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The Anatomy of an Alien Abduction

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:08 AM

The Anatomy of an Alien Abduction

A breakdown of the alien abduction phenomena
By WhizPhiz

- Summary of contents.
- Hypnotism, dreams and skepticism.

Being taken aboard
- The abductors.
- Why me?
- Physical/mental paralysis.
- Sudden sleep syndrome.
- Floating through walls.
- Smooth criminals.

The rooms and activities
- The surgery room and the doctor.
- The incubation room and hybrid interaction.
- The classroom and the children.
- The playground and alien toys.
- The sleeping quarters.
- The cafeteria.
- The engine room.
- The control center.
- The lab.
- Room 23.
- Room X.

Being returned
- Missing time and missing person.
- Physical marks and sickness.

The result
- Recalling the events.
- Religion and spirituality.
- Military involvement.

- Conclusion.
- References.



Greetings fellow UFO/Alien researchers and enthusiasts. It has been several years since I first started studying the UFO/Alien topic, but I've recently developed a strong interest in alien abductions. I never really gave much of my attention to abduction accounts. I considered them silly and untrustworthy, they provided little evidence except words. Boy was I wrong. I now realize a photo or video of a UFO can always be debunked even if genuine, there's no telling in this "modern" age. I also now realize abduction accounts are our only possible resource of information relating to the alien agenda. Unless you get abducted, there is essentially no other way to get a peek into a UFO and what happens inside one.

If one believes in an alien presence, one must also question why they are so secretive. Why are they hanging around Earth but staying hidden? They must be doing something right? But what? Abduction activity seems to be a plausible theory. As a result of these realizations, I've recently spent a lot of time soaking up as much information about alien abductions as possible. What I found were clear correlations between a vast majority of accounts. Some of these correlations were expected, while some of it was completely new to me. Overall I've managed to come to some moderately solid conclusions based on what I've learnt so far; I will present those findings here.

Summary of contents

My analysis and breakdown of the alien abduction phenomena will be primarily based on 3 resources:

1) The Threat - David Jacobs
2) Taken - Karla Turner
3) ATS abduction accounts

The Threat summarizes information retrieved via hypnotic regression from over 700 abduction accounts. The majority of accounts in Taken are either dreams or conscious memories and flashbacks. However, a very small portion of the book does involve hypnotically retrieved information (not used here). Thirdly, I will be using abduction accounts posted directly onto the ATS Alien/UFO board, where the information is retrieved via multiple means. These 3 resources vary in important ways, and allow us to look at a range of different information, gathered from completely separate resources, and retrieved using different methods. This is important because if they were all gathered from the same source using the same method, it's a lot easier to claim this information is invalid.

Hypnotism, dreams and skepticism

Understandably, there is a lot of skepticism concerning the validity of information gathered via hypnotic regression and dreams. There are also quite a lot of misconceptions about what hypnotism is, and what is isn't. Whilst I don't want to make this section too long, it is necessary for people to understand what we are dealing with here. We should be very skeptical of any information retrieved during hypnotic or dream states, but we can't dismiss the possibility these people are telling the truth, because upon closer examination I'm certain a lot of the information relayed by abductees is factual.

The biggest problem is most certainly the amount of control aliens can apparently exert over a human mind. There is very little chance a person will ever escape an abduction. It must be assumed from all the available that evidence that aliens can indeed alter a persons state of mind and memory, as we'll soon see. They suppress abduction memories deep in a persons mind, it seems they leave the memories in tact because the abductee needs them for future reference - explained in more detail later. Aliens can also induce altered states of perception or entirely artificial realities, they can insert fake memories (screen memories) and an array of other mental trickery. This obviously creates a whole lot of problems when it comes to trying to understand abduction accounts.

One must also remember that information derived from hypnosis and dream states is very open to fault. False memory syndrome presents many problems, confabulated memories and fantasies are pretty much unavoidable. So is hypnotism really reliable at all? Yes it is. Contrary to popular belief, hypnotism does not give the hypnotist total and utter control over a person, they still have a degree of consciousness. In fact, if you don't wont to be hypnotized there's very little chance anyone would be able to hypnotize you[1]. You must be open and willing to the situation. During a hypnotic regression session, the subject does enter a "suggestible" state of mind", meaning even tiny little hints or certain questions can be enough to make the subject recall fictional events, such as, being abducted[2].

False memory syndrome is often the result of a poorly trained hypnotist who is convinced their client has been abused or traumatized but has no memory of it. They will push for answers, asking very suggestive questions, and telling the person they need to try and remember the events. Only through remembering what happened to them will they be able to gain any closure the hypnotist claims, not remembering these events means the client is in denial. Jacobs claims The False Memory Syndrome Foundation in Philadelphia is filled with members who have been unfairly accused of sexual abuse, however, he also claims that alien abduction accounts differ from false memory syndrome in five significant areas:

1. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees do not recount only
childhood experiences. They do, of course, recall abduction events during
childhood, because the abduction phenomenon begins in childhood, but they also
recall abduction events as adults. In fact, many abduction accounts, unlike false
memory accounts, are of very recent events. Of the last 450 abductions that I have
investigated, nearly 30 percent happened within the previous thirty days and over
50 percent had occurred within the past year. I have also investigated abduction
events that were reported to me only a few hours, or even a few minutes, after
they took place.7

2. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees have indirect
corroboration of events.

3. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees often remember
events without the aid of a therapist. They can remember events that happened to
them at .specific times in their lives. They have always known that the event
happened, and they do not need a therapist to reinforce their memories.

4. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees are physically
missing during the event. The abductee is not where he is supposed to be; people
who search for him cannot find him. The abductee is usually aware that there is a
gap of two or three hours that neither he nor anyone else can account for. Such
physical corrobo-ration does not exist in false memory.

5. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees can provide
independent confirmation of the abduction. Approximately 20 percent of
abductions include two or more people who see each other during the abduction
event. They sometimes independently report this to the investigator.

The aim of a hypnotic regression session isn't make a person do what you say, it's to alter their state of consciousness that makes memory recall more accurate. If you've ever spoken to a hypnotized person, or a sleep talking person even, you'll know that they don't particularly care about giving you certain personal information, getting secrets from a person in that state isn't too hard. The hard part is getting them into that state[1]. This does not mean however, they will tell you anything and everything like a brain dead zombie. They retain a degree of consciousness, and a subject undergoing hypnotic regression can refuse to answer certain questions, saying things such as "it's too embarrassing to tell you". They are not at the whim of the evil hypnotist.

Thus, we cannot throw out the potential that these people are recounting real events, and that these events are more easily accessed through hypnosis, and that hypnosis can also help see through the apparent "screen memories" and other memory blocks placed by aliens. Conscious flashbacks and odd dreams also add to the validity of the information retrieved via hypnosis, it's doubtful the same information would manifest in 3 different ways if the result of mere fantasy. In order to further validate information retrieved through hypnosis, there are several methods that allow us to assess the suggestibility and truthfulness of a subject.

As explained by Jacobs certain questions such as "do you see corners in the room", or "do the aliens have small eyes", or "are the aliens purple", or "are the aliens fat", all these questions should answer "no". This allows the hypnotist to measure their degree of suggestibility and allow for that in evaluation. Once the abductee starts giving previously corroborated information the account gains a lot of weight. "small grey being with big black eyes", "no visible bolts or welding", "staring into my eyes, telepathy, mind control, paralysis", "gynecological operation", "been abducted since childhood", "missing time", "the doctor", "egg and sperm removal", "fetus implantation and removal", "floating through walls", these are all signs of a genuine abductee account.

Furthermore, research indicates that the majority of abductees are perfectly sane people[2][3]. Most of them do not even seek help because they can't remember the events. Other people have suspicions, due to things such as missing time events and odd sicknesses or marks after waking from strange dreams. Some times they seek help, but most do not. Even when a person does seek help, chances are they will want to remain completely anonymous. Estimations and surveys suggest the number of abductions taking place is between 1 and 6 percent of the population. In 1994, a survey of 13 investigators yielded 1,700 cases.

Studies have also shown that abductees are no more susceptible to hypnotic suggestion than the general population[2]. However this does depend on the persons need to know what happened to them. Subjects dedicated to exploring their experiences are usually more hypnotizable[2]. Of course, the most certain way to test if these abduction accounts recalled during hypnotic regression have any truth to them, is to hypnotize people who probably aren't abductees, and see what they say. Unfortunately not many of these tests have been done. The tests that have been done however, are highly criticized, the results, conclusions and methods are sketchy[2].

The Lawson and Lynn experiments claimed to have found some similarities between their "prototype" abductions and those given by apparently real abductees[2]. There is only one "rational" answer to this: abduction experiences can be accounted for by familiarity with certain elements in our popular culture. But I find it highly suspicious little research has been done to prove this. As far as I can see, abductees can come from all walks of life, and they aren't usually insane or seeking attention, in fact they find these events highly disturbing and traumatizing. And so we decide whether to listen to them or ignore them, and those who listen will see a trend beyond mere coincidence.

As we discover these commonalities between abductions, we can evaluate the authenticity of each and every account. We can also pick out the real events and possible screen memories. We are now breaking major ground, we have a framework to go from, order from chaos. It is using this simple technique that I've come to gain a basic understanding of alien operations, and even a bit of an insight into their ultimate agenda. I recently made a thread with "aliens are evil" in the title, what it really should have said was, "the alien presence around Earth is highly suspicious", but I will not draw any conclusions on whether their ultimate plan is "good" or "bad" from a human perspective.

As you can see, there is a lot to consider, and the layers of deception go very deep. All this creates a very tangled web of psychology one must climb through before the alien activities will begin to make even the slightest of sense. Some say it's too unreliable, that's it's completely invalid even. But I say no. It's just more of a challenge. Furthermore, it's the one and only avenue we have, there is nothing else that will give us this degree of insight. It's worth at least examining the information IMO. When some one has a better idea, let me know. Until then, this is the only line of Alien/UFO research worth my time.


Being taken aboard

Anyway when the Grey(s) passed through the wall they would stare into my eyes and i would black out. This normally happened at night and i would miss some time.

Usually at night or in a remote location, aliens will abduct people, and take them aboard their craft. These people in question don't usually remember the events, it's possible even you are an abductee but don't even know it because the events have been hidden from your consciousness. Missing time is extremely common with abductees. What happened in that time? Let us now explore the initial stages of alien abduction: being taken on board.

The abductors

Who are they? Probably the Greys. They are so commonly described in abduction cases that if any single species of alien were to be real, it is the Greys. They are often described as short "grey" beings with a big head and huge black eyes (as seen in the picture at the top). They are sexless beings who show emotion rarely, a lot of people are of the opinion they could be bio-mechanical beings, robots. They posses the ability to speak to humans telepathically, and they the ability to manipulate the human mind in several different ways, obscuring our thoughts, memories and emotions. It seems they cannot reproduce, and are actually tools for a higher being that created them. There is also a taller variation of the Grey dubbed the "doctor", they usually have whiter skin than small Greys.

In the following ATS post, a person talks about how his daughter has been seeing aliens. Kids usually remember abduction events better than adults. She was 4 when she started describing a Grey and even the "doctor". I will be referring to this particular case multiple times throughout this thread because it contains many elements of a genuine abduction.

then one day she was telling me about the boy again, and how he had grabbed her hand and it made her really scared. so then it hit me, ask the right questions. so the first thing i asked her was what color skin did the boy have? she said gray. my next question was what color eyes does the boy have. she told me "all black." okay now i start to worry, because how many boys do you know with gray skin and "all black" eyes?
i then ask about the "gray" again, trying to figure out if it is indeed a ship or not. she changes the subject and tells me that she doesnt like the boy, and that she doesnt like the "doctor" either.

On page 16 of Taken, a young abductee describes mind-scan, telepathy and a Grey alien to an "army man" demanding answers after a massive abduction event the night before:

One of the army men then asked her to describe the little boy's hair and clothes. Pat said she felt as if the army man was dumb, asking such a question. "Don't you know," she told him, "that the beings don't have hair and they don't wear clothes? The little boy has real big, slanty eyes that can film everything inside me, in my head and my soul. He talks to me in my head and doesn't use his mouth because he only has a line there. He's really skinny, but he doesn't have to eat because he's an angel.

Jacobs explains some details of the shorter and taller Greys in his book:

In my book Secret Life, I pointed out that the shorter gray aliens
act as assistants to the taller grays. The shorter aliens bring abductees to the UFO, take
their clothes off, escort them to the "examination" rooms, and even do some
nonspecialized procedures. Shorter aliens rarely engage in extended conversation, and
what they do communicate is usually limited to palliatives and reassurances for the
frightened abductee. Researchers now know that the taller alien, whom abductees
sometimes call the "doctor" or the "specialist" to differentiate him from the others, often
joins the abduction after the shorter aliens have performed an examination of the
abductee. The taller being conducts the more complicated procedures. He takes sperm
and harvests eggs. He implants embryos into female abductees and a few months later he
extracts the fetuses. He conducts staring procedures in which he can extract memories or
information from the abductee and in which he can also elicit sexual arousal and orgasm.
He engages in visualization procedures, during which he can make the abductee see and
even relive life events, or he can create entirely new "events" for the abductee to

The taller aliens appear to have more of a personality than the shorter ones. They will
engage in a dialogue with the abductee but remain coy about the objectives of the
abduction and about the specific procedures.

Commonly described during abductions is the harvesting of eggs and sperm from people, they also often implant an embryo into female abductees (it seems hybrid females have trouble with reproduction) and remove the fetus a short time later (or sooner if its safety compromised), it then continues development in some sort of artificial womb (the "incubation room" is dedicated to these fetus containers). These are what some call "hybrids". These hybrids can look remarkably human after several generations, enough to blend in with a crowd. These are often referred to as "Nordics" by many people. I've found these beings can cause a lot of confusion within reports because there are many generations of human-alien hybrids, and appearances vary greatly.

Late stage hybrids as described in Jacobs book:

Hybridization reaches a critical point in a later-stage generation— possibly the fourth or
fifth. Once again, the aliens use the standard hybridization process, splicing a human egg
and sperm with genetic material from a hybrid.3. The resulting late-stage hybrids are so
close to human that they could easily "pass" without notice.

Most of the late-stage hybrids have normal-looking eyes (perhaps only a slightly enlarged
pupil). Their skin color is humanlike but sometimes a bit too even. They often have shortcropped
hair, but some have curly or long hair. Some do not have eyebrows or eyelashes,
and most do not have body hair or pubic hair. Their frames are sometimes thin,
sometimes muscular, but never overweight. They are often blond and have blue eyes,
although abductees have noted a range of hair and eye coloration. The females have
human secondary sexual characteristics and have longer hair than the men. Most males
have normal genitals but some penises might be too narrow. The males are not
circumcised. It is these late-stage hybrids whom abductees often call the "Nordics."

Late-stage hybrids possess the aliens' extraordinary mental abilities. They can engage in
staring procedures, Mindscan, visualizations, envisioning, and so on. They have nearly
complete command over the abductees, who report having a little more physical and
mental control during hybrid abduction activity—not enough, however, to effectively
resist abductions.

Late-stage hybrids have a singularly important attribute: They can reproduce with
humans. They have intercourse with humans in the "normal" manner, bypassing the
standard egg and sperm harvesting phase of abductions. These resulting hybrids are
barely distinguishable from "normal" human beings.

Hybrids are almost as common as Greys, and seem to play an important role role in the whole abduction phenomena, will will learn much more about them shortly. The degree of interaction that takes place between hybrids and humans has significance. Jacobs claims abductees are "partnered" with certain hybrids at a young age and that they build a relationship together over time. Hybrids are known to act on their own outside the confines of a UFO and without direct oversight. They have the ability to feel human emotions and are known to express kindness and violent behavior at times.

An account from Jacobs book gives a good description of the personality differences between Greys and Hybrids:

It sounds crazy but I feel more comfortable with the little gray guys than being
left alone with these people-looking . . .. They don't have that
compassion, I don't feel it. I don't know if they're anything like human beings.
Maybe that's why I'm scared, because human beings can be so cruel. Whereas the
gray guys, they do their job and they don't want to hurt you but they don't want to,
you know, give you kisses and love you either. They're just kind of neutral in a
way. But human beings can be so cruel.4

Other species worth noting are the "reptilians" or "insectoids" (possibly the same species), and the "robed" or "hooded" species. The reptilians are some times seen with aliens but I've read reports of reptilians with military personnel, which causes me confusion and suspicion. There is a considerable amount of reports concerning reptilians, but they are some what questionable. The robed species is the most mysterious of all, they seem to be in charge of the Greys, but I've not read very much about them, and any event they are involved in is usually really confusing.

Why me?

Good question. Most people are abducted from childhood, they get "chosen" to be part of the hybrid program and unconsciously, slowly become more accustomed to the whole thing over the years. Aliens don't just make random abductions to conduct one time experiments and tests on a person, there is a very ordered system by where they choose subjects and abduct them throughout their life time. If you have children, they too will probably be abducted. And so will your childrens children. This will go on until their plan is complete or it fails. It also seems as though the Government might be keeping track of some "chosen" people. You can't escape them once they've chosen you, and moving residence will not help.

Nearly all the abductions cases I've heard about involve life long abduction activity, an account from page 58 of Taken shows us moving locations wont help:

Even when she moved away from that house, staying for a while after her father's death in a boardinghouse, the unexplained occurrences followed her. One of her roommates there woke her up once, screaming, saying that she'd just seen a weird creature standing beside Beth's bed. The being apparently noticed the roommate looking at it, because it started moving toward her, and that was when she screamed. Her description of the creature matches today's well-known Gray entity.

The ATS abduction account referred to earlier also contains this crucial aspect of the phenomena:

on a side note, my sister and her two boys also get abducted. i believe my mom as well, but she wont talk about it. i emailed a few abduction researchers, but have not heard back yet. so anyways, there it is. i will update this thread if any new information comes along. its just a little tough because my daughter is so young. she talks pretty well for her age, and knows enough words to tell me what she has. i just wish she had the words to describe the ship. i dont want to tell her its a ship, so its tough but i will continue to work with her.

Physical/mental paralysis

The first thing an abductee will probably notice is one of 3 things: 1) strange noises and shadows 2) weird lights inside and outside the house 3) a Grey near their bed. Usually just before the abductee actually sights an alien, they will become paralyzed and unable to move. This can make them panic, so the alien will usually manipulate the persons mind and make them feel safe. However, more often then not, the next step will solve any panic issues (Sudden sleep syndrome).

Usually when the aliens aren't abducting everyone in the house, they place the others into "zombie-like" or trance type state. Some times these people have woken up from this state before the abductee has been returned, as shown later, but by page 13 of Taken we have a good example of this vegetative state:

Pat was returned to the house, where she saw all of her family sitting in the living room in a daze. 'They looked like zombies," Pat said. Even her step-father was propped up on the floor leaning against a sofa. She was placed in her bed and saw one of the Grays outside her window gesturing a farewell. She responded with a wave and was immediately asleep again.

Sudden sleep syndrome

Even in the strangest of moments, a person will report that they suddenly fell asleep. This is a common type of mental manipulation that I assume just makes their abduction job a lot easier. Missing time or strange dreams is the usual outcome. There are many good examples of this in Taken, this one is interesting:

She was used to mysterious things, even at that young age. "Even before that," she said, "as far back as I can remember, I was aware - and so was my family - that strange things were happening to me, most of them at night. It made me afraid to go to sleep, afraid that someone was going to come for me." Unexplained noises often broke the silence of the night. Once, for example, Beth was startled awake by a "buzz or whooshing sound" in the room where she was sleeping alone. Frightened, she ran into her sister's room. "They're looking for me," was all she remembered saying, because at that moment her sister suddenly fell into a deep sleep and Beth's body became paralyzed. Then she, too, lost consciousness.

Floating through walls

If the abductee manages to stay conscious during the beginning of the abduction, and they also remember it, they will recall floating through the air and even through walls or the ceiling. I've always had a hard time wrapping my head around this, but it's pointless to try and understand technology of that caliber at our level of development. It is definitely way beyond anything the military would have, and it one of their key tools for successfully removing an abductee from a building or house. Also commonly described after floating through the wall is a bright beam of light coming from the ship which sucks them up and takes them on board.

It is only on page 12 of Taken where we first see this trend:

She and her grandmother were floated out of the room by the entities. Passing by her mother's bedroom, Pat saw a brilliant white light coming out of the room. Five of the taller Whites were around her step-father's bed, and they seemed to be examining one of his atrophied legs, the result of polio. A glowing green bar of light, about five inches long, floated over him. Continuing on through the house and out into the yard, Pat saw a bright crystalline flying craft hovering low to the ground. A beam of light came out of the bottom of the craft and engulfed her.

The little girl from our ATS case also describes this strange but common event:

she also adds that there are more than one boy, and they are holding her 1 1/2 year old brothers hand, and MINE as we all go through the wall.

Smooth criminals

Overall, these Aliens use every tactic they have at their disposal in order to abduct the same people over and over again, whilst at the same time keeping the whole thing clouded in the utmost of secrecy. I doubt the abductee ever gave the aliens permission to carry out such events, and if they ever did, it would have been at an extremely young age, so I hardly think that is valid. They not only abduct the same person continuously, they abduct members of that persons friends and family. Simply living in the same house as an abductee could get you involved with their affairs.


The rooms and activities

There are several rooms or sections to a UFO, where the abductee will engage in different activities. This list is probably far from complete, and a couple of these rooms are completely speculative. By far the most common room reported is the the surgery room, where abductees undergo examinations and medical procedures. The incubation room is also quite commonly reported by women. The classroom and playground is sometimes reported by both adult and children abductees. The other rooms are either completely speculative, educated guesses, or rarely mentioned because there is usually no need for the abductee be in such areas.

The surgery room and the doctor

Welcome to the surgery room. Where you can have your skull opened up, undergo a gynecological procedure, have an implant shoved up your nose or undergo some sort of eye surgery - among many other things. The surgery room is a large round room with very weird lighting. It usually has a floating table in the center of the room which abductees will lay on whilst undergoing a procedure. Some times there is more than one table and more than one abductee being operated on or present in the room. A taller Grey referred to as the "doctor" or "specialist" usually leads the operation, his skin is usually whiter than normal Greys. He joins the operation after the smaller Greys have completed all the usual examinations.

The doctor typically handles the more complicated procedures. He usually performs egg and sperm extraction, as well as embryo/gestational unit insertion and fetus removal. The doctor also exhibits a staggering degree of control over a subjects mind and thoughts. In the mind-scan procedure the doctor can elicit any type of emotion in the abductee and alter their perception of reality. A mind-scan involves the doctor getting really close to the subjects face, even touching faces some times. The doctor stares deep into the subjects eyes and the magic begins. Abductees report that mind-scan can even cause intense sexual arousal and orgasm - potentially used to get sperm from males, but may have a reproductive related purpose with females.

Gynecological procedures are extremely common, as are egg and sperm collection. It should come as no surprise these aliens are interested in genetics, and all indications are these beings are involved in some sort of hybrid breeding program in which the aliens incubate fetuses in human hosts to produce alien-human hybrids. This may seem amazingly absurd at first glance, but I assure you it's more logical than may first seem.

What do you think they're doing internally now? Or can you tell that at all?

They're holding something like you would hold a baby, with two hands, but it's
not a baby. It's like a, I don't know.... I can't even imagine.

[Gently] Does it look like a baby, or not?

It looks like a lobster. I can't imagine. I can't even imagine. My legs are up, and
they are in this position in front of me. You know, almost as though they were
inserting a sack.

They were inserting something, then?

I don't know.... It looks round and light colored, and I would say about the size of
a grapefruit.

So it's big.

And they're holding it.... I get the impression like you would hold a baby, like
something very precious.... They're bringing it to me. ... This is a terribly
repulsive idea. I find this to be extremely repulsive, dirty, unclean. It's got me
very upset.

That they are bringing this to you?

And making it part of my body.... I get the sense, and I have a terrible soreness in
here—hot and sore. And I find this to be extremely repulsive. This is a solid unit,
it is totally contained. There's something in it. I get the sense like it's a sack, and
they have inserted that. And my whole feeling about it is that I don't want that in

Where do you think they would have inserted this, then?


A disturbing number of women abductees describe falling unexpectedly pregnant. But before they can ever have the baby or abort it, the fetal tissue just disappears! However some times they give birth to a still born, possibly a replacement fetus meant to lower suspicions about missing fetuses. These are not dreams or hallucinations, these are events that often take place in the life of female abductees. Both Taken and The Threat have numerous such reports. The hybrid program hypothesis is further enhanced and strengthened by what goes in the incubation room, which we will come to later.

An excerpt from The Threat:

In early 1992, Lydia awoke one morning with the distinct feeling that she was pregnant.
That was impossible, not only because of her age and because she had not engaged in
sexual relations, but because she had undergone a total hysterectomy many years before.

Nevertheless, her breasts began to swell, she retained water, and she had something akin
to morning sickness. She recognized the symptoms as those she felt when she had been
pregnant with her children. After a few weeks, the right side of her lower abdomen
became slightly distended. Then, to her horror, she began to feel something moving
around inside as if it were a fetus.

Was she going crazy or was something even less acceptable at work? Lydia was reluctant
to go to her gynecologist because he might think she was "losing it." But the physical
feeling persisted and she made an appointment with him. A few days before her
appointment, she woke up and "knew" that everything was all right; her stomach was no
longer distended, nothing was moving around in it, and all the symptoms had
disappeared. She canceled her appointment.

Jacobs later realized exactly what had happened when Lydia underwent hypnotic regression and exposed a truly traumatic experience (it's too long to post - read the book). Summed up, she did indeed undergo a gynecological procedure and was forced to host a hybrid.

Now I knew. I realized that it was
possible that the aliens are making women carry babies even if the woman does not have
a uterus. Instead of implanting the embryo in a uterus, the aliens could be inserting an
extrauterine gestational unit—a sac capable of incubating a fetus without having to be
attached to the uterine lining. The aliens place the unit in an area near the uterus, or
perhaps even in the space that the womb originally occupied, or behind the bladder, or
near an ovary.

This led me to reconsider the situation with Melissa. The "implant" that she had worried
about was probably not a technological device, as I had assumed, but an extrauterine fetal
implantation near the ovary. In this light, Melissa's adamancy about not removing it
became understandable—she unconsciously knew that she must not disturb the fetus.
Now, other puzzling cases also began to make sense. The introduction of air,
accompanied by a bloating feeling and the sense that organs were being "moved around,"
was most likely a preparation of the space into which the aliens placed the extrauterine
gestational unit; they literally hollowed out an area for its placement.

The implications of these cases were unsettling. Whatever the reproductive stage or
abilities of female abductees, they can help produce babies.They can "house" the standard
uterine fetal implants as well as extrauterine gestational units. In addition, these
gestational units might help to "camouflage" the phenomenon. They do not trigger the
human gonadotropin hormone reaction normally registered on a pregnancy test.

Another common procedure I should mention is "the implant", usually inserted via the nose deep up into your head, but it can be inserted other places such as your ear. Jacobs believes that the aliens use implants to monitor the thoughts of women unknowingly carrying hybrids. Instead of keeping track of everything they think, their thoughts are selectively filtered (scanning for thoughts of abortion etc). This enables them to remove the fetus before the host takes any sort of action to put it in harms way. A women in The Threat sums up the operation:

Strange object. I don't know if it's metal or clear or.... They use it for making babies.
They put these things together in a laboratory, in a lab. And then they insert them in the
womb so that it will grow there and develop into a baby. At a certain age—they monitor
it, they know it's progressing—at a certain time they come back, they take you aboard
and they remove the fetus, which by that time is not a fully developed fetus but big
enough to be recognizable. They remove it, taking them to this place. I've seen it before.
Kind of fluid, they keep them in this fluid, a warm fluid. It's like a tank and that has a lot
of fluid, has a lot of what is essential, I don't know, something to keep them growing,
keep them living.6

Taken also has some fascinating accounts of possible artificial impregnation:

Pat replied, "Don't be afraid, it's okay." She went up to the blond man who was surrounded by a beautiful light. He talked to her about becoming a mother and about a "seed of life." He said he had the power of all seed in his hand. At the end of the experience, he held out his hand to her and showed her a seed, telling her it was for her benefit and to have no fear.

A few months later, Pat, who was now pregnant, moved to Florida. She remembers telling her husband that the baby would be a boy, but that it wouldn't be viable. "I'm going to have it but not keep it," she told him, unable to explain how she knew this. For the next several months she and her two children lived in a garage apartment. One night, Pat came to consciousness just as she was walking into the apartment as if she had been outside, although she didn't recall being there. She felt an odd, pleasant vibratory sensation and remembered thinking, They came and got me.

Nothing more seems to have happened at this time, and Pat continued to have her prenatal checkups which showed that everything was progressing fine with the baby. But then in the eighth month, the doctor could not find a fetal heartbeat. And when she delivered at full-term in May, the baby boy was stillborn. The foreknowledge proved true.

One might think that baby simply didn't survive, if it weren't for the following:

Later that same year, Pat remembers finding herself in a quiet room, surrounded by Grays and waiting for something. The Gray she thought of as her "friend" appeared in the doorway, showing her a baby. He told her that she had a choice to see the baby.

"No," Pat replied, "it's okay, it's fine. You'll take better care of it than I could." But in that brief glimpse, she saw a tiny, skinny baby with blue, slanted eyes.

In fact, a thread on ATS even describes these disturbing procedures:

the third woman took a needle and injected it into my abdomen and withdrew my eggs, so they took my eggs, when they were done , they told me that I was no longer going to have babies anymore, they said I could leave.
I didn't understand what I was doing there, one of them reached down and pulled a fetus still in it's sack out of me, and they showed me the baby, (okay I'll stop, I have to say that during this time i was 3 weeks late with my period, how I even got pregnant is beyond me because my husband was fixed and no stuf was getting through)

This all makes perfect sense if you understand the structure behind their activities. Consider this excerpt from Taken:

Although at the time Anita wasn't aware of the implications, this new phase of her involvement may have been marked by a possible missing-fetus episode in 1985. When she began experiencing some suspicious physical symptoms, she consulted her doctor and was very surprised to discover she was pregnant. Having already raised a family of three children, and considering her age, she decided to terminate it. But the results of the operation proved to be as surprising as the unexpected pregnancy itself.

"I went to have an abortion," she said, "after my Ob-Gyn assured me that I was pregnant. He performed the procedure and said that he could not find any fetal tissue at all. He was as puzzled as I was."

It's hard to say exactly what will happen to you if you find yourself in the surgery room, but Jacobs gives us a number on how common some of these procedures are:

I approach abductees individually in search of some new and perhaps revealing
information about the phenomenon, although nearly all contribute confirmatory
information. For example, in over 700 abduction investigations I have conducted using
hypnosis, I have been told of egg-taking procedures almost 150 times, physical
examinations about 400 times, Mindscan (staring) procedures about 375 times, and baby
and toddler contact 180 times. Some experiences I have heard only occasionally. If I hear
anything only once, and I am not yet certain of the thoroughness and veracity of the
person who is telling it to me, I withhold a conclusion pending confirmation from other

Anything and everything probably takes place in this room. I can't imagine some of the procedures abductees are forced to undergo. It's very clear that what they are doing has an order and a purpose. I now understand that they don't just go around randomly abducting people, and their entire operation works the same way. Their examinations and procedures are not random, they are trying to achieve something, and they are also doing it in secret. That something seems to be a hybrid program or some sort of genetic experiment at minimum, but their is an ultimate goal they want to achieve.

The incubation room and hybrid interaction

After the aliens remove the fetus from the abductee, it then continues development in some sort of artificial womb. Abductees often report large rooms full of these incubation tanks. However, such synthetic methods of raising a child apparently aren't enough to sustain life, and abductees often report coming into contact with hybrid babies and children. It appears as though the late stage hybrid babies require a human element, they need physical and emotional stimulus the Greys are unable to provide (hybrids also find it hard to express human type emotions for children because of their environment, in fact they are often discouraged to talk about parents and siblings). When I became aware of this I was reminded of this old debate: The Primacy of Human Touch - PDF).

An abductee from the Threat manages to get some useful information when she was taken into the incubation room:

She's waiting to see my reaction. I'm asking her why are they doing this, and how
do the babies survive like that, and how I wish that we had something like that so
I didn't have to go through the birth pain. She's saying to me that if we did that,
these babies would have no emotions, just like their babies, and that's where they
need our help. These babies can grow physically... but emotionally they're dead...
They need us to do that—nurture the babies. And I'm asking her why do they
have to do all this.

The hybrid children seem to posses the staggering mental abilities of the Greys, but at the same time posses some human mental and physical traits. In one account from The Threat, an abductee describes one of these babies:

It seems like maybe it's about three or four months old but it seems more alert than a
three- or four-month-old baby.... It's not like really physical, but I could see it like
looking around. It has almost a curious look in its face instead of the typical blank
expression that most three- or four-month-olds have. I get the feeling that this baby's like
older than three or four months. It seems older somehow and it seems knowledgeable.
When I look at its eyes, I get almost the same feeling that I get from that tall being like
when I'm on the operating table. And so I try to avoid looking at its eyes because that
makes me a little uncomfortable. It's almost like the eyes can control you so I don't want
to look at its eyes too much.5

At times female abductees are even forced to breast feed these hybrid children, some times with the altered perception that what she is feeding are human babies (this helps makes the subject want to feed the babies). In a journal entry from Taken the abductee becomes suspicious of the child:

"October 23,1991. I dreamed I was holding a baby for the purpose of healing it. He was in a room at the end of a building that was like a nursery. None of the babies' parents were there. I think I dreamed of a lot of stuff happening in this building. I can still mentally see the face of the baby very clearly. I held it on two occasions. It was blond and blue-eyed, a little boy, and could hold himself erect when you picked him up. His eyes were
crossed, one worse than the other, and as I held him he started to get a little better. When I held him the second time, he was strong enough that I could prop him on my hip.

"Then when he was wanting to nurse, I had this really weird thought, sort of apart from the dream, like standing off a little watching the dream. I thought, What if he isn't really a baby? What if he is really some midget pervert? I emphasized this last part because it indicates an awareness that we might be interacting with something less human and less innocent than it seemed."

The classroom and the children

Abductees some times report the strange scenario of having to teach young hybrid children about the ways of Earth and Humans within a classroom-type environment. It seems humans are required to interact in some way with hybrids at most levels of their childhood. One conclusion is immediately obvious, they intend to merge these hybrids with humanity; and upon further examination that hypothesis only continues to gain strength. Depending on how you look at it, this can be both a disturbing thought or a fascinating thought.

There's a regular school-type chart?

Well, it looks like a blackboard but it's not. It looks like some sort of screen. It
looks like an Etch-a-Sketch screen, except it's filled with all sorts of stuff. It's sort
of silvery and like a dog is on the screen and she tells me that I'm supposed to
explain the dog to them, what the dog is.

Was this a picture of a dog?

It's like a picture of a dog appean on the screen, like a real dog.

Color? Black and white?


What kind of dog is it?

It's like a chow. A big, furry chow chow, the ones with the purple tongue. And
she tells me I'm supposed to explain to them what the dog is. So I tell them what a
dog is, you know, that humans like them and they keep them as pets. That they
used to live in the wild and humans domesticated them and they became very
friendly and loyal. So, then I asked them if they have any questions after I explain
what the dog is and the kids ask me, "Why is the dog loyal?" And I tell them I
don't know, they'd have to ask the dog. I don't know why a dog's loyal. And they
said, "Why does it like humans?" and I tell them I don't know. And they ask me
questions like, "What does it eat?" and I tell them what they eat.

There is an account in Taken where the abductee is most likely inside a classroom full of Hybrid children. She describes being able to see the playground from the classroom:

"I felt I was not the only adult human there but that there were more human children present than human adults. Near me was a little blond-headed boy about three years old. I picked him up and held him, and he really seemed to like that. Then I said, 'Where is your mommy?' and he looked sad and didn't say anything. I got the strong feeling that the pilot who stood to my left and others of his kind very much disapproved of my asking that question. Then I noticed a little girl, also blonde. I feel she was eleven years old for some reason, though I think she was more the size of an average nine-year-old. I asked her if she was the boy's sister, and she said no. I had the feeling they had no kin people with them. The little girl also seemed sad, and I remember feeling grateful that 'they' hadn't taken my children from me, but I was sad about these children and the many others.

'There was a big window arched at the end to my right. Outside the window was a little play yard. A dark-haired human woman was tending a group of human children. I felt she was no kin to them, except that they were all human. I did not see the other adults whom I felt were there somewhere.

The playground and alien toys

Alien hybrid children need to have fun too, and as such it seems most UFO's house their own mini-theme-park. This room is usually near the classroom and plays a similar function. It allows the abductees to interact with the hybrids in a fun way. Hybrids often request knowledge concerning Earth games and ways of having fun. Hybrid children seem to have strong emotional needs like humans. They need to spend time with human abductees who play with them and teach them things the Greys cannot. Logic dictates they require this knowledge because they need to fit into a human like society. Of course, this room probably acts as a simple playground for the hybrid children when the abductees are not present.

A couple of accounts from The Threat detail a jungle gym type set up within the playground:

They had sophisticated-looking toys, like maybe they got them out of Edmund's
Scientific or something. They didn't look like the typical—except for maybe a ball
or something like that. Most of the toys looked more complicated than regular

See any of them working the toys?

Yeah, they were playing with them. Sort of like one kid was playing with what
looked like a puzzle toy. And some of the kids were playing with the ball. And
some of the kids were playing with this stuff that looked sort of like wet silver
sand or something.... They were sort of molding it with their hands and stuff, just
playing with it. There was no television in there or anything.... There was
something that looked sort of like a gym that you could play on. Things that they
could crawl through and crawl on—you know, like a play gym. So I asked him,
"Well, who do these kids belong to?" And he didn't give me an answer, he didn't
say anything. Like I said, "Where are their parents?" because they looked like
humans. Then I asked him if he was one of the parents and he just sort of looked
at me like, you know, "I'd like to give you the information, but I can't."


It just seems like there's a bunch of things in there for kids to play with.

Is this a large room, or a small room, or ... can you get a sense of that?

It's really pretty big. It's really big. I can't tell what everybody's doing, but it
seems like they're all laughing and running around. It seems like there's girls and
boys ... running around like they're playing on these swings and jungle gyms and
stuff like that, but different.

How do you mean?

... Like there was just, like a big amusement park where all these different things
are there. Like a Disneyland, all compact. I don't know how to explain it. But it
seemed fun.

You're talking basically about heavy equipment, things to climb on and all?

It seems like they were just suspended, there was nothing it had to be attached to
or anything. Just things, you wondered how they were there, how they were
working. I just felt like really amazed. Then I didn't think about a whole lot, I was
just running around with the other kids.

The hybrid children always have a lot of toys to play with, usually a mix of simple human toys a long with some super-advanced toys that abductees some times have trouble working out. Some times abductees are required to teach the hybrids how to play with the human toys. An account from The Threat details a really cool sounding alien toy:

Their toys are different than our toys. How so?

Their toys feel. When you play with them, you feel things. Our toys don't do that.

You mean, they feel rough, or—?

No, they make you feel.

What kind of toys were there, then?

They're different colors and they're shapes, mostly. And you get to
hold them.

Is there like a ball or block or something?

No, it's more like, it's more like blue glass. But they don't like it when you throw

The sleeping quarters

While I'm not sure if Greys need to sleep, it seems logical that Hybrids would need to sleep. This room is mostly hypothetical as it's not some where an abductee should usually be, and isn't often reported. The adult hybrids appear to lead a life some what similar to that of a Human, although it seems they are much more communal and less private than humans are in modern society. Jacobs claims they "bathe, sleep, dress, and work together. Like humans, they have health problems".

One account from the Threat gives us some potential insight:

It could be just as large [as an airplane hangar]. I can't see the whole thing
because it's divided. There's areas that are divided and there's like bunk beds all
over the place and there's people on the bunk beds.... They're sort of like molded
into the wall, and it looks like they're three on top of each other. And the room is
sort of like divided so I can see, like areas. And on each side of the wall there's
bunk beds. So there's a lot of them.

They're in tiers of three, you mean?

Right, in tiers of three. And maybe ... they're partitioned off and there are some on
the opposite sides of the wall and there must be others. I can't see what's on the
other side of the partitions but I have the feeling that there are others. Because it
all looks the same, it's a very homogeneous environment.6

The cafeteria

I still consider this a hypothetical room. It's generally accepted that Greys are sexless beings, but some say they also have no digestive tract and don't consume food like normal humans. While information on this is limited, some accounts presented in The Threat depict a room where the Greys and early generation hybrids are able to receive nourishment by "soaking up" nutrients through their skin. Jacobs tells of another case where the abductee refused to breast feed a baby so she had to "paint" a child with a brown liquid which the alien told her was for nourishment. Those cases are a bit suspicious however, and such cases aren't very common. However, it would seem logical based on what we know, as Jacobs explains:

If this is true, it suggests that aliens obtain their fuel by absorption through their skin
rather than by ingestion. The absorption theory is supported by reports of fetuses floating
in tanks in "incubatoriums." Many fetuses do not have umbilical cords, suggesting that
they do not receive nourishment from a placenta. An alien told Diane Henderson from
southern Illinois that the fetuses were in the liquid for "feeding," and that it was
"nutritious."6 They gave Pam Martin the same explanation. An alien took her into an
incubatorium and explained the function of the liquid environment in which the fetuses
were floating. He told her that they "get everything" from the liquid.7

The engine room

There's very little information on such a room, making it hypothetical, but one would expect it exists some where near the center of the UFO. Long have Ufologists debated over the propulsion mechanisms used in UFO's that can apparently travel between star systems with little effort. Anti-gravity, black-hole generators, super fluids, super conductors, nuclear fusion, no one can really be sure exactly what powers their craft (maybe some people do, who knows). However, we can be fairly sure that the government and military doesn't posses craft capable of maneuvering like UFO's supposedly do. I would be extremely concerned if they had technology close to anything described by abductees.

The control center

Another completely hypothetical room, but expected to exist in all types of UFO's. The cockpit, control center, head quarters, or whatever else you might call it, is obviously the room where you will find the pilots and possibly some type of conference area. It's expected that the ship would posses some form of advanced A.I. control system. Many people claim the aliens are able to interface with the ship telepathically. The most extreme theories claim the ship is it's self a living organism. This may be the same room from where the abductees some times get a good view of space through some type of "window".

The lab

Like the engine room and cockpit, the lab has never really been seen as far as I know, or it hasn't been described well, but it is an obvious and necessary room that probably exists. I would imagine all sorts of high-tech experiments related to genetics, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and an array of other tests would take place in this room. The kinds of things that a human mind probably even grasp. Like magic in it's complexity, completely beyond the understanding of us mere mortals. Indeed, some claim aliens are immortal due to extreme alterations to their own DNA. Turning themselves into what might be labeled Gods, or crimes against nature, take your pick.

Room 23

This is a theoretical room, but the activities are more than real. During most abductions the aliens will flood a person mind with spiritual and/or religious content, and also environmental/doom messages. I assume this room would be dedicated to brainwashing abductees and subjecting them to virtual reality scenarios. But this activity could be done in other rooms such as the lab or the surgery room for all I know. There is always a lot of debate over whether aliens are "good" or "bad", some people claim that they are beings of pure love and they feel protected and safe when around the aliens. One thing is certain, the aliens often obscure the memories of an abductee, and some claim they remember the alien looked like Jesus or some other divine figure.

Gods from the sky? That's just what we want isn't it? I'm highly suspicious of these so called spiritual Grey encounters. When I view the activities of this room in a skeptical manner, it would appear as though they are "sugar coating" their activities. Greys show very little emotion 99% of the time, it's very doubtful they are the positive spiritual beings emitting pure love as so claimed. All the emotion and "spiritual" feelings elicited in the abductee are probably the result of mental manipulation, and their conscious memories of the event of those planted by the aliens. Most of those people who paint the Greys in such a positive light, have some awesome abduction story that they just so happen to remember. While other abductees who suspect they've been abducted see a hypnotist who almost always uncovers procedures and events that don't help paint a fairy tale land full of rainbows.

Nearly all abductees feel they have some sort of "mission" to accomplish. This is due to the events that take place in this room. The aliens warn the abductees of "coming destruction" and fill their minds with environmental messages. Consider these accounts from taken:

And they said, that they needed some parts, some things from me and that it
would help everyone on the planet. They said that there are going to be some bad
things that are going to happen.... They gave me some pretty vivid images.... And
I sat on the chair and they put this scope on my head.... They said that there are
going to be some bad things that are going to happen. They told me terrible things
would happen to the earth and that it would just blow up, and cities would
crumble and mountains would fall and the sun would be black. And they said that
it's bad because people can't stop being greedy and that they were doing
something to help us, and I don't know how. I couldn't make the connection how
putting something into my stomach would help us.4


I don't know if it's something about getting past it. Like avoiding it. I don't know why
they're showing it to me. I can get this off the five o'clock news. I already know this.... He
says that this, had to avoid this, or this could be avoided, or this has to be avoided, or
something like that.... I don't know, I just get the feeling like they think we're really
stupid. Like there's something wrong with us. I get the feeling like, when he conveys that
to me, that he's looking at all of us like a group.... It's like they're not blaming us, but like,
they're holding us responsible.... I keep getting the feeling like we're supposed to fix this
as a group. He doesn't seem to understand how it works around here.1


Yeah, but it sounds hokey. Like, "This is going to happen." That's not the words.
"Inevitable," that's the word I hear. That's the way it translates. And I feel like I'm
watching propaganda.... I feel like it's, like when you're a kid and they threaten,
"You better be good or Santa Claus won't bring you anything," you know? That's
the feel of it. But I don't know what they want from me. I don't know why they
want me to see this.


Now they have a screen in front of me. They're telling me something about the future.
"What must be known for the future." I see a bomb going off. I see a crack in the world.
There's lava coming out. I'm looking at it from above the world, and a big crack in the
world. The world is turned and a crack came in it. And black clouds everywhere and bad
wind. And people on the ground dead. I see dead bodies everywhere. "This cannot
happen. This will not happen. This shall not happen. This must not happen. Only you can
do something about it. Only you can do something about it.... You must stop it. It is
coming. We are coming. You must stop it. You must stop the destruction. Your good is
our good."2

If that weren't disturbing enough, after they flood a persons mind with these scenes of destruction and devastation, they end it by showing the abductee scenes of a blissful, sunny, happy Earth where everything starts to regrow and we are living in a society where Humans and Hybrids live together peacefully. The Threat has some good examples of this:

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:16 AM

It's like, "All's well that ends well." It's like there's this voice coming out of the
sky, and this brightness envelops the earth. And the darkness is going away, and
the desolation is going away. And the grass is growing. And there's some
butterflies that are coming out. And the flowers are growing. And, it's like
luminous beings. It's almost like angelic figures around and all in light. And the
people are moving around and doing all kinds of things. And people are smiling
again. Everybody looks healthy and strong. And children are playing games
outside. The animals look content. And the forest is green. There are ships, lots of
ships. And all these people are coming out of the ships. It's like people are
greeting each other, and they're kind of like, okay, back to business, so to speak,
you know. There are a lot of ships arriving, and people are coming out from the
ships, almost as if some of them had been here before. It's like they've been away
a while, but it's like they're coming home.


What's the next image you see up there?

It was real fast. The first one was like as far as the eye could see, it was barren
and dead, you know? Not dead people, just dead earth, I guess. Dead soil. No
trees, no buildings and then all of a sudden I started to see pretty fields, flowers
and ... hybrids.

What are the hybrids doing?

[The scene] looks happy.

The hybrids are happy?

Well, contented or ... I feel a nice day.

... What are they doing?

Walking, everybody's moving kind of slowly and peacefully, even the children.
Looks like an [laughs] alien greeting card. That's what it looks like. It's
propaganda, I know it is.... Just like it's a garden of some kind.... It reminds me
of... the way they're walking in pairs very slowly ... like they're having a leisurely
Sunday afternoon, you know? Like it's perfect or something. ... It's like a very
huge garden that goes on and on and on.5

Furthermore, they plant "special" knowledge within the abductees memory that cannot be remembered until a later time in their life. The abductees themselves are clearly being trained by the aliens for a future time. You should recall the case I previously quoted where a young abductee has a conscious discussion with the "army man" after being abducted, she wasn't and hasn't been hypnotized as is true with most of the cases from Taken. She goes on to tell the same old story to the army man:

"And what else did they tell you, Pat? Did they tell you anything else?"

"Yes," Pat answered, "they told me a lot of things, but I can't remember now. Someday I will remember, but not now."

"Why can't you remember now?" she was asked.

"Because ," Pat replied, "they said it's not time to remember, and besides, you were coming
here, and I can't tell you because it's a special thing. When I'm a lot older I'll remember
what they said and what's going to happen."

"Did they tell you what's going to happen?"

"Yes, they did, they told me about the 'bad time on earth.' I'm not supposed to tell about
that. I can't remember now. Well," she admitted, "some of it I remember, like the crystalline
ship they were in. It was full of lights, and I called it the crystalline ship because it
wasn't metal like a plane. The lights made everything work by itself, and they move things
without touching them, and even me, they moved me without touching me. They moved me up and
down, and they are full of love, and they protected me with a silver light in me, and I love

Several cases in The Threat depict something very similar:

They're telling me things of the future....

What are they telling you?

I can't tell if they're putting me on or what. This sounds really nuts. It's like they're
explaining things to me, preparing me for a time when I'll have a lot of
responsibility. But I don't have to worry about anything, it's like they'll be there to
guide me, to tell me what to do.

What context? How do they mean that? ...

Well, it has something to do with teaching other people things....

They tell me people will be listening to me. I think I'm thinking with two minds
because I'm thinking then and I'm thinking now. At the time I was listening to
them, going along with it. Right now I'm thinking this is really nuts.


He started saying something to me, but I can't tell you what it is. You can't
remember, you mean?

I can't remember it. It's like it's a secret, but I can't remember what it is.
Something to do with what he put in me. He said it would be there, something
about in time this will serve a purpose. It will tell you what to do when it's time ...


Like it's just not real. Like how can it [the alien] be talking to me in my head?
And I can't really understand what it's saying to me in my head. Like another
language or something. Like maybe, it's putting things in my head, and later I'll
hear it. I don't know, like a recording or something. But that I can't understand it
right now.

It's like it's storing something in my head, whatever it's saying to me. Like it's
almost saying to me, that I won't understand what it's saying to me. Like it's
telling me I won't understand it. It's not time for me to understand it. But someday
I'll understand it. But it's still in my head. Whatever it is. Whatever he said, is in
my head.

Room X

You might think aliens would have no interest in human sexual affairs, but it appears they do to some degree, the hybrids clearly do anyway. There obviously is no "Room X" on a UFO. This section concerns the sexual activities that take place during an abduction. At this stage it's becoming clear the sexual activity reported during abductions is one of the most complex and touchy topics in the whole phenomena. There are missing pieces of the puzzle in this area of research, probably because so many refuse to talk about it, along with the possibility of sexual abuse and false memories this becomes a topic highly avoided by abduction researchers.

It would seem logical that sex between hybrids and humans is a natural way to breed later stage hybrids, and that's what it appears to be most of the time. However there are quite a few odd cases of excessive sexual aggression and even events I would label "rape" on part of the hybrids. I suppose it's some what fathomable seeing as hybrids are part human and trapped on a UFO full of Greys. I can't confidently say I understand much about this topic, so I wont say much more about it. All I can recommend is that you read some of these posts (excerpts from The Threat) and make your own conclusions:

Also read the original post from the links above if you want some more information about abductions and sex. Please note that thread was simply a hypothesis and I don't believe sex has anything to do with the main alien agenda, though reproduction obviously plays a large role in the hybrid breeding program and "alien sex" seems like an obvious result of that.


Being returned

If you even remember this part of experience, it would surely be a moment of extreme relief, although abductees usually report sudden sleep syndrome immediately after being placed back in bed. There are many things that can happen after you are returned, ranging from nothing what so ever to some shady looking Government guys knocking on your door and trying to convince you that you didn't see anything. Although I believe the Government or secret compartments of the Government have interrogated abductees and investigated properties where a high amount of anonymous activity is witnessed, I doubt it is a common occurrence in this modern day.

Missing time and missing person

If the abductee is asleep when they get abducted, they'll probably just have a weird alien dream that is hard to make sense of. But if they're awake, they will often suffer from a sudden "mind blank" and subsequently realize it's suddenly an hour or two later. The "missing time" phenomena is usually the result of being abducted and having the memories of the event hidden deep within your mind. In some cases the abductee is put back down in the wrong place, some times with their clothes on the wrong way, or even missing pieces of clothing. And if that weren't enough, some times the person is reported to be physically missing during this, police have even been called in some cases.

Taken has some very typical cases of missing time:

"I suddenly came out of what I call 'mind blank'," Anita explained. "I found myself
close to a creek near our house. I did not know how I got there. The strangest thing was that
I was coatless and shoeless, and it was miserably cold outside."


"When I was seven or eight years old," Beth related, "my father gave us permission, my sister
and me, to go outside and play with the other children, who were playing hide-and-seek. It
was close to six in the evening. I remember that I went to hide between some bushes, and then
I heard a sound, somebody else. And as I turned, I saw what I thought at that moment was one
of the other kids.

"The next thing I know," she continued, "it was dark, and I was very surprised. When I got
home, my father was very mad at me and my mother was very upset. My father told me that they
had been calling me and looking for me for hours. But I couldn't understand it," she said.
"The place where I was hiding was less than a hundred feet from the front of the house. I was
hiding there, and it was daylight, and then the next thing I know it was dark-and I was

It is beyond doubt that these people aren't suffering from sudden time lapses, The Threat also has some good accounts further confirming that abductees aren't where they should be:

An indirect example of being physically missing during an abduction occurred when
abductee Janet Morgan's younger sister, Beth, came to babysit for her niece, six-year-old
Kim, while Janet went out on a date. Both Janet, a single mother working as a legal
secretary, and her daughter had had a lifetime of abduction experiences. Beth, who had
also experienced suspicious, but uninvestigated events, had babysat for Kim before and
was familiar with her routine.

This night Kim was sitting on the couch in the living room watching television, and Beth
decided to take a bath, since the child was occupied. She ran the water, got into the tub
with a novel, and began to read. A "mental haze" came over her and she sat in the tub
with her eyes trained on the same page in the book for over an hour. Suddenly, she
snapped out of it, jumped up, and thought, "Kim!" She threw on her clothes and raced
downstairs to see if the little girl was all right.

Kim was not on the couch. Beth went into every room of the row house and called for
her. She ran back into the living room, looked behind the couch and in the closet. Then
she searched through the rooms a second time. Panicking, she ran outside and looked up
and down the street, shouting for Kim. The next-door neighbor was outside and asked
what the problem was. Beth told him that Kim was missing. The neighbor ran into the
house to search for himself and found Kim sleeping on the couch in plain view. Kim had
been abducted, Beth had been "switched off," and when she came to consciousness a
little too soon, Kim had not yet been returned from the event. Kim was physically gone
from the house, and her absence was conspicuous.

Physical marks and sickness

Bruises, tiredness, nausea, blood, puncture marks, scoop marks, these are some of the common symptoms of an abduction. An abductee will usually wake up feeling some what nauseous and overly tired. Weird puncture marks and scrapes or scoop marks are also fairly common. Depending on what they did to you in the surgery room these after effects can vary a lot. One women reported a whole layer of skin peeling off her like she was some type of reptile, but that's an extreme case worth questioning. Some times you may not feel sick at all, and be left with very little evidence anything actually happened. Some abduction researchers such as Derrel Sims have collected an array of potential abduction evidence such as objects removed from persons claiming to have been implanted during an alleged alien encounter.

Many accounts in taken detail these symptoms:

Anita was also physically upset that morning, suffering from a violent headache and
nausea which caused her to vomit, yet there was no illness to account for the symptoms.
Still, she might not have been overly concerned about the vanished sock and her physical
problems, if her young granddaughter hadn't made a disturbing comment. The seven-year-old
child told her grandmother that some "mean men" had come in and taken her away during the
night. When Anita asked her to describe the "mean men," the little girl called them "the
mushroom men."


"Lots of mornings," Anita said, "I have gotten up feeling like someone beat me up in my
sleep." This is another common abductee report, waking up with sore, damaged-feeling muscles
and joints. "I have waked up with bruises on my arms, shoulders, and legs," she continued,
"with no idea where they came from. I have found scratches that I could not remember having
gotten the day before."


The result

Because people aren't usually abducted just once, the long term effect of the constant subconscious trauma inflicted by unsolicited abductions can manifest it's self many ways. Undergoing hypnosis in order to recall what happened can help a person get through it, but it is a very risky business and can also cause just as much damage. Therefore I can't recommend it or denounce it. Whether you remember events through flashbacks, hypnosis, dreams or just conscious memory, there are still many obstacles blocking your way to understanding exactly what is happening to you.

Recalling the events

Considering all the ways an alien can manipulate a persons mind, memories described by abductees need to be considered very carefully. Something the aliens will often do is change the appearance of themselves or their craft within the persons memory. Abductees will remember seeing an owl or deer with really big eyes, and they have irrational fears related to these memories. Abductees some times recall that they saw a weird unmarked, silent helicopter and other types of aircraft flying over their house. These are all obvious screen memories made to hide what they actually saw. This is clearly the biggest problem with abduction accounts.

Religion and spirituality

As it has been shown, the alien can put thoughts and memories into a persons head, they subject these people to sessions of brainwashing and flood their minds with certain ideas and messages. Religious and spiritual messages are not lacking. While some of these messages my be genuine, I believe there is a certain attempt by them to convince abductees they are enlightened, loving, spiritual, and even divine beings that only want the best for Humanity. People have actually spawned cults and religions that worship these aliens as though they were Gods. I find it extremely hard to believe the aliens are what they are made out to be by these people. Maybe they do have our best intentions in mind, but it pays to remain skeptical.

Military involvement

Abductees will some times describe seeing military type personnel during an abduction. However, these abductions don't usually take place on a UFO, and usually involve the abductee being interrogated about aliens. Whether any of these accounts are true or not, is very questionable, but I wouldn't really be surprised. I would be surprised however if the Government was actually abducting people in some type of super-advanced craft and performing procedures on them. There is no way to explain events describe by abductees within the framework of a Government abduction theory. The abductors posses the ability to totally and utterly control a persons mind, their skill level and technical knowledge is far beyond anything humans could hope to have attained at this stage, even in the most secretive programs.




When you examine the anatomy of an abduction, it slowly becomes clear the aliens aren't wondering around aimlessly whilst staying hidden for no apparent reason. Most of what they do makes sense on some level, even from a human perspective it seems. One thing seems clear, abductees are needed for some sort of hybrid program. It also seems fairly clear that they intend to bring these hybrids into our population. Upon further examination it seems they intend to try and pull this off after some sort of major event takes place on Earth. There are still many unanswered questions and missing pieces of the puzzle. Whether their ultimate goal is "good" or "bad" is not determined at this point.


1. Hypnosis in Interrogation - CIA
2. The Abduction Experience: A Critical Evaluation Of Theory And Evidence
3. Are Alien Abductions The Real Deal

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:27 AM
I have read both Karla Turner books and I was generally underwhelmed. Great stories and a cool read but they were not backed up by much in the way of hard evidence or science. In many ways her books reminded me of some posts you find in The GRay Area here. This is in, no way, meant to be disrespectful towards her or the circumstances of her unfortunate passing. I am just stating that I was personally nderwhelmed by what her books put forth.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 09:50 AM
I just briefly read thru it but it seems very interesting to me. I don't know if Aliens are real (I tend to believe they are) but all the evidence points to their existense. I just hope during my life that I can experience this and space travel.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by illuminotreal

This is in, no way, meant to be disrespectful towards her or the circumstances of her unfortunate passing. I am just stating that I was personally nderwhelmed by what her books put forth.
No, you're completely right. It isn't anything mind-blowing or over overwhelming. It's some times much harder to make sense of their accounts because they haven't undergone any type of hypnosis, but I still found so many synchronicities that I thought it was worth while. I've only got those two abduction books available to me electronically anyway, so it makes it easier to copy excerpts instead of writing them out. Let me know if you think my report on the abduction phenomena is underwhelming once you read it.

reply to post by pacofunk64

I just hope during my life that I can experience this and space travel.
I'm not so sure you would want to experience "this". Space travel would be cool though.

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:11 PM
Wow, this is a really great, informative thread!

Apologies here as I haven't got much to add other than this deserves much more attention IMO!

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Really well written, S&F so hopefully others can read it too.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by WhizPhiz

As an abductee, I say this thread should be safe-guarded on ATS in a permanent position of prominence.

(I don't know the OP.)

It goes far beyond the typical lights in the sky and discussions of alien technology. It is time. It is past time.

This thread--which is not to be taken in every sentence as the absolute truth of alien intervention--is as close to the truth as we can get without unbiased scientific determinations being conducted.

How can the many of you out there having not endured some aspect of these mind-changing experiences get an understanding of what is really happening? Basically, you can't. Basically, you never will. That is left to future generations as the seeds have been planted.

It is difficult to accept that the human race as we know it is being phased out as we stand looking and wondering at the skies. There is no way that the current beings that call themselves humans can easily accept what the ETs bring to us. We are sacred entities as is, aren't we? To many, the truth is too terrible to contemplate. The shock of a direct understanding coming swiftly across the world's cultures and societies would be mass suicide by one form or another. There would be no winners, humans or ET helpers, so it is a slow, evolutionary process.

The solution in force is not merely the education of humans, which we desperately require, but the direct intervention of ETs into the very nature of who and what we are. Like it or not, we are being changed but in a more physical way than many of us abductees were changed philosophically and mentally. If we can't make ourselves whole or heal ourselves, they will perform the task in a way that we would not dream of or allow if given a choice. That process is not a secret. By bits and pieces we are being shown how and why this is happening. Most will not want to believe such outlandish concepts just as many refuse to accept UFOs as the craft of ETs. This change is happening even as we discuss it, yet the turmoil of a major aspect of the Earth's inhabitants being involved is delayed, thus, limiting the damage of the eventual upheaval by old diehards.

If you think the human race is not on the verge of a drastic, forced evolution, then you haven't been watching. However, your lack of awareness is not required, it makes no difference. A slow, natural process of enculturation is desired, if not guaranteed when coming in a most bizarre manner such as it is. Disclosure to the extreme is not going to happen. What is in store for humanity is a simple, slow process that changes the balances of what it means to being a human, a creeping evolution of thought and philosophy more than anything. Abductees get a crash course in some cases, they rest of you will need to die off and let the replacement generations assume their newer versions of reality.

Most of what is happening in the philosophy of the world today, is a direct result of what our governments and high-level institutions are learning and thinking about our place in the Universe. The terms of Diversity, Multi-culturalism and that hated term New World Order are not going away. They will become the norm and for far different reasons than many of you think.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

As an abductee, I say this thread should be safe-guarded on ATS in a permanent position of prominence.
lol, well I'm glad you feel that way. But as always, I have a lot more research to do in this area, and I'm sure I'm still missing many pieces of the puzzle at this stage.

(I don't know the OP.)
Haha, thanks for clarifying that. I think that's obvious though, you signed up in 2007, why would I use my new account to post the thread. EDIT: Oh, I read that incorrectly. Yeah, I don't know you. But now I do.

It goes far beyond the typical lights in the sky and discussions of alien technology. It is time. It is past time.

It is difficult to accept that the human race as we know it is being phased out as we stand looking and wondering at the skies. There is no way that the current beings that call themselves humans can easily accept what the ETs bring to us. We are sacred entities as is, aren't we? To many, the truth is too terrible to contemplate. The shock of a direct understanding coming swiftly across the world's cultures and societies would be mass suicide by one form or another. There would be no winners, humans or ET helpers, so it is a slow, evolutionary process.

The solution in force is not merely the education of humans, which we desperately require, but the direct intervention of ETs into the very nature of who and what we are. Like it or not, we are being changed but in a more physical way than many of us abductees were changed philosophically and mentally. If we can't make ourselves whole or heal ourselves, they will perform the task in a way that we would not dream of or allow if given a choice. That process is not a secret. By bits and pieces we are being shown how and why this is happening. Most will not want to believe such outlandish concepts just as many refuse to accept UFOs as the craft of ETs. This change is happening even as we discuss it, yet the turmoil of a major aspect of the Earth's inhabitants being involved is delayed, thus, limiting the damage of the eventual upheaval by old diehards.
Well said, you make some good points. What if humans were just the result of an alien engineering project in the first place? There's a theory that says all our junk DNA is actually a part of us that has been "deactivated", perhaps because we were once a slave species as hypothesized. I get the feeling maybe these aliens are trying to "reactivate" something within humans by creating human-hybrids. By using the best aspects of both our species they could be trying to create some sort of super-species. What do you think about that theory, does it resonate with you at all? It's must just speculation of course, but I would like your opinion as an abductee. And if you feel like sharing any of your accounts that would be super cool.

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Very good post, thanks for bringing up that stuff too. I assume that people incapable of this evolution of thought are either being "woken up" by ETs or left to be part of the die off? Those like myself who are open to different thinking and willing to learn by reading places such as ATS will be left alone to continue their own evolving or might see/have seen an experience to help that they just don't know about?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:22 PM
i like grant morrison's idea: there never were aliens- what people are experiencing are anti-bodies working to heal the body.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by curious7

I assume that people incapable of this evolution of thought are either being "woken up" by ETs or left to be part of the die off?
Well, some abductees claim that after "the change", the only people on the Earth will be abductees and and hybrids. I don't know about that, but the aliens are often saying that the abductees are "special" or "chosen" and that "everything will be worth it in the end". This could simply be a devious mind trick to make them more compliant, or it could have some truth to it. I highly doubt there will be only abductees and hybrids after "the change", but I get the feeling it will be a lot easier for abductees due to all their training. And their "special message" will activate and they'll be able to remember certain things that might help them survive. It's guess work really, but their brainwashing sessions and the messages implanted in the minds of abductees have significance.

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
reply to post by curious7

I assume that people incapable of this evolution of thought are either being "woken up" by ETs or left to be part of the die off?
Well, some abductees claim that after "the change", the only people on the Earth will be abductees and and hybrids. I don't know about that, but the aliens are often saying that the abductees are "special" or "chosen" and that "everything will be worth it in the end". This could simply be a devious mind trick to make them more compliant, or it could have some truth to it. I highly doubt there will be only abductees and hybrids after "the change", but I get the feeling it will be a lot easier for abductees due to all their training. And their "special message" will activate and they'll be able to remember certain things that might help them survive. It's guess work really, but their brainwashing sessions and the messages implanted in the minds of abductees have significance.

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

Which brings up another question, regardless of intentions.

How many people are there that don't know or have never had an inkling of being abducted that could be a part of it?

In fact, here's another one:

Could people with usually carefree lives but who were suddenly hit by severe depression and see only the bad things in life feel such a way because they're "awakened" to the extent that abductees are told in whatever way they will be?

Makes you think.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by curious7

How many people are there that don't know or have never had an inkling of being abducted that could be a part of it?
I have no idea, but I personally think 3% of the population is probably about right. That's still a ridiculously huge number.

Could people with usually carefree lives but who were suddenly hit by severe depression and see only the bad things in life feel such a way because they're "awakened" to the extent that abductees are told in whatever way they will be?
Yeah, similar thoughts have crossed my mind. Consider those people who feel they have some sort mission to enlighten people about "new age" ideas. I have been guilty of making posts of that nature in the past, but there seems to be an ever growing number of people who take it to the extreme. Could be coincidence, or some of it could be the result of this brainwashing.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
So is hypnotism really reliable at all? Yes it is.

Despite all the problems you admit to hypnosis having, why do you still insist it is reliable?

Can you even tell us to what degree it is reliable?

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
The biggest problem is most certainly the amount of control aliens can apparently exert over a human mind...Aliens can also induce altered states of perception or entirely artificial realities, they can insert fake memories (screen memories) and an array of other mental trickery.

This assumption creates many problems with supposed recovered memories, as we shall see in a bit...

Originally posted by WhizPhiz During a hypnotic regression session, the subject does enter a "suggestible" state of mind", meaning even tiny little hints or certain questions can be enough to make the subject recall fictional events, such as, being abducted.

Bolded by me for emphasis.

Originally posted by WhizPhizThey will push for answers, asking very suggestive questions, and telling the person they need to try and remember the events. Only through remembering what happened to them will they be able to gain any closure the hypnotist claims, not remembering these events means the client is in denial.

Which is exactly what Jacob and company do.

Originally posted by WhizPhizJacobs claims The False Memory Syndrome Foundation in Philadelphia is filled with members who have been unfairly accused of sexual abuse, however, he also claims that alien abduction accounts differ from false memory syndrome in five significant areas

These are distinctions without any actual difference. Everything Jacob is attacking as a difference is due to the influence and leading of the researcher.

1. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees do not recount only
childhood experiences. They do, of course, recall abduction events during
childhood, because the abduction phenomenon begins in childhood, but they also
recall abduction events as adults...

This is due to researcher focus. Those looking for suppressed memories of past child trauma focus only on that narrow aspect of their life. Abductionists assume that abductions happen throughout the life of the patient and will thus look for them.

2. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees have indirect
corroboration of events.

So do supposed victims of false memory.

3. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees often remember
events without the aid of a therapist. They can remember events that happened to
them at specific times in their lives. They have always known that the event
happened, and they do not need a therapist to reinforce their memories.

As do victims of false memory; the reason they come to the researcher in the first place.

4. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees are physically
missing during the event.

Are they? Or will the abductionist focus on an event that may not have anything to do with an abduction and force one in?

5. In contrast to victims of false memory syndrome, abductees can provide
independent confirmation of the abduction. Approximately 20 percent of
abductions include two or more people who see each other during the abduction

As do victims of supposed satanic ritual abuse.

They sometimes independently report this to the investigator.

Sometimes. But we have to question how "independent" this is, as abductionists are known to lead patients or even outright discuss other patients' experiences during a hypnosis session, as he was caught doing in the Emma Woods case.

But all of this is moot; what Jacobs is doing here is attacking a straw-man. False Memory Syndrome is not a recognized medical condition. However, it is accepted that memories can be planted by a therapist during a heightened state of suggestibility; that is what Jacobs is being criticized for.

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
The hard part is getting them into that state[1]. This does not mean however, they will tell you anything and everything like a brain dead zombie. They retain a degree of consciousness, and a subject undergoing hypnotic regression can refuse to answer certain questions, saying things such as "it's too embarrassing to tell you". They are not at the whim of the evil hypnotist.

What you forget to mention (even though it is stated in your sources) is that this becomes much easier when the patient thinks the therapist is there to help them and that relating these memories is part of their therapy. The abductionist and patient are not in a hostile relationship; the patient is there seeking help.

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
Thus, we cannot throw out the potential that these people are recounting real events, and that these events are more easily accessed through hypnosis, and that hypnosis can also help see through the apparent "screen memories" and other memory blocks placed by aliens.

Bolded for emphasis. This is important as we will see below...

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
Conscious flashbacks and odd dreams also add to the validity of the information retrieved via hypnosis, it's doubtful the same information would manifest in 3 different ways if the result of mere fantasy.

Why is this doubtful? Conscious flashbacks and odd dreams are not corroborating evidence but a springboard for the abductionist to explore in hypnosis. Convince the patient that these are indicators of an abduction and under hypnosis they will become so.

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
As explained by Jacobs certain questions such as "do you see corners in the room", or "do the aliens have small eyes", or "are the aliens purple", or "are the aliens fat", all these questions should answer "no". This allows the hypnotist to measure their degree of suggestibility and allow for that in evaluation.

Recall the parts I bolded for emphasis. The abductionist is already convinced of the aliens ability to influence the human mind and that screen-memories are covering the real memories. Even when negative hits are produced, the abductionist does not accept them as "negatives" but screen-memories concocted by the aliens. They drill the patient until a positive hit results.

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
Most of them do not even seek help because they can't remember the events. Other people have suspicions, due to things such as missing time events and odd sicknesses or marks after waking from strange dreams. Some times they seek help, but most do not.

In seeking help from a therapist they know to be an abductionist, whether by themselves or referred by a therapist, they are are already open to the suggestion they were abducted by aliens.

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
And so we decide whether to listen to them or ignore them, and those who listen will see a trend beyond mere coincidence.

It may be more than coincidence (and even skeptics will happily argue that it isn't coincidence) but that does not mean it is an objective reality.

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
As we discover these commonalities between abductions, we can evaluate the authenticity of each and every account. We can also pick out the real events and possible screen memories.

How is that accomplished when the tool used is unreliable and when the abductionist thinks any memory that does match their narrative is a "screen-memory"?
edit on 2-3-2011 by WingedBull because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by WhizPhiz
First things first; nice OP and well written too. You’ve clearly spent a lot of time putting it together and made your stance very clear. It’s flagged and starred by me for being one of the small percentage of ATS threads that raise the bar.

That said, your stance is based on the validity of Jacobs’ data and the credibility of the man. Both are under the shadow of doubt and need to be evaluated before accepting his concrete conclusions. I say ‘concrete’ because he long since stopped considering his ideas as speculation. Back in 2003 he was saying, ‘I no longer have the luxury of disbelief.’ No doubt, he was in the realm of certainty before then. If not, that’s still 9 years of absolutism…a bad way to go at research.

He’s caught himself in a self-serving feedback loop whereby everything equals ‘alien abduction’ and ‘hybridisation.’ His sample population is entirely made up of people who already know about the abduction mythology. They come with preconceptions. Of those that relate ‘abduction experiences,’ he has stated that they are deceiving themselves. He points out that *all* conscious memory is deceptive and inaccurate. He insists that they *all* need to undergo hypnotic regression.

At this point, if they still don’t paint a picture that complies with his foregone conclusions, he describes it as ‘screen memories.’ From there it takes the efforts of the HR (hypnotic regression) ‘therapist’ to break the ‘block.’ What is a ‘block?’ In Jacobs’ view, it’s the point where the subject isn’t telling him what he wants to hear. Only when they furnish details that fall in line with his beliefs will he consider their experiences as evidence in support of his beliefs…circular feedback.

What of the psychiatrists/therapists/psychologists allegedly referring their patients to Dr Jacobs? He’s a Doctor of History. No reputable professional is allowed to refer patients to an unqualified practitioner. It doesn’t happen according to Codes of Conduct and Ethics that registered (to officially recognised bodies) health professionals have to adhere to.

Notwithstanding the dubious actions of these unprofessional ‘professionals,’ Jacobs makes sure that he only receives/entertains subjects from ‘therapists’ that tow his line. Just like his subjects, he refuses to accept any therapists that don’t agree with his interpretation of the ‘abduction phenomena.’ This makes certain that ‘therapists’ with a knowledge of the ‘abduction phenomena’ refer people with the same knowledge to a guy who only accepts the ‘abduction phenomena.’ Again, it’s a feedback loop.

Here it is in black and white from his website…

At present there are quite a few therapists who work with abductees, but many of them are heavily influenced by New Age and aliens-as-Space-Brother ideas. They tend toward religious, transformational, spiritual, and mystical interpretations of UFOs and abductions. These interpretations are reflective of the therapist’s “mind-set,” and have no relation whatsoever to the actual phenomenon. Unfortunately, they can transfer their particular agenda to abductees during hypnotic sessions and join together with them in mutually confirmational fantasies. These individuals are sometimes helpful to a few like-minded abductees, but more often they are detrimental to abductees' well-being and lead them into fantasies rather than dealing objectively with the abduction phenomenon and its effects on the abductees’ lives.

This statement is highly ironic because he exemplifies the same ‘confirmational fantasies’ he is criticising. He lost his way from the path of objective research so long ago that he is, in fact, an unreliable researcher by any criteria developed over the decades of genuine scientific research.

There’s a saying in the scientific community, ‘junk in, junk out.’ This describes how junk data creates junk conclusions. In this light, the conclusions of Jacobs, Hopkins, Turner and the others ‘in the field’ are invalid until the quality of data is applicable to scientific standards.

If you haven’t noticed already, I’ve made little mention of anyone on either side of the ‘abduction phenomena.’ No Emma Woods, Carol Rainey, Kevin Randle, Jerry Clark or anyone else. Not even Susan Clancy. This is no accident. It’s to avoid attacking the players and attempting to stick to the procedures, data and research of Jacobs.

The slow-burning discussion of this subject has undermined the credibility of people who I’ve greatly respected for years. Many have forgotten that UFOs remain ‘unidentified.’ Instead of focusing on the ‘UFO enigma,’ it’s all about personal ties and belief systems. We’ve been side-lined (again and again) by the cult of personality and how many damn aliens can fit in a UFO when we don’t know for sure what a UFO is.

Is it any different to the old BS of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by WhizPhiz
I have no idea, but I personally think 3% of the population is probably about right. That's still a ridiculously huge number.

What is that number based on?
edit on 2-3-2011 by WingedBull because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Although I am aware of the things you say, thank you for bringing this information to the thread for consideration.

That said, your stance is based on the validity of Jacobs’ data and the credibility of the man. Both are under the shadow of doubt and need to be evaluated before accepting his concrete conclusions.
I am aware of this, and that is why I used accounts from multiple sources, which were acquired through several different ways. That is also why I went into moderate depth concerning the psychology involved, and also why I went to great depth to show all the similarities between completely disconnected abduction accounts. This point was further proven by accounts of missing people and unexpected pregnancies.

Of those that relate ‘abduction experiences,’ he has stated that they are deceiving themselves. He points out that *all* conscious memory is deceptive and inaccurate. He insists that they *all* need to undergo hypnotic regression.
I would agree that all data gathered from conscious memories is much more hard to discern, but an abductee doesn't need to undergo hypnotism to reveal factual information about the abduction as I have shown by correlating the Taken accounts with accounts from The Threat. I am of the opinion all these similarities are probably more than coincidence, and this thread is simply an attempt to sum up the most common occurrences I have found to take place in a UFO.

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by WingedBull

Where is that number based on?
It's based on the estimations which I speak of in the opening post. Surveys of thousands of people suggest the numbers are between 1 and 6 percent of the population. I'm just taking the average of that, which I have also heard used in lectures.

edit on 2-3-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by WingedBull

Despite all the problems you admit to hypnosis having, why do you still insist it is reliable?
I am not insisting it is "reliable", it's far from reliable. But is a tool worth using when no other avenue of research is available. Belief in the accounts given by abductees is left up to the reader, but there are many reasons to believe they aren't lying, such as them actually being missing. And this is also exactly why I used accounts from Taken, because almost none of them involve hypnotism, so that debate is out the window, conscious memories and flashbacks are clearly corroborating the information acquired during hypnosis.

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