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Britian and the rest of the world. Is this a better idea than protesting???

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:48 PM
Hello everyone everywhere, i put this on my facebook and i have had very little reponse so far (but i do only have 70 friends). So i thought i'd put out there to all my ATS brothers and sisters, i think i'll get a much better dissucussion here hopefully.

Its just an idea, not one i can lay claim to. As to me its such a more obvious solution than going out into the streets to protest and inevitably having a face off with the police/military.

Tell me what you think, and if you agree if your British or not (you can change it to fit your country) why not post it on your facebooks or myspaces or websites. Lets plant a seed and see if it grows.
here it is

So all these protests against government going on in the middle east i'm wondering if the british people are gonna step up to the plate and join the revolution. But i've got a better idea than protesting, instead of going out in the streets lets just stop paying our taxes. Lets stopping paying into a system that doesn't work anymore, lets stop paying into a system thats designed to enslave us in a money prison, lets stop paying into illegle wars in other peoples countrys, lets stop paying into the dirty bailouts where the rich get richer and the poor pay for it, lets stop paying unqualified people to tell us how to live our lives!

Real freedom is the goal not this fake # we pay for, come on britian lets revolutionise this island.

send this EVERYWHERE.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by iwannaseethisshipgodown

I completely agree, but the problem I see is that protesting will get much more immediate attention to the cause. Not paying your taxes, although I agree, will just get you jail time.

Protests can be very productive with a small amount of people, compared to the overall population. Is there any possible way to coordinate a tax protest with the sheer amount of people needed to make any effect? I doubt it.

So even though I agree, IMO it wouldn't work. There aren't enough people awake to understand what is happening in their world around them. But I support your theory, and I am game if America can ever get something started.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by iwannaseethisshipgodown

Unfortunately there is one major problem with this; the majority of people here in the UK pay their taxes through the P.A.Y.E. system. The employer calculates the amount due each week and pays it, the employee has nothing to do with the whole process and as such is unable to refuse to pay the required tax.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:01 PM
Yes same thing in america. Most employers take the money out of your weekly pay. Kinda sucks.

If everyone took their money out the banks that would work. Didn't seem like it caught on when they tried in France.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:01 PM
Yep taken straight from wages so impossible to do
nice thought though.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:12 PM
If you lot stop paying all your taxes, who's gonna pay my benefits. I need you lot in ship shape and working hard paying those tax pounds.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:19 PM
A good idea mate. As people have already said, it wont work. How about if every one just blobbed work for a while. Stop every thing from working. Bring the system to a halt. Just dont go to work. You could say that you are sick. And to be honest, most people are sick of being lied to by a bunch of thieving scum bags in the govt.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Like it or not we are economically stuck in a circle of transactions between employers, employees, and purchase!

The system is in chaos and using the worlds resources at an ever increasing speed money keeps us slaves!

To rebel and stop paying our taxes at this point would cause complete chaos!

We are enslaved into the monetary system, the only way to change it to make the world a better place is to get rid of the TPTB and replace the system with a better resourced based system!

Not enough Brits would take up the cause anyway I don't think! The negative consequences would be to great on the said rebel!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:26 PM
I like the idea of a resource based economy, however in order for that to happen the roman empire will have to fall...

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:30 PM
?Would a better way to protest involve letter writing to your local area council/state representative. Send a letter outlining your complaints. Send it every day until you get a response. Then send two letters, three letters every day. If millions of people did this it will get noticed by MSM. Just keep writing letters and dont stop until they are ready to take you seriously. The next step is to arrange peaceful sits in everyday, by the tens of thousands to again gain the attention of MSM. Above all hold onto true courage of your mind and empty all your fears.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by iwannaseethisshipgodown

Unfortunately, if you try that one you will still have many people paying taxes and plus they'll still have money. The taxe laws will be enforced and you'll all probably get into a bunch of court trouble. So at that point you have to hope that the story gets to the news (though at that point it would most likely be spun) and that other people protest. So that sort of thing would probably end up in protest anyways. I think that the best idea would be to opt out completely. You would think that with the amount of people who are sick of it, some would start talking about quitting the system completely. But that's a tricky situation too. Good Luck with that though!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:49 PM
Yes the P.A.Y.E tax jack is a massive brick wall and now you've all got me thinking how to get round it, its a tough one going to take some thought (any other ideas very welcome). I also think it needs to be easy for people, needs to be easy for people to say no. If something like the Workers Union was created which could organise some sort of tax strike standing for the rights to pay your own tax it may work.

But i do agree with RandalFlagg that we are stuck and we need to get rid of money and start a resource based system like The Venus Project. But maybe this can be the start of that idea, first we get rid of tax and then we phase out money.
I do worry that Britian is already well and truely lost far off past the point of no return.

thanks for the replies

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Tindalos2013

This is why we're now considered a nation of pansies. Letter writing never ousted a single corrupt MP in the past and it certainly never will in the future. We've been crapped on from great heights for so long it's starting to taste sweet and we're all looking up with open mouths waiting for the next feed. We need to remove the government - and the monarchy - ourselves... forcibly if necessary. We've been told we live in a democratic society but all I see are the same primary colour groups up for election each year, bickering with the other in a never ending drama of lies and back office deals. The same parties who spend 4-8 years messing the countries industry and finance and passing the baton to the other side in a great play of minds and hearts - keeping the little man down is the name of the game. Stop thinking in terms of Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative. They all work for the same people. The Banksters and Corporate elitists. When was your last suggestion taken seriously by a government? Converse to that, how often do you think businesses can make legislative changes happen? Yep... every damned day, just tightening the screw on the working people.

Look at the ruling today on Insurance cost's for women - I agree with equality, the suffragettes campaigned hard for equal rights, as did the womens movement in the 60's and yet for years they pay less insurance on the roads than men ... but the sad hard truth is that, along with the 20% VAT, the 5% inflation and the rise in living costs happening across every sector, they're just recalling all their monies, every penny, and insurance (which is intrinsically linked to the major banking institutions) is a great way of 'collecting'. Prepare, not to be squeezed, but to be squashed.

We all funded their wars... and yet opinion polls suggest we don't want them. So, I say hang the bastards. Everyone of them. Every Red, Blue and Yeller. This isn't democracy. This is beyond a joke. My children will have a better future for the political demise of this hellish nation, and you should want to break the chains for you and yours... if you don't you're just feeding the machine and clearly enjoy those nuggets raining down from their penthouses. Don't just stop paying taxes, stop giving in to the government full stop. Refuse them your info in the upcoming census (which will be taken by Lockheed Martin... come again?). Do not cooperate, do not comply. Forget your nationality, this is a war on the poor... and if you're 'middle-class' that means you too because soon, you'll be just as poor.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Pr0t0

You have great passion and I would gladly stand by your side for the 'big push'. I myself have ignored countless court summons for demands of council taxes. I am unfettered from their ideaologies. I unlike others only see gold, silver etc for what they are, just metals which have no meaningful value. This is my mind, my id. The truth is I am just a brain inside a skull. It is cosy in here.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Pr0t0

i totally agree with this post, how come it takes 650 arsholes to run this country isnt it time to have a major rethink on how this country should move forward, i strongly believe that the minority that are running the country for the majority should be removed so the majority of the poulation should have the people in goverment running the country seems perfectly fair to me, also the people running government shjould have no other financial corporate interests what so ever,2, we need to remove the bull# of buerocrasy,3 people should be held bloody accountable for war crimes and massive wastes of our taxes 4, everybody needs to wise up and get bloody angry how this country has gone to # becuase of a few sleazy lying corrupt bastards, its time to stand up for whats right and for whats wrong and if that means getting out on the streets then so be it, im in are you, make people aware join groups join the BRITISH CONSTITUTION join LAWFULL REBELLION

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

I completely agree, but the problem I see is that protesting will get much more immediate attention to the cause. Not paying your taxes, although I agree, will just get you jail time.

Actually nothing would win the "war" faster than not paying taxes. You would just have to make sure the majority did it, or you would end up in jail.

Protests like those in the middle east are actually very unlikely to bring real change. Odds are those countries will get rid of the corrupt leader they have and get another corrupt leader who does not serve the people. Not paying taxes on the other hand, guts the very system that can oppress you. It takes away their ability to jail you, fight you, control you, etc.

Although a less extreme and safer way to start that ball rolling is to cut yourself off from the media. Stop paying the media machine. Completely. And boycott all product produced by companies that buy your politicians.

Change the way you spend your time and your money, and you can legally and safely change things.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander
[sort of makes sense, ive given up smoking so im doing my bit

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Pr0t0

well said Pr0t0!
i agree we've got to by pass the system directly, not work within the system or comply with the system to get what we want.

But we can't hang them sorry man as hard as it may be. We have to forgive them, we have to take away all there powers and make them equal. And tell them, we forgive you but we're gonna live like this now.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by iwannaseethisshipgodown
So all these protests against government going on in the middle east i'm wondering if the british people are gonna step up to the plate and join the revolution.

Why would Britons take part in a revolution ? We have it good here; far from perfect, but better living standards than 90% of the rest of the world.

To compare citizens revolting in countries such as Libya with citizens doing the same in Britain, is at best, crass, and at worst, selfish and uncaring.

Originally posted by iwannaseethisshipgodown
But i've got a better idea than protesting, instead of going out in the streets lets just stop paying our taxes.

And if everybody did that, the country would be bankrupt, essential services would stop functioning, and we would become the first third-world country in modern-day Europe.

There's nothing wrong with paying taxes, it's the misappropriation of some of the tax money that is the problem.

Even then, our taxes largely go to worthy and beneficial causes, such as health, education, benefits etc.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

have i missed something, what planet have you been living on, i also have no problem with paying my road tax and income tax, hell i dont even mind paying some council tax but the whole one rule for them one rule for us, the expenses affairs the illegal wars the corruption the unfairness of wealth distribution need i go on ,there is a hell of a lot wrong with thois country including the justice sustem benefits system the whole bloody show needs a severe revamp

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