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Cops talk about stealing man's property over bag of weed

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Cops talk about stealing man's property over bag of weed

Police officers in Lansing, Michigan are in hot water after an investigative report by local ABC News affiliate WXYZ.

According to the report's source, officers with the OMNI Drug Task Force executed a search warrant on the home of Rudy Simpson in June 2008, and found a small bag of marijuana and half a pain pill that he'd been prescribed.

While talking about what they should do, officers began to eye the expensive recording equipment around Simpson's home, ultimately deciding that they could very well take everything if they wanted thanks to the drugs they'd found.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:20 PM
The owner is in a band and the recording was on while the cops busted in.

The owner says that the cops were going through the fridge and eating the food!? They then confiscated equipment based on finding a bag of weed and half a pill in his house. They also found some marijuana seeds and called that marijuana! He was charged with the pain kill even though he had a prescription.

Now, two of the officers involved -- Lt. Luke Davis and Lt. Emmanuel Riopelle -- are facing "dozens" of charges. Both have been accused in a long-running scheme to steal from drug suspects and profit from sales of their property.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 28-2-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:25 PM
[snip] pigs..take the law into yuor own hands, not as they tell and want you too* thats what im learning! not all, but you never know what your gunna get if cops come too your home one day, have proved timelessley and erroftlessly by todays standards, to be manipulative and not on your side or do justice. thier overpaid in taxpayers money in terms of overtime alone! and apparetnly its ok too enter without a warrant sometimes, raid the refrigerator and handcuff you for no legal reason, and steal as much as they please.
moments like this make vigilantism jsutifiable!
edit on 5/3/11 by masqua because: censor circumvention removed

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by filosophia

The seizure laws were originally written for big time dealers that sold enough dope to be able to buy homes, cars and yachts.
It didnt take long for it to be corrupted by the greedy corporations that make up Law Enforcement, Judges and DA's.
Remember the judge a few weeks ago that was busted for sending kids to private prisons on minor offenses, he was getting huge kick backs from the owners of the prisons.
This is what happens when you turn the criminal justice system into a business.

Another Corrupt Judge
edit on 28-2-2011 by Animatrix because: (no reason given)

+23 more 
posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:28 PM
"If the words 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' don't
include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the
Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."

Terence McKenna


posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:30 PM
nothing like this surprises me anymore.
check into forfeiture laws if really interested.
tey can do what they want in most cases.
when i was busted many years ago and sent to federal prison the feds went after my montana property.
luckily there was no way they could tie it into my crime.

just google 'drug auctions', forfeiture auctions' etc....
property, boats, cars, almost anything.
the amount is usually not significant in these cases.
i didn't get through the entire article yet, but keep in mind.
pills need to be in the original subscription bottle, it is illegal in most places to have them in your pocket, in a drawer etc........
we need to educate ourselves on the actual laws.
however silly they may seem, it is pretty easy to do something stupid enough to get in trouble.

a similar subject worthy of discussion is what the law actually is concerning,
'aiding and abetting'.
most would laugh if i said that being in possession of a controlled substance is why people get busted.
not true, knowing of someone else being in possession is enough to land you in prison.

man, i didn't even mention 'conspiracy' law.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:31 PM
I would be so pissed if I was that guy. Cops think they can do whatever they want just cuz they have a badge and a gun. NWA says it best F*&! the police.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by filosophia

How does it feel to look into the face of future America as the republic dies and Fascism takes its place.

This is the law that LEOs operate under.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by filosophia

From your sourced article:

Now, two of the officers involved -- Lt. Luke Davis and Lt. Emmanuel Riopelle -- are facing "dozens" of charges. Both have been accused in a long-running scheme to steal from drug suspects and profit from sales of their property.

These LEO's broke the law - it happens. And now they are going to pay for their crimes. But this doesn't infer that all cops are bad people. In fact I have a few friends who are in law enforcement and they are straight-up good people who care about others and do not engage in this kind of petty behavior.


posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:36 PM
New York Firemen used to be looters
Saw it in Gangs of New York, must be true.

Cops, as well as everyone who works in the government, should be forced to take an annual Humanity Test.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by ziggy1706

You know the more I see these kinds of post I can't help but think that perhaps they need to start another segment to the "Worlds Dumbest" TV show. Worlds Dumbest Cops. I mean seriously, are these boys in blue not aware that big brother is watching them as well? I do have to say I respect a person of law enforcement that respects the law they are trying to uphold,( I know there a some out there), but really, the blatant level of abuse of the badge some of these guys have reached is absurd. You would think they have seen enough videos by now to know They Get Caught on Video Too.

Perhaps it is time for Little Brother to start filming More of Big Brother, and thanks to Big Brother, Little Brother now has the power, the means, and the technology to do so himself. Not to mention the manpower. Film every encounter you have with any type of Big Brother affiliate and publish it. We have way more cameras, and at the rate they are going of running us out of our houses and jobs, we have the Time to do it.

Sorry OP if I went off track for a moment....

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:38 PM
The pOlice should have just taken the weed ,smoked it and then they would sit back and realised that what they were doing was very uncool man.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by 12voltz
The pOlice should have just taken the weed ,smoked it and then they would sit back and realised that what they were doing was very uncool man.

what's funny is if they did that they wouldn't be facing criminal charges themselves! It just goes to show that smoking marijuana is less harmful than stealing someone's band equipment

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
I have a few friends who are in law enforcement and they are straight-up good people

sure i belive they are good buddies to you but at work they most likely are similar scumbags as these above mentioned guys and even if they do not break the laws for their own benefit most likely they ignore their colleagues illegal doings which makes them as bad as those who do the law breaking.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:50 PM
Why do cops behave like this?
Somewhere along the line they seem to forget what they signed up for
and they realize their power and abuse the hell out of it.

When I was sixteen I got pulled over for speeding and the cop kept saying
how much he liked the Fender combo amp in my back seat. He never suggested
anything more, but he kept bringing up how much he liked the amp and what a
shame it is to write a ticket for going 5 miles over the limit.

Made me very uncomfortable to say the least.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Ah yes, a pot bust in Lansing... those cops would much rather bust somebody for a little bag of pot than, oh maybe prevent violent crimes.

Waay back in the day, I was busted by PACT, the Proactive Anti-Crime Taskforce which was a partnership of Lansing, East Lansing, and Michigan State University (along with the state and county folks). Want to know how much "Schedule I Controlled Substance" I had on me? less than 1/8th of an ounce of pot

As a sophomore student in college, with less than 1/8th of an ounce of pot, they charged me with two felonies punishable (at the time) by a total of up to 12 years in prison. About $10,000 in lawyer fees later I plead out with 4 years of probation taking urinalysis randomly no less than 1 and no more than 3 times per week. And yes, I had to pay for the urinalysis, and it had to be done at a probation office in front of an officer.

If there was ever a time in my youth where I would have made the decision to become a lifelong criminal, it was this period of my life where I was being treated like a criminal. Fortunately, I did not.

Whenever I read about people's lives being ruined (or massively inconvenienced) because of overzealous, lazy cops busting harmless people, I get really upset.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:57 PM
If there were that many well intentioned, morally upright cops, then why do we hear about crap like this every week? And this isn't half as bad as the police brutality we all know about, and appears to be happening at either an increasing rate, or is being videotaped at an increasing rate.

It's both a problem with the culture in police stations, and the fact they aren't held accountable to the same extent as you or I. From my dealings with cops, and I have never been arrested or convicted of anything, for the most part they're shady characters on a power trip.

Maybe you catch them on a good day, or a bad day, but the difference is that when you or I have a bad day at work, we don't beat, abuse, plant drugs, steal, or do anything of the like, and screw up someones life. Cops are hypocritical(I've smoked weed with off-duty cops), and contradictory, in that what will get you pulled over and car searched in one jurisdiction, a cop won't even blink at in another. What you might get pulled over and harrassed for at the end of a month, when they need to increase revenue, is not the same thing you'll get pulled over for at the beginning of the month. All that aside, what pisses me off the most is the arrogant attitude they explay on a daily basis. That arrogance, combined with not being held accountable the same way we are, is the root of the problem.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Another example of the corruption.. This poor guy was just a hotel owner and the drugs were found on someone renting the room, not on the owner his self.

.39 acres was actually about Henry Doke, the owner of the Dew Drop Inn in Marion County. The Dew Drop Inn was a commercial space rented out on a month to month basis. A search warrant was issued for suspected drug activity at the DDI. The police show up and find coc aine and make a few arrests. The State moves to seize the DDI and the land (.39 acres). Despite the search and arrests no evidence was found against Mr. Doke. Henry Doke was never convicted of any crime. Henry Doke was never charged with any crime. Still the State moved to steal his property, claiming that the Dew Drop Inn had become "contraband".


I could do this all day

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:01 PM
Cmon really? Why do we hear about this every week? Because its a 24 hour news cycle and every paper is online so you hear about it more. Cops are humans and have always been corrupt. Anybody ever heard of the mafia boys having cops, judges etc. on thier payrolls? Take a dose of reality here.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by filosophia

Yep ,what could have been a raging jam session with Rudy and the DT's playing 'I shot the sheriff' ,needlessly turned into a scene of greed and corruption and for what .
Ahh, the good old days

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