posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 09:28 PM
I've never voted for Little Johnny, and I never will.
I've never voted for Beazley or Keating either. And Pete Latham won't be getting it either. The addition of Peter Garrett won't help them get my
vote, although I'm sure a lot of ignorant "green" voters will be fooled by this plan.
That leaves minority parties. People often question the validity of voting for a minority when they know they won't be elected. Consequently, they
end up voting for either Liberal or Labour - the lesser of two evils.
News Flash... if enough people actually vote for the minorities in the first place they will be elected. Amazing, hey?
One last point, here in Oz every single person over 18 HAS TO vote. Too many people treat election day as a race. To see how quick they can get in and
out, and back to the footy or cricket game on TV. They use the "express" method of voting, by ticking a single box at the top of the page. That's
when the dreaded Preferences come into effect. If the Party you ticked doesn't have a chance of figuring in the top two, the party directs their
preference for their vote to one of the top two parties of their choice.
If we all took five minutes, the length of an ad-break, to go to the bottom of the page and number every single box we can circumvent their
preferences and at least direct our votes exactly the way we want.