Kat S&F Thanks for posting this important information. There's another death that could be
another silenced scientist...I seeded this article on Newsvine
LSU coastal scientist dies at 54
[director of the renowned Wave-Current Information System & has been published many times internationally since the BP Oil Disaster.]
Here was my follow up...
Gregory Stone was director of the LSU Coastal Studies Institute for the School of the Coast and Environment. During the summer of 2010 BP had a
meeting with Gregory Stone regarding a possible contract, with BP asking Stone about keeping his work confidential for three years. Stone was
initially told any contractual work he did with the oil and gas giant would not be used in potential defense litigation against the state or federal
government. He decided that entering into any side contract with BP would go against his “good conscience.”
“When it comes to potential legal issues, it seems to me, you do need to think about the university and your own reputation, and you need to be
very, very careful,” Stone said, arguing that faculty do research for science and publication, not legal wrangling.
There are several Professors that were bought out at LSU
Walter Keithly - agricultural economist
Irv Mendelssohn - oceanographer and coastal scientist consultant and expert witness, according to disclosure forms. DECLINED comment for the story.
BP gave LSU $5 million for independent research.
Here's a list of dead scientist so far...
"Dead / Jailed /Missing Scientists & Individuals Affiliated With The BP Oil Disaster"
by Coastal Warriors on Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 7:27pm