posted on May, 24 2011 @ 12:34 AM
You know what? It really is true, the famous saying on this matter of "Unless you're gay, you really dont know how it can be stopped"
All these "Ex-gay" groups are bull. If they liked having gay sex and were completely "turned away from it" that is one thing. Its just the same as
if a STRAIGHT sexaholic would seek help, and retain from their ways.
However, the homosexual FEELINGS go beyond sex. People are so quick to say things about this, but it would be the same to ask a heterosexual male how
he would feel if it was considered "wrong" to love the woman he was crazy about. Even if he would not date her, marry her, or even associate with
If anyone knows what LOVE is, not doing any of those things will NOT stop the feelings, meaning they will still occur, and therefore, the sin of the
thoughts inside their head will also occur. If we were to blame everyone for their "unspoken thoughts" no one in this entire world would go to
If homosexuality is really such a concern to all of you, then please, make as much of an effort preaching to the millions of "unmarried teens and
adults" who are having sex on a regular basis. Yes, that would be a LIFESTYLE if it is not a one time thing. And sorry but i dont know any unmarried
couple who had sex just once, and doesnt continue to do so.
They are at just as much fault for going to hell as a gay. But no, it will be seen as a time of "growing up and exploring" however, for the
lifestyle of a homosexual, the immediate reaction is that it is unnatural to someone who has never had those feelings, and therefore, it should be
stopped. As if it were that easy.