the pen first, if it fails then???? Be slow to arms, the pen is mightier than the sword.

edit on 2-3-2011 by bekod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 06:27 PM
well its seems all the pens has been broken and the press and the media has silenced all the Patric Henry's.

The government only hears the jingle in their pockets of all our dimes and nickles

I don't really think anyone is going to be anyone's friend if this continues on any further. I believe we will all be turning each other in to save our own skins. just the way they like it

how does a people revolt against themselves is what I'd like to know?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

John Adams once said that Liberty must be supported at all hazards. It is my belief as well as the belief of many many other Americans that if words and peaceful protests fail than it is the right of the people to resort to violence to ensure our safety, freedom and happiness. Our Declaration of Independence even gives us this right. If our government will not listen to "We the People" then it is our duty to make them listen by any means possible. Edmund Burke once said that evil will triumph if good men fail to act. If our safety cannot be ensured through peaceful means than we must take action that is not peaceful. It is our right and our duty as Americans and as Sons and Daughters of Liberty.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by anumohi

We don't need misguided notions of revolution, we need restoration.

Those who START the violence will find no friend in me.

So i guess we should have just pleaded with the British to just give us this great country right? Or maybe the Libyans should have just said "Moamar please, just let us live in peace" and everything will be all hunky-dory right? Maybe the Egyptians instead of rioting should have just made a ATS account and complain about there troubles right? Your the type of pacifist that will fail in the end...

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:20 PM
None of you are John Adams, or Benjamin Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson.

We have a DULY ELECTED government. It may not be what I want, or what you want, but it is a duly elected government.

When they suspend elections, put troops in the streets for anything other than ACTUAL defense of the country, or refuse to abdicate power after elections then we can talk about revolution of arms.

Until then grow the hell up.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

How do we have a "Duly elected" Government? Because it says we do? Explain to me why we have the Patriot Act still in place? Why was the AZ law shut down when clearly it's very much needed? Why can executive orders be pushed through and have been pushed through with out public knowledge? Wheres the democracy in that? Why do thing's like the bilderberg group exist? Doesn't that break the Logan act?

Think before you speak.
edit on 2-3-2011 by BullDogGrowler82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:26 PM
Well i just feel that all our pleads have fallen on deaf ears but joyfully answered with violence imprisonments and death.

I think until the district of Columbia has joined the US charter and is bound by the same laws as they enforce on us, they'll continue to live outside the law and only represent their totalitarian ideologies and agendas.

The federal reserve must be closed FOREVER because it does not represent the interior benefits of the people, it only serves to continue to enslave..

I believe we've talked enough. 40 years is long enough and nothing has changed the direction of the agendanists.

Its time to listen to our fathers and be responsible for what they died for in the name of liberty and freedom

edit on 2-3-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
None of you are John Adams, or Benjamin Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson.

We have a DULY ELECTED government. It may not be what I want, or what you want, but it is a duly elected government.

When they suspend elections, put troops in the streets for anything other than ACTUAL defense of the country, or refuse to abdicate power after elections then we can talk about revolution of arms.

Until then grow the hell up.
Duly elected by who? The people? Talk about a joke. YOU say it is a duly elected government but considering that the man who runs the government is a foreign born muslim usurping the office of president I would have to disaggree with you. Besides there is no eveidence that he was even elected not to mention he wasn't even elligible to run in the first place. I didn't say I was Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. But how do you know I'm not?!?!
I was simply quoting the forefathers of this country the founders of liberty. If you dont have enough respect to listen to and consider their words then you are not a true American.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

I'm not blaming any president, because he is only doing what he was paid to do by his controllers, he has to get the book deal and the 100s of millions of dollars for his freedom speeches to manipulate the outer masses so they can be drawn into the fold. and besides he has to feed his family too

obamas just a groomed paid puppet, don't be too hard on the guy, the next one will paint the same picture with an even broader bush with even more scrumptious flavours

edit on 2-3-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by anumohi

That man usurped the highest and most sacred office in this land. Whether he is being controlled or not I don't really care. The office of President is a position of great honor and power and his very presence in that office is a tremendous dishonor to the lives and memories of our forefathers who have faithfully and honorably executed the duties of that office.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by I Want To Believe

I know , but the district of Columbia isn't, and everything it pretends to represent isn't a part of the united states and neither is he.. this is the thing you must be aware of and understand..."ITS ALL A LIE"

The people need to wake up and see this monster for what it really is, and who it actually represents...we are merely their Guinea pigs. its like some sick twisted giant sims game to watch the people squirm and plead for mercy while they giggle and poke us with a cattle prod.

edit on 2-3-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by projectvxn
look back to 1769 the same thing was being spoken, 1770 they came for our guns, July 4th 1776, Dec of Independence. you are for freedom and democracy, or you are for tyranny, and a dictator ship, and you say they are no Patrick Henry's let, i know a few that give there life for freedom liberty ever day do you? by then it would be to late, no there are laws now that would work, to replace all of them, and i am not talking about that group that says it has the mil behind them. no these are real laws with real aspects of being used. one must no how to look for them.

edit on 2-3-2011 by bekod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Threads like this makes me think of this video:

Let's look at the reality:

1, You're posting here which means that you obviously still have the right to Freedom of Speech.

2, Gun sales since Obama has been in office have gone through the roof and gun laws have actually relaxed since he has been in office.

3, Ain't no soldiers sleeping in your home against your will is there?

Doesn't look like to me that you have a lot to be revolting against.

As far as your fear of the Patriot Act goes it's pretty baseless:

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama has signed a three-month extension of key surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act.

The law extends two areas of the 2001 act. One provision allows law enforcement officials to set roving wiretaps to monitor multiple communication devices. The other allows them to ask a special court for access to business and library records that could be relevant to a terrorist threat.

A third provision gives the FBI court-approved rights for surveillance of non-American "lone wolf" suspects - those not known to be tied to specific terrorist groups.

Obama signed the three-month extension of the provisions Friday. They were to expire Monday.

Lawmakers will soon start debating a multiple-year extension of the provisions, which have drawn fire from defenders of privacy rights.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

See, like it or not, you probably aren't the kind of person that the FBI would want to monitor. You may think you are this bad ass that the government is keeping tabs on, but in reality you probably aren't even a blip on their radar. Why? Because they know the kind of speech that a real threat to this nation consists of, and your little armchair revolutionary talk probably isn't even worth them laughing at.

Most of the original Patriot Act is LONG gone, has been for several years now, it's a shell of it's former self.

Most of you ignore the 16th Amendment which does give congress the authority to lay and collect taxes on your income, sorry if you don't wanna pay taxes, but it's entirely legal for them to do.

If we have nothing left to lose and it really will not matter, then why aren't we doing what our forefathers did to give us back our freedom and our lives back?

Here's my question to you:

Why are you still talking?

Oh that's right, because you're an Armchair Revolutionary, a person who wants to incite other people to violence but is too lazy or cowardly to actually do anything themselves. You aren't out there doing anything, you're on here talking.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by bekod

spoken like a true usurper

maybe you should get you one of them there Tv radio contracts from CnBc, then you can spew some of that honey for the agendanists.. I think you might have you a new career there fella....Weeeee

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