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Must Read! BK Lim Assassiation Attempts (The Geohazard Specialist on my BP Thread)

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 11:20 PM
To be honest, I am nervous posting this....but I decided it needs to be out there. I had a thread on the BP disaster, in which myself, and others took many recordings of the live feed of the BP incident in the Gulf of Mexico. An acquaintance of mine, BK Lim, was kind enough to watch these videos, and offer his professional interpretation of what they showed. Those of you who frequented my thread here will remember him....He began posting there around the month of September, I believe starting around page 2 of that thread. He also posted on the "Up To The minute" BP thread.... He is a geohazard specialist, who has worked in the oil industry for more than 30 years. He is the guy who does the assessment of the area when the oil companies want to drill somewhere, and tells them if it is safe. Not only is he well respected in his area of expertise, but he is respected because he is an intelligent, kind man as well. I was shocked to hear that he and his family have been threaten, harassed, and even attacked because of his refusal to keep quiet about what he knows. He is a man of great courage....and I want everyone to know that this is going on because if anything happens to him, everyone will know WHY and WHO is responsible. I hope everyone will keep him in their prayers...and if you don't pray, send positive thoughts his way......these criminals cannot be allowed to get away with this! Here is a link to the story about it....he said he will release more info soon. He is in hiding now, and not even his friends know where he is. Here is a link to the story....if I hear anymore, I'll update asap.

Here is a copy of a letter he sent to congressmen

And here you can read all his analysis on the Gulf situation since the beginning

I will check back tomorow, as I am at work, but your thoughts will be appreciated.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:55 AM
Best wishes to him. I am amazed he survived the machete attack. I hope that he can get bck to his family and some level of normalcy soon. I remember talking to him in the BP threads. Very professional and sound guy.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:31 AM
Right......he certainly knows his stuff when it comes to what was, and IS STILL happening in the Gulf of Mexico..... He helped us all make sense of what we were seeing, and he also told us when we were WRONG about what we THOUGHT we were seeing on those live feeds.... BTW.....I want everyone to know that we are still seeing fresh oil washing up here in Louisiana, and though most people have moved on to other things.....this is still a problem. BP has succeeded in convincing people that they have "made it right", but those of us living with it know things are far from right. I wish there were more people like Mr. Lim in the world, who stand up for what's right, and refuse to be bullied into giving in to what's wrong.
edit on 1-3-2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:32 AM
Thank You for being brave enough to post such a thing.

If it truly was an attack devised by BP or associates, to simply shut him up, then your involvement in highlighting such will obviously put you at a hightened risk of any potential reprisals, should you be deemed a similar threat.

I have to wonder - why are the 'Great Anonymous' not concerning themselves with such things as the assassinations of scientists and anyone else willing to take a public stand and address sensitive information that 'outs' massive corporations and corruption from within...?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

Thanks for bringing up this bit of information. I can't say it surprises me though if indeed what he's saying is true. So far, I've got no reason to doubt what he said.. Thanks again, hopefully more people will learn of this guy and what he's saying.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by OptimisticPessimist

Thats an excellent question.

Thanks for posting the story, and hope and pray your collegue stays safe.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by OptimisticPessimist

That's a good question! As for myself, I am just posting what is already out there, and people NEED to know how serious it is. I have no clue who is behind it ....and I will NEVER accuse anyone publicly when I have no proof. I am just concerned for someone I admire very much, as well as the environment, and I wanted to make people aware. I was stunned when I heard about this. As for those of us in the Gulf region, we KNOW it is not over by a long shot. Check out these pics and see for yourself. These are recent....and baby dolphins are washing up now, along with other creatures.....oil too....check this out

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by SirClem

You're welcome.....if you want to see what we are still dealing with, check out a site called Florida Oil Spill Law....they have tons of info. Thanks for the comment!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:59 AM
It says the update was posted a month ago. Is that the last update that has been put out by him? If so, do you know for sure he is still alive?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by PplVSNWO

I think he is ok...He posted this on Feb 23....
edit on 1-3-2011 by StealthyKat because: sp

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:53 AM
Could you please give a brief summary of what this man was overall trying to get out?
I think it would help give some weight to his story and help some of us understand better.
Sometimes I need to have things explained with the assumption that I am a 5 yr old.
This is a pretty *deep* topic, no pun intended.

I will pray for this man and his family.
From what I have been able to read/understand so far, He is going to need all of the prayer
he can get.

We here at ATS provide a service. People like you, Bk Lim, Me, EVERYONE!
It is our Jobs to have eachothers backs despite our differences in opinion.
There is a common thread amoungst us.
We all seek the truth. We all want the truth to be told.
When one of us tries to expose the truth, it is the duty of the rest of us
to be there in EVERY way we can, to offer support.
We must support this man and get his story out there in a way that isn't too confusing and in a way that the common man/woman can easily understand.

Let's brainstorm and collectivly figure out a way that we can most effectively and collectively
Help this mans cause. It is truely the cause of humanity.

Edit to add:

In his letter to the Congressman he had this to say:

The continuing hydrocarbon seepage would have long term, irreversable, and potentially dire consequences
in the GOM as follows:

B.) The release of stresses in the lower and upper crust resulting in the abnormal occurances of low magniotude shallow earthquakes adjacent to the New Madrid Fault.

How many shallow small earthquakes have we had in that area lately???
Hundreds! and there are still people who say it is all normal.
Please read as much of this as you can. This man apparently knows his $***
edit on 1-3-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:54 AM
This is shocking, but sadly not suprising. People like this man are the real heroes of the world and it is terribly sad that this sort of thing still goes on and by the sounds of it without much real attempt at bringing these thugs to justice.

Threatening the mans family is dispicable, the most evil of evil threats. My thoughts are with him and I hope that his story inspires ten times more people to take a stand. This story should be front page news, but sadly I cant see that happening.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by OptimisticPessimist

That's a good question! As for myself, I am just posting what is already out there, and people NEED to know how serious it is. I have no clue who is behind it ....and I will NEVER accuse anyone publicly when I have no proof. I am just concerned for someone I admire very much, as well as the environment, and I wanted to make people aware. I was stunned when I heard about this. As for those of us in the Gulf region, we KNOW it is not over by a long shot. Check out these pics and see for yourself. These are recent....and baby dolphins are washing up now, along with other creatures.....oil too....check this out

Not just dolphins, I am not certain this is at all related but look at my thread here, it's a Pygmy sperm whale that had a severe bacterial infection. It's not just the oil that is still a problem it's the genetically modified bacteria hat are possibly runnin out of control.

It's almost disheartening to see that the pople who have gotten themselves in to power seek to has malevolent alintentions toward us as a whole. Either that or it's on accident and if that's the case, donwe want such clueless people I'm those positions?

What gives me hope is seein the level of awareness and displayed keenness of perception I see here omnthese forums on a regular basis.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Screwed

Wow....that's a tall order but I'll try!

I had a thread on the "explosions" those of us watching and recording the live BP feeds were seeing on a daily basis. These looked like huge explosions, so I started recording them. Then there was a video where it appeared that the sea floor started moving, and was followed by a huge explosion of what seemed to be methane gas. That's when BK Lim came to the thread. He started analyzing these "explosions" we caught on video. He said that what we were seeing was "grouting"....meaning just what it sounds like....the sea floor was badly fractured, and they were filling it in with "grout" to hide it and keep the fact that "leaks" were popping up all over the sea floor. We also saw huge craters where methane gas/oil was bursting from the sea floor. It's all here in my thread (videos and BK's analysis of them).....the first video is the one which looks to be movement of the sea floor followed by huge bursts. It's the one titled "sea floor subduction" These "explosions" happened CONSTANTLY....and there was NEVER one word mentioned on the news about them. I even sent video to CNN and....NOTHING. BK claims there is more than one well with problems, and the one we were being shown was not THE problem well. During all this time, I noticed from time to time, that the heading on the feed said "Atlantis", even though it was supposed to be the Macondo well being is an example of that

On BK's newsvine column, he goes into all the geological aspects of it all, the connections between the earthquake in Louisiana during that time etc. He is waaaay smarter than I am
So if you can, read through that thread, and check out his newsvine, where he explains it all....a lot better than I can, I might add
edit on 1-3-2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Maybe this explains it better....

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:03 PM

As we can see the effects of these spills are ongoing.
I hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:14 PM
Is there any proof that this BK Lim is a real person ? With over 30 years of experience in some field you'd expect some more evidence.
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fficial&&sa=X&ei=RW1tTcbPGMuWOtHA8IAD&ved=0CBIQBSgA&q=bk+lim+%22geohazard+specialist%22+-bp+-assassination&spell=1&bav=on.1,or.&fp=3f40f95b1b9c7c 0d

Nothing before around December it seems.

I would be extremely interested in seeing any evidence of BP's involvement in such undertakings as the one this BK Lim is describing. Also with the 16 camera's .... any of this video's available ?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
To be honest, I am nervous posting this....but I decided it needs to be out there. I had a thread on the BP disaster, in which myself, and others took many recordings of the live feed of the BP incident in the Gulf of Mexico. An acquaintance of mine, BK Lim, was kind enough to watch these videos, and offer his professional interpretation of what they showed. Those of you who frequented my thread here will remember him....He began posting there around the month of September, I believe starting around page 2 of that thread. He also posted on the "Up To The minute" BP thread.... He is a geohazard specialist, who has worked in the oil industry for more than 30 years. He is the guy who does the assessment of the area when the oil companies want to drill somewhere, and tells them if it is safe. Not only is he well respected in his area of expertise, but he is respected because he is an intelligent, kind man as well. I was shocked to hear that he and his family have been threaten, harassed, and even attacked because of his refusal to keep quiet about what he knows. He is a man of great courage....and I want everyone to know that this is going on because if anything happens to him, everyone will know WHY and WHO is responsible. I hope everyone will keep him in their prayers...and if you don't pray, send positive thoughts his way......these criminals cannot be allowed to get away with this! Here is a link to the story about it....he said he will release more info soon. He is in hiding now, and not even his friends know where he is. Here is a link to the story....if I hear anymore, I'll update asap.

Here is a copy of a letter he sent to congressmen

And here you can read all his analysis on the Gulf situation since the beginning

I will check back tomorow, as I am at work, but your thoughts will be appreciated.

theres a fine line between keeping quite and getting put in the spotlight... i hope you have made the right choice with this thread

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:33 PM
Regarding whether this guy is a fictional character, it sounded suspicious to me too. However I've done a quick scan of Google and found something back in early 2010

The Need for QC on Geophysical Interpretation of Geohazards and
Engineering Site Surveys
BK Lim, Jeremy Tung, Site Investigation Manager and Tim Pugh
RPS Energy

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by NadaCambia

Excellent. Thank you very much. Now if we can get that footage of those videos and get some hard evidence it would be fantastic. I would love to see BP getting exposed if true.

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