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How to Know Who is a Government Employee on this Website

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by MindSpin
Ooohhhhhh....I feel honored.

Can I get a list of those members that "actually matter"??? For personal information purposes of course...and I get a bonus for lists like that

Why would anyone think you are here to twist and confuse issues by trolling and derailing? What on Earth would make people say such a thing?

Originally posted by MindSpin
You gotta know how to spin things...hence my name

Oh...that's right.

You're just jealous...face wish you could be this good.

You want more fodder...check my signature

The funny thing is...even armed with these against don't even know how to use them effectively

edit on 1-3-2011 by MindSpin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by MindSpin

Your arrogance and delusional attitude are certainly more advanced than I could ever hope to be but neither is something to envy. I was really kind of just joking around because of this being one of a million threads about "disinfo" agents and I have to think a real disinfo agent can string together one coherent thought. The fact that you can only respond with a grade school "yer just jealous" leads me to believe that among the many other words you have redefined in order to make try and back up some falsehood or logical failure, where you use the word "wife" the rest of us use "mom."
I get it. You are an f-18, right bro.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Sinnthia

I was really kind of just joking around

Me too...lighten up.

But admit envy me

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 12:59 AM
Research, Research, Research.

Denying ignorance is not hearing something, believing it to be true and then refusing to hear the arguements against your train of thought.

I would think that any dis info agent would be careful to not make themselves so easily revealed. I doubt ATS moderators support the suppression of information, rather they need to adhere to certain rules to guarantee the future of this website and its reputation.

I would think that if I was on here on behalf of the government to influence peoples mind, I would more then likely agree with conspiracy for the most past... then once friendship /mutual respect had been gained I would make you believe that I think the same as you whilst slowly changing your convictions....

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by 9Cib27

Hah I had the same about 18 months ago on the A, Jones site, prison planet. After being on there, and enjoying it for about a year, I got involved in the Moon landings discussions. Did they land on the moon or not. I found it very interesting but after listening to all that was said and watching a few documentaries on it, And after some high powered scientists within photography, even the boss of Kodak, film provider and the camera manufacture, all said most of what you see could have been taken or filmed on the moon. I decided to go with the argument they did not go to the moon. Anyway, the moderator got involved and told me I was talking crap. SO I said why, he said this was, covered a few pages back. I looked for the material but could not find it, and asked if he could point me too the right place. He then became personal, saying if I did not drop it I would be banned. I said, I thought this site was all about freedom of speech, and free expression, Well this is what A Jones is always selling anyway. The next thing I knew was, I had been banned for LIFE! I attempted to write to A Jones on a number of occasions but have never had a reply. So, in short, I think his site has been infiltrated by the dark side of the force, and he unaware of it, or don’t care.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by 9Cib27
1) They are debunkers.
2) They offer no valuable information.
3) They refuse credible information and demand "proof".
4) They refuse thus said proof.
5) They choose to reply with insults and one-liners to de-rail threads.
6) They have an unusually high number of people agreeing with them (other agents).
7) They change the path of information to throw you "off the trail".
8) Moderators will choose to delete your posts and not their posts.
9) They launch "walls of text" to confuse others and fake scientific/military jargon and slang.
10) When all else fails, this thread is hidden under trash threads or deleted.

This line of thinking completely makes no sense. On all sides of the same topic, people will be skeptical of the opinions of others. On all sides of the same topic people will disagree with what constitutes 'proof'. On all sides of the same topic, people will result to insults.

You are literally acting just like the people you are accusing of being govt employee disinfo agents. You're refusing to think any of their proof is valid proof. Same they do to you. You result to insults and insinuations. You star the people you agree with.

You have to see how invalid this thinking is, and the utter hypocrisy of it.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by 9Cib27
1) They are debunkers.
2) They offer no valuable information.
3) They refuse credible information and demand "proof".
4) They refuse thus said proof.
5) They choose to reply with insults and one-liners to de-rail threads.
6) They have an unusually high number of people agreeing with them (other agents).
7) They change the path of information to throw you "off the trail".
8) Moderators will choose to delete your posts and not their posts.
9) They launch "walls of text" to confuse others and fake scientific/military jargon and slang.
10) When all else fails, this thread is hidden under trash threads or deleted.

1) Debunking, technically, is scientifically viable. Proving the absence of causality is good science. Proving that A does NOT cause B is usually considered better evidence than a soft correlation into the positive. We use this in social sciences all the time. Otherwise you could link ice cream sales to crime rate, etc.
2) Who are you to define what information is valuable?
3) Again who are you to define what information is credible?
4) A bunch of guys linking to each other is cyber hearsay, not proof. Which is usually how that goes. Like the guy on TV "exposing" Top Secret US Aircraft by showing everyone drawings he made himself from "eyewitness testimony" who expectantly, are not able to be found.
5) I never reply with one liners. I prefer your format of bullet points. My insults are also thinly veiled to sit on the acceptable side of the T&C's. Threads are usually well derailed before I offer my input as well.
6) I could care less if anyone else agrees with me.
7) If "off the trail" means "back on planet earth" then so be it.
8) Moderators delete posts that are offensive and inflammatory. See those T&C's.
9) Just because some might not understand jargon doesn't mean its not true. Jargon is merely a technical term for words and expressions present in a sub culture. Scientists speak science speak, and military guys speak militarese. If it confuses you, then ask. If by wall of text you mean, actual "proof" or cut and pasted text citations that "derail" a weak theory, then sorry. We skeptics will probably never stop doing it.
10) Sometimes calling a spade a spade is appropriate. Maybe trash threads are in fact trash threads.

BTW I don't work for the gubment. Nothing to see here. Move Along.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by moonpie86

I think the guys fanning the flames of outlandish and implausible pseudo science and conspiracies could easily be the true disinfo agents. Think about it, they get everyone riled up and the community gets collective tunnel vision and focuses on a topic. Meanwhile, Area 51 rolls out a new drone, the President parks an Aircraft Carrier off the coast of a country we aren't technically at war with, some government insider gets found in a dumpster, and the stock market tanks again. Meanwhile we are all hurriedly trying to spot light anomalies on Apollo moon photos, and fail to notice whats going on.
Food for thought.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:38 AM
Well i dont 100% think anyone who dis agrees with solid proof or agrees with them are agents,there just idiots who are brainwashed, either way we know whats real and im pretty sure there is enough incriminating evidence and proof of things we know are true or exist that if they reall gave a dam they would of shut the site down already.eitherway they dont bother me, most Debunkers are called morons in my dictionary or zombies.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by moonpie86

Totally agree with you
the site wouldnt exist if there where agents on here as members,serriosley stop arguing who envys who its silly boys.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by 9Cib27
1) They are debunkers.
2) They offer no valuable information.
3) They refuse credible information and demand "proof".
4) They refuse thus said proof.
5) They choose to reply with insults and one-liners to de-rail threads.
6) They have an unusually high number of people agreeing with them (other agents).
7) They change the path of information to throw you "off the trail".
8) Moderators will choose to delete your posts and not their posts.
9) They launch "walls of text" to confuse others and fake scientific/military jargon and slang.
10) When all else fails, this thread is hidden under trash threads or deleted.

This list is incredibly biased, and has absolutely no chance of representing any group of people as whole. In fact, it sounds much more like a list of things, formed out of frustration, pertaining to people who are having trouble agreeing with your opinion(s). I apologize if that is (or isn't) the case, however, not everybody who paints on the other side of the fence works for the government. That belief is nothing short of delusional. Enjoy our right to freedom of opinion while it lasts.


edit on 2-3-2011 by Strype because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by 9Cib27

Can you prove that's what a member and Govt employee does?

I get my own threads deleted often, I get private messages from those making me their foes (I get lots of those!), I get alot of people who disagree with me but...

at the end of the day...thats life but you have to admit it's never a bore on ATS!
edit on 2-3-2011 by bluemirage5 because: addition

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by AnotherYOU
I knew it!

it seems governments only employ skeptics...

skeptics require "being hit with a stick"

its like. the "i cant be bothered applying myself.. nees like a BLATANT push me off my "FENCE SITTING' butt. to finally agree,

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by Xiamara
It seems some one is angry they got a post deleted, wait does be refuting this post make me government dis-info. Damn and I was trying so hard to keep my cover. Guess its blown. How do we know your not a dis-info agent? You could be trying to throw us all off the trail. Tsk tsk, Mr, government agent, ATS is smarter than that.

These threads give me the giggles.

Star for you!

Oh crap, now I'm a government agent.

"6) They have an unusually high number of people agreeing with them (other agents). "

edit on 2-3-2011 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Argen

Originally posted by 9Cib27
reply to post by AnotherYOU

I will watch as the sheeple keep adding stars to your silly post.

Notice how many threads are based on the testimony of high ranking military men confirming alien and UFO activity as well as our interactions with them for a long time. Doesn't sound like a skeptic to me

The Military is not the Government. In the Military, you actually have to prove worth before moving up.

Having been in the military, I can tell you that it's politically oriented. You don't need to prove your worth, just know what to kiss and when.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:44 AM
How to tell if someone is a government employee... hmm. Just ask I guess. I happen to be a government employee. I'm paid to take care of veteran's health issues though. The only mis-information I would spread would be the unintentional kind that everyone has engaged in regardless of intentions. Although I guess it would be fun to play mind games with people for cash.

I think the biggest conspiracy of all time is how people think that TPTB are somehow super competent, and all knowing. Working for the gubmint I can tell you, you have never seen a more useless bloated system of incompetence in your life. I do not doubt the existence of, or at least the striving of the elites for a NWO, but their own beaurocracy is their down fall. They will drown in paperwork before they ever rule the planet.

I have a lawyer friend who gets people out of trouble all the time simply by playing the paperwork game. If you know what to file with whom, and when you can get the red tape flying so fast that the agency, or office you are in trouble with will never get around to actually doing anything to you, and drop the case just to be rid of the headache.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 03:54 AM
Actually the government wants you to believe some conspiracy theories so you don't know the truth. I doubt anyone from the government uses this site, they probably have bots that find information for them on all websites that are indexed.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by SPACEYstranger
reply to post by Doomzilla

lol, we as in... you are 1 person? can someone run an IP on this guy?

you defend the guy who is crying "disinfo agent", and im spreading the hate? Who do u work for Doomsday/9Cib27

sounds like i made the big bad disinfo agent cry


I have nothing to hide , I'm not a coward , I say what I mean . I reveal all as I'm PROUD of my beleifs .

I have NOTHING to worry about I will be rewarded for my efforts .
Positive Energy And Concious exsistence .

Think I'm someone else ? I can assure you I'm not I just think your scared of people working together to make change .

You will Never stop me or others with the same peaceful intentions .


DOWN with the NWO _


posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I think the OP may be getting government employees
mixed up with trolls and paid bloggers.
While I have seen a few gov employees chime
in from time to time, mostly they remain
in the shadows.

It's the trolls and paid bloggers that are the
biggest pain in the butt as they will argue
with a sign post.

You're right there mate. A lot of the trolls are kids too.

Although I do think that occasionally there is government activity on forums, the paid bloggers and posters on forums are often working for private interest or other groups...

What about the various religions, political movements, massive corporations etc. Anyone who wants to influence opinion can hire 'them'. You could even argue that public opinion matters more to you than it does the government if you have something to sell - be it a philosophy, religion or a product.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Doomzilla

yeah..... so afraid of people like you... who are... making change?

i can feel the change washing over me!

typing disjointed messages and making peace into an acronym wont make change. Supporting paranoid threads like this certainly doesnt mean change. And judging by other posts that i have seen by you..... the last thing that you will bring about it change.

But its nice that you think your in the driver seat

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