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D-Day UK Protests / Revolution

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:58 PM
March 26th 2011 every major Union. Student Organization and disgruntled Citizen
Marching on London ...

Many major Marches in UK Cities on March 12th drumming Support for the Big Day...

The Protests are against Austerity Cuts ...

Tax the Rich and Bankers for causing the Crisis

See Matt Damon movie "Inside Job" you will gather how the banks are now fearing reforms
and fraud cases brought against them ...

Heres Link if you wanna get involved :::

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:02 PM

5/19/13 Expect it...

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:09 PM
We need one of these in the U.S.....or 2...or 50

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by XxXAmmoXxX

Careful what you say,
If WE do it it isn't called "Protesting"
it is called "Anti Government Exremism"
and you WILL be put on the dreaded list!
Sorry Americans,
We can't do what the rest of the world is doing lest we be too be put on the LIST!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:36 PM
Couple of video links I find of interest and inspiration

The Old World

The last Protest

Next Video will hopefully be of a free and peaceful society with no greed just people working for
each other ...

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by XxXAmmoXxX

Careful what you say,
If WE do it it isn't called "Protesting"
it is called "Anti Government Exremism"
and you WILL be put on the dreaded list!
Sorry Americans,
We can't do what the rest of the world is doing lest we be too be put on the LIST!

Forget some list Screwed... You may face being put on a list... however on the other side of the coin the Egyptians faced arrest and torture of both themseves and their families, which makes the prospect of possibly being on someones list not so scary doesn't it? Add to the mix that your fighting for your natural birth rights and a piece of paper becomes meaningless

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:02 PM
robertauthor, S&F

Any chance you can add March 26th 2011 to the thread title, it will help with keywords and such for people looking, I'm in central UK but quite keen to join in, hopefully we'll make it

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:33 PM
Yeah...of course decades of Socialist/Communist/Unionist destruction of British economy, industries, education, society, and the usual leftist overspending on social-security, had nothing to do with the melt-down of the UK.

Just the usual disgruntled, lazy slobs, that want everything handed to them on a plater - without having to work, fight, or strive, of course.

Go and elect another Socialist, leftist Government, so that it can resume the irresponsible immigration laws, and destroy what's left of UK's economy...assuming New Labor left the UK with some semblance of an economy, that is...

I love the UK, and have recently bought a house there, and was thinking of investing there. I love the people of the UK, and their inherited values, and HRH The Queen.

Fortunately, only a very small minority manages, due to their Anarchist tactics, to put this great Kingdom, it's Ancestors, and Inheritors, to shame. But fear not Loyal Patriots, soon the silent majority will rise, and throw these ungrateful slobs into the mighty swamps, of this great Kingdom.

They destroyed the economy, society, and, above all, the Pride of, they run around, like mad, headless chickens, pointing their fingers at everyone but themselves. We will buy them mirrors, so that they can see the true culprits, and then, only then, will their violent actions be truthfully directed...

God Save The Queen

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by CerBeRus666

Couldn't agree with you more. Same thing is occuring in the US

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 03:59 AM
Not these students again, for christs sake.

The ones who moan about getting up at 11am to go to a 2 hour seminar, and then moan they havnt got any money to spend in the pub because "The mann duude" is taking it away from them.

They want us working class to pay all of there tuition, pay for there lazy assed lifestyle. Hell no

Get a Job you student unionists!

And attacking the Princes car was pathetic, hes given more to charities to any of you students put together, and there was a SAS vehicles with 6 armed Soldiers, they where moments away from opening fire.

There is no need for revolution, we live under a democratic system, we can do what we want when we like (Under Law) I can beleive what i like, say what i like, eat drink what i want. We are free compared to other countries.

All students want is to push a Bolshevic Agenda, thats why they carry CCCP flags everywhere they go. Pathetic

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Count yourself lucky that you are employed by the NHS, an organisation created by the Left that you so much despise.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:22 AM
I think there is another thing to protest against: War with Libya. Its looking inveitable. Yes Gadaffi needs to go. But the UK/US have probably instigated the uprising in order to have an excuse to go to war, yet again. The timing is so supicious, every time the economy is in the toilet our leaders start a war with someone to get it going again. Can we really continue to live off the proceeds of blood?

Not that it will do any good though, remember the protests against the war in Iraq? Total waste of time.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by robertauthor
March 26th 2011 every major Union. Student Organization and disgruntled Citizen
Marching on London ...

Many major Marches in UK Cities on March 12th drumming Support for the Big Day...

The Protests are against Austerity Cuts ...

Tax the Rich and Bankers for causing the Crisis

See Matt Damon movie "Inside Job" you will gather how the banks are now fearing reforms
and fraud cases brought against them ...

Heres Link if you wanna get involved :::

Questions for the OP..............

"Who are the Rich?'
"What is the Alternative ?"
''What are you Marching for?''

I ask those questions because I actually don't think MOST of the people protesting (whether Student, Disgruntled Public sector or other assorted individuals) will actually know or have a collective idea.......

Is a Hospital Doctor / Consultant and his part time employed wife (£110k Plus income per year) Rich ?
Is a Police Inspector and his part time employed wife (£55k income per year) Rich?
Is the Council employees x 111 individuals earning over £80 k per year (from one council)

My point here is this, EVERYONE has been on a MONEY GRAB for the past 10 - 15 years because the previous Government ALLOWED it to happen...........

Can it go on......???? NO, of course it can't BUT Rioting in the streets......oopps sorry protesting, (but you know what will happen) causes a lot of fear and intimidation and a breakdown caused by AGITATORS in the unions and Public sector who are OUT for their own EGO's and PROFILE raising !!!!

If people in society are REALLY upset with whats happening then they need to change THEIR OWN WAYS...........

REDUCE MONEY SPENT on buying useless crap
STOP watching Overpaid Footballers who earn more money in a week than most people can in a year.....
STOP being brainwashed by watching TV and educate yourselves instead...
DON'T rely on old fashioned beliefs in Politics, Tories out blah blah, Labour are fairer Blah many people are SO bigoted and unwilling to back down from their PREHISTORIC political's pathetic...
USE CASH not cards

To change Society WE HAVE to change OUR BEHAVIOURS.................................trouble is MOST people are LAZY and don't want to change their little worlds except for Whining and Crying about it........

I do believe we DO need to HELP some in our society BUT the VAST amount COMPLAINING do not really need to do so !!



posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 05:57 AM
Many people are loosing their jobs in the public sector. It isn't their fault that there was a financial crisis yet they are the ones who will lose their jobs because of it. Once they lose their jobs, they will be put on £65 JSA. We are talking up to 500,000 people just in the public sector, not to mention the thousands of private sector jobs that rely on the public sector. Even the police force have been wanting to take industrial action over the way they are being treated.

You may be lucky and have a nice secure job in the private sector, but many don't and feel they are taking the hit for the financial crisis. Maybe when your forced onto JSA and cant find a job your perspective on the issue will also change.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 06:14 AM
I can not help but feel the students where targeted first so the whole protest scene from that point on would be tainted with the notion that all protests are about petulant whining militant students..if that really was their plan, then I have to say, hats off to the planners

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by CerBeRus666

Probably the people going to protest do not have the means to buy a house in the UK, nor they have any perspective to ever buy a house in their own country. of course, you will say they are to blame.. because they do not work enough, right? What about so many countries int he EU where no tuition fee is applied for students? are they all anarchists? I did not pay for my degree either ( 5 years, full time) and this is Eastern Europe. Maybe I did not get the best jobs on the planet, however I am sure the education made me more competitive on whatever I choose to do! And we should not forget, Europe has a HUGE demografic bomb, ready to explode! How are you going to cope with waves of super-educated non-europeans taking the lead in your country due to lack of educated brithsi citisens? How are you going to cope with the cultural clahes generated by the import of skilled migration? is it not better to just open the doors for education ? O, wait! I understand it now - local people should be uneducated, so they are keept in line, and the skilled migrants should not have rights so they cannot control the country. This way a minority elite can control everything! Problems solved.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Romanian
reply to post by CerBeRus666

Europe has a HUGE demografic bomb, ready to explode!
.....of educated brithsi citisens?
How are you going to cope with the cultural clahes they are keept in line,

For someone who says they are the product of a degree level education (I know English is not your first language) who is talking about the importance of free education............... At least use the spell checker Mate.......... makes you look unprofessional !
edit on 9-3-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2011 by PurpleDog UK because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

English was not a part of my degree nor my education. How may languages do you speak beside your native language?
My English is work in progress, no need for you to be nasty .

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by Romanian

Rumänisch, ich war nicht böse, nur Aufhellung im Moment ..... Es ist ein Computer-Rechtschreibprüfung exisits dann drücken Sie einfach die Taste ...



posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Romanian

Hay que ir, para responder a tu pregunta creo ..... Yo no soy brillante, pero puede salir del paso ...


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