posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 08:24 PM
As a writer and a long time member of ATS, I will tell you that I rarely use spell check. I do my best to use grammar and spell words, correctly. Most
of the time I do well. Other times, I don't.
If I catch a mistake, I do go back and fix it.
Those who post and say nothing more than " You're, not your", have no real argument against what you are saying. Insults are the last resort of a
desperate man. They cannot attack what you are saying, so they have to attack you and how you say it.
This only makes them look bad. Not the one who made the grammatical or spelling error.
To be fair, intent does come into play. Sometimes a person is hard to understand. Maybe the OP is just not very good at writing their thoughts down.
In which case, sometimes you do have to ask for clarification. " When you say _____ Do you mean ___? "
But this is not attacking the OP for poor grammar or spelling. it is an attempt to understand them better so they can have a great conversation.
You will never see me attack anyone for a spelling or grammar mistake. While it is usually obvious when it comes to determining whether English is not
their first language or they just cannot spell, does not matter.... There is no need to attack a member for this.
If you need help understanding something that they said, sure, ask for clarification. But don't go around correcting peoples spelling and grammatical
errors. It is belittling and embarrassing. It makes people think that you don't care what they have to say and would rather make fun of them.
To the grammar and spelling Nazi's. Stop it. I will make mistakes sometimes. So will you. So will everyone else. You are not helping. So stop it.
edit on 19-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)