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Aussie Man gets 3 years jail for debating a Zionist

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posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:57 AM
Mafia and Zion are organized criminals, actually related and one and the same, and related to the Jesuits, the CIA now, the Gangsters and Criminals ruling this planet. It is my belief that the Drug Cartels of South America take their orders from on high, and so do the mafia families and out of all the bloodlines there is a small group calling most of the shots. But these guys are not related to any one country, no matter where they initially or for a time set up their locale for operations. They are also more ancient in origins than these nations.

But as for what I found a little bigoted speech in the article, in a Democracy, such as the US/Australia and Canada, the constitution protect the rights of minority against the rights of the majority to deem they don't have the right to hold or voice an opinion.

So he couldn't have gone to jail for voicing bigotry. But if they believed threats of violence were real, that could have done it.

In other words, his right to express his bigotry would be upheld by his constitution but not his right to offer death threats or expressing details of committing a crime.
edit on 2-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:12 AM
And then, while watching his video, I can't help but think, is he for real? I never trust the news or court decisions, and always wonder how much is set up to direct new policies.

Is it deliberate his constantly bringing up the word Jew or Israel if his main concern is basically the Illuminati, which is what it all boils down to.

Is he acting on assignment then? To try and limit real free speech. You can never tell anymore. I don't trust the news let alone significant court cases of any kind. I see them as set ups and problem/reaction/solution things.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:24 AM
well of course he's in jail.

the last time an anti semitic-hatespeecher was allowed to go around freely spewing this crap we got the nazi-party,concentration camps and 6million jews + 4million other minorities dead.

nothing to see here IMO.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:51 PM
the fact that he ended up in jail only speaks to the truth of his arguments...i have no problem with common jews (im part jewish myself), but Zionists who look down on all gentiles as subhumans have enslaved the human race and their only objective is to terrorize...they must be stopped, and this is a shameful attempt to smother the truth...none of these Zionists can trace their ancestry to the bible days, and they have usurped the jewish name to protect themselves from criticism...

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Atione
This is shocking and sickening, but true. This man was debating a zionist agitator who was angry about a protest against Israeli orange imports at an IGA supermarket in Western Australia, and this is the outcome. Free Speech seems like its dead or dying in Australia if you dare speak against the 'chosen ones'!

"Noted outspoken Christian activist, Brendon O’Connell, was sentenced to 3 years last week in Australia, for telling the Jews off in public about Israel’s evils and exposing all the Zionist, “sayanim” fifth-columnist activities in Australia. The Jews called his Youtube videos criminal “hate speech” and the police did the Jew’s bidding (vids censored from Youtube but you can watch my own embeds below for yourself).

Can you believe it? Just because the lousy Jews deem something “hate speech,” they can get you thrown in jail. The Jews also made-up lies about Brendon threatening them with terrorist acts like, for example, a comment they said he made on an Internet forum: ”I’m going to pack 100kg of Powergel and 40 bags of ANFO onto the back of a Scooter and park it at the local Synagogue – shout “free bagels and kiddie porn” – and then run like hell!” Right.

The devious Judaics are hell-bent on shutting up the rapidly growing White awakening to Jewish control and Zionist subversive activities in our countries. Australia is just like the US, Canada, Great Britain and everywhere else the Jews pretend to be loyal citizens, but lie, cheat and do whatever else they think they can get away with to protect Jewry and Mother Israel."

Please share this story and help get support for this venomous and vile attack against free speech

edit on 2-3-2011 by Atione because: (no reason given)

To be honest, reading about what that Christian guy did and knowing how corrupt, deceitful and hate filled that religion and some of its believers are (not all, a lot of my friends are Christian) then yeah, sorry but he's right to get 3 years jail time.

No doubt he and his blind supporters will pull the bigot card when he gets out and claim it proves a "Zionist conspiracy".

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:25 PM
I see a double standard here no matter what the OP put in his post.

People can post "look what these crazy muslims are up to" and people don't fly off the handle telling them to edit their post. Last I checked Judaism was a religion just like Islam.

Not saying he's right but if you're gonna bash him for using the word jew, you should also police the other threads that paint muslims with broad strokes of hatred.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:48 PM
Stopped reading after "lousy Jews."

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Atione
Just because the lousy Jews deem something “hate speech,” they can get you thrown in jail. The Jews also made-up lies about Brendon threatening them with terrorist acts like, for example, a comment they said he made on an Internet forum: ”I’m going to pack 100kg of Powergel and 40 bags of ANFO onto the back of a Scooter and park it at the local Synagogue – shout “free bagels and kiddie porn” – and then run like hell!” Right.

The devious Judaics are hell-bent on shutting up the rapidly growing White awakening to Jewish control and Zionist subversive activities in our countries.

Aryan Nation? Are you a member? What is the equivalent to them in Australia?

Clearly the Jews need protection from you.
edit on 3/2/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by Atione

You forgot to put tags on that quote, so I thought the words were yours. Those tags are important.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by thektotheg
Stopped reading after "lousy Jews."

I should have. The OP posted this bigoted crap and then ran for the hills. Typical.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:06 PM
I know a bunch of people have already mentioned this... but I figured, why not mention it one more time:

The words "Zionist" and "Jewish" are NOT synonyms!!

Not every Jew is a Zionist and not every Zionist is a Jew. It's actually not that complex.

Now, back to the actual OP: If this man was jailed solely for stating his views against Zionists, then he was wrongly imprisoned. But it doesn't seem like that is the case. I'm sure there is more to his crimes than just spouting off against Israel.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:08 PM
Chalk up another win for the police state

I definitely don't want to hear anymore blabbering from any self righteous Aussies about how Americans are docile and giving away our rights to free speech.

At least here in the states they don't give you three years in prison for voicing your opinion, regardless of how misguided or offensive it may be.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:39 PM
Hate speech is a crime, so it doesnt matter that a jew reported it. Heck, I probably would have! I have 0 tolerance for undeserved hate.

Words have consequences, people.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:52 PM
What hasn't been mentuioned in this thread and I havent got the info at this point in time with me, but this guy, Brendon Oconnel should we thanked as a national hero.

He "outed" a major Israeli spy ring here in Australia by notifying the Feds of a certain individual that was working on the Collins Class Submarines communications systems....the same guy worked on the Sydney underground rail netwrok and some other stuff.

Like I said I havent got the info on hand at the moment, but needless to say the accused Israeli spy was very quickly and quietly deported......

And this is the thanks Brendon gets?

A true Patriot in my books willing to challenge authority when authority is wrong.

posted on Sep, 13 2012 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Melbourne_Militia

Wow that only confirms my fears and suspicions, very sad and it was a real blow when I came across this story

So sad perhaps his patriotic actions made him a target

If you watch the videos, even though he may have showed disdain and dislike for the jewish religion, it certainly didnt warrant several years in jail

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:17 AM
It was on the Australia news not long ago that this years ENTIRE orange crop in Australia was taken by dump trucks and dumped into a pile in a field.

The news article said they had to throw away Australia's entire orange crop due to somebody importing them in and dumping them on the Australia market VERY cheap. Guess that's where this guys Jewish rant came from.

Australia literally thew away hundreds of tons of good yummy oranges this year. What a load of crock going on now there. It may bite Julia Gillard in the keister if aussie's start dropping like flies from those orange imports.


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