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Christian couple lose their High Court battle to foster children because they are against homosexual

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by manna2

Does anyone have a science paper on the hmosexual tendencies and acts of sheep?
I haven't but has anyone witnessed 2 male sheep having at it? 2 female? 2 sheep raising a ewe?
STOP IT, you guys are nuts.

Since you decided to not take the time to read the post that I linked to you, here is the direct link to the wiki article, with notations and sources that I checked out.

Homosexual behavior in animals

Peace be with you.


posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
If an ethics commitee can say that being anti-homosexual makes you a bad parent then another ethics commitee can say being pro-homosexual makes you a bad parent.

False argument..It's not or anti.

If an ethics commitee can say that being anti-straight makes you a bad parent then another ethics commitee can say being pro-straight makes you a bad parent.

I am both pro-straight and accepting of homosexuality.

Handing over a child to be raised by parents that feel so strongly that homosexuality is an abomination that they espouse it while applying for certification...

That has consequences for the childs development..

Fifth Gay Teen Suicide in Three Weeks Sparks Debate

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by manna2

I think the point that many of us are trying to make is that tolerance should be taught, not about what is unnatural or amoral based on what a 2000 year old man made book says. Please review my post from a few pages ago. There are plenty of well-documented cases of homosexuality among animals. This is recorded fact. Humans are indeed animals. This is a recorded fact. Does homosexuality go against "nature's programming?" I don't know, and I'm pretty sure you don't know either. In fact, nobody knows, because not enough research has been done on the subject. As I suggested in the post that I linked to you, homosexuality may be nature's way of population control. When the Bible was supposedly written, there weren't a whole hell of a lot of people on this little blue orb we call home. Of course it would be "unnatural" at the time, because the first biological drive is to reproduce and keep the species going. But let us fast-forward 2000 years. Look at how many people there are on the planet. Our population keeps growing every second of every day. Nature had to find a way to curb this population explosion, so I offered the theory that homosexuality may, in fact, be nature's way of population control. Of course, this only applies to humans at this point, because I'm not sure of population densities of other animals that display homosexual behavior which ends in like-sex animals forming a life pair. Please read my post to understand where I am personally coming from.

Leaving all the religious debate out of the equation, this case worker based their decision on more factors (I would imagine) than just what religion this couple adheres to. If the case worker didn't do this, then they weren't doing their job. Knowing several case workers (family members and close friends), these people have a hard enough time as it is choosing a home for a foster child without having to deal with racial, religious, or sexual preference issues. The case worker obviously made a decision based on the welfare of the child, and decided that this couple would not be suitable to care for this particular child. Case closed.

Peace be with you.


you have to "imagine" and assume to draw your conclusions. I do not.
I allready am aware of the militant homosexual agenda, just look at the attacks at persons in this thread alone.
I have gone from a libertarian in believing that homos should have all the secular rights and liberties as anyone else.
I am now defendingh my own beliefs from a militant group bent on changing my morals and beliefs on nothing more than hateful rhetoric aimed at demonizing me and everyone else they seek to destroy through false witness and rumor and lies about me and alot of others they do not PERSONALLY know.

I have changed.
This thread might be the tipping point.
I see now that it will not stop till they edit EVERY bible and imprison and shun all those they oppose. It's not enough for them to live and let live, which has been my life, the way I live it.
Nope, I must be forced to accept what they believe and do is right and even "holy?"

Nope, gays need to go back in the closet where their hate and militant agenda is governed by society shunning them.
They have no absoluites they use to guage their reactions and in the end there is no end to what they want to force on the rest of us.

This thread defines the whole arg.
It's epic fail.
If gay couples want kids, birth them like the rest of us.
No, gay couples are not legit parents.
I am no longer a libertarian on this topic.
I have drawn a line in my minds sand.
You have all crossed it.
I will be political on this isuue in the future where I ket it go before.
I can now see how militant and hateful and vindictive this agenda is now,
You guys really are nuts, and you hate me beacuse I do not like or accept gossips.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:50 AM
So they were denied foster care because they didn't agree with homosexuality? I mean yeah, they said they would tell them homosexuality is good, but as longer as they didn't say it was bad, I don't really see any problem with them adopting.

Also, what's with the homosexuality debate? There's really no point to it. People arguing against homosexuality have no valid arguments whatsoever, and are most likely too irrational to believe anything contrary to their outlandish beliefs. It's the equivalent of arguing with a creationist.
edit on 1-3-2011 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984
reply to post by manna2

Does anyone have a science paper on the hmosexual tendencies and acts of sheep?
I haven't but has anyone witnessed 2 male sheep having at it? 2 female? 2 sheep raising a ewe?
STOP IT, you guys are nuts.

Since you decided to not take the time to read the post that I linked to you, here is the direct link to the wiki article, with notations and sources that I checked out.

Homosexual behavior in animals

Peace be with you.


dude, you have no idea who you are adressing.
I am loaded for bear.
How are those studies in realation to the MASSIVE amounts of female hormones found in the food and water supplies?
How do your studies relate to this resulting in little girls going through puberty now at 4-6, and little boys growing breasts?
And the endocrine disruptors too? Man, the pollutants in out food and water has become extreme.
Add to that all the mind control and brainwashing on tv, movies and media promoting promiscuity and loose sexual morals and we have a generations of people with subjective morals that allow any behavior and a behavior thta is a result of environmental pollutants meant and designed to emasculate men and confuse sexual roles to serve an elite purpose.
Yes, I do believe this is all by design to destroy Christian morals and Christian society.
And I am not a useful idiot. I know the facts.
And your article does not in any way dissaude me from the facts because they are facts.
You see, animals are subject to these pollutants also.
I want you to quit pretending about science and back up that "gay gene" that has been quoted from the time this flawed study was printed.
But the retractions are never mentioned.

*also, I have witnessed animals kill other animals, including their own species, but I still do not think murder is "natural" for human beings.
We are better than the animals, we are made in His image.
edit on 1-3-2011 by manna2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by manna2

Thats complete bs.

What, that men have a g spot where the sun don't shine? It's true actually. Mrs English tried to find it one night but the whole thing became too funny for her, by the wierd faces I was pulling. I didn't find it but maybe one day.

I don't hate gays,

I didn't say you did.

I refuse to be forced to accept sin as good. You can, that is the libertarian in me.

You are free in your choices in life to not sin, but you are told what the sins are in a book wrtitten thousands of years ago, by people who you don't know. Your choice. Where the line should be drawn is dictating to others and enforcing your own beliefs onto others. Should ever there be a situation where Islam becomes the majority religion in your Country, should you adhere to the Islamic teachings?

I am talking about the need for those that do sin, WILLINGLY, to attempt me and society to FORCE those that disagree through some kind of peer pressure mind control in attempts to persuade me.

It depends on what you see as a sin. If my religion states no other form of worship shall be allowed in the Country I reside in, will you stop preaching to your god? By the mere act of you preaching to your god you will be commiting a sin in my eyes. Would you stand up for your right to worship your god? Should I object?
Faith is individual to the individual. Now in a society that has freedom, no religion should infringe on the freedoms and rights of another and shold not promote inequality and bigotry.

Oh, the homosexual agenda....yeah......this is what this is all about. It's about forcing unnatural acts on the world and forcing them to accept it.

The only homsexual agenda I can see is one wanting equality.
It may seem like an unnatural act to you, but to a gay person it is natural. Aren't you being hypicritical by forcing your views onto others, telling people how they should live?

Or is your religion the only one that should be followed in this World?

I haven't but has anyone witnessed 2 male sheep having at it?

No but I do have a pair of gay fish. they ignore the female and display to each other. Maybe I should kill them for such immoral acts? (I won't, they are cute together)

edit on 1-3-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:03 AM
"You can't deny and say that man and man is right because it isnt..... "

WHAT! have you not even done your research on homosexuality?
animals can be gay...
gay gene in fruit fly...
im done.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:03 AM
I still think it's utterly retarded to do such a thing. If this is the way the PC police wants to go it's unethical. People are entitled to their views. If this is the general trend when people find themselves oppressed, they have no right to complain, because they supported oppressing others simply because they have different opinions.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by 547000

The whole thing is about fostering children. The childrens welfare should always come first.

Placing a black child in a home where the white mother and father are racist isn't a good idea.

Placing a child in a home where the mother and father are homophobic isn't good idea too.

Why? There's a chance that the child may be gay. My gay friends were children once too. They knew they were gay from an early age and didn't come out until they were adults.

I don't know what the % of gay people are to that of straight people, but even if it's 1 in 100 and that one child gets placed into a home with homophobic parents. that poor child has been through enough rejection and hurt without having to be chastised and being told he or she is immoral and will burn in hell.

Whether you like or dislike the reality of it, there are gay children. All children need to be protected from hate and stupidity.
edit on 1-3-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by manna2

crazy that this has to be explained. Occassionaly we see in nature unnatural acts because THEY ARE ANIMALS having sex to procreate is a natural function. It's man who spends their time inventing ways to do things simply to serve their flesh in all kinds of INVENTED ways.

Crazy how your explanation does not in fact explain anything but as so often with the christian delusion does nothing but profess intellectual deficiency.

Let us pick a random species that has been observed to engage in acts of homosexuality, the Bonobo is one of the first to come to mind, indeed sodomy is but one of its' quite startling repertoire of sexual activities.

The Bonobo lives mostly in its' "natural" state ie not domesticated nor influenced by humans, I as an atheist would say it has evolved to its' present state the creationists would say that their god made it that way.

Created or evolved this our endearing sexually promiscuous human cousin exists in nature naturally , now let's look how "Natural" in relation to the subject is commonly defined -

a : being in accordance with or determined by nature b : having or constituting a classification based on features existing in nature

Now let us look how "Nature" is commonly defined in the context of natural environment -

the external world in its entirety

And I suppose we could also argue -

a creative and controlling force in the universe

The controlling force being either Evolution or (in this discussion) an invisible man that lives in the sky.

Whether the controlling force is an invisible man that lives in the sky or Evolution our cousin the Bonobo lives naturally in its' natural state in its' natural environment.

Now neither of us regardless to any amount of cranial gymnastics circular reasoning or outright ignorant stupidity can disagree upon the above proven by observation state of existence of this particular species.

The Bonobo does engage in all manner of sexual activity and has been observed engaging in anal sex with both males and females.

Now your claim is - Your god created all that there is,was or will ever be, you also claim that same gender sex cannot result in the production of offspring so is therefore "unnatural".

You have now created for your self a real dilemma, if what you assert is true then the Bonobo (along with any other species that engages in this activity) is clearly "unnatural" and logically can not have been created by your creator which would then necessitate another creator.

As no creator has yet come forth to take credit for the creation of the species that engage in the "unnatural" act (that your god by rejects by proxy )of homosexuality then the rational scientific mind can safely conclude that these species have evolved .

May a suggest you spend a little less time brainwashing yourself with bronze age supernatural nonsense, have a ten year shower, then start thinking for yourself with a refreshed and open mind of your own.

edit on 1-3-2011 by The Djin because: speeling

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

Placing a black child in a home where the white mother and father are racist isn't a good idea.

But according to xtian reasoning it's perfectly acceptable as long as the mother and father claim they will not influence the child with their racist way of thinking.


posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish
reply to post by manna2

Thats complete bs.

What, that men have a g spot where the sun don't shine? It's true actually. Mrs English tried to find it one night but the whole thing became too funny for her, by the wierd faces I was pulling. I didn't find it but maybe one day.

I don't hate gays,

I didn't say you did.

I refuse to be forced to accept sin as good. You can, that is the libertarian in me.

You are free in your choices in life to not sin, but you are told what the sins are in a book wrtitten thousands of years ago, by people who you don't know. Your choice. Where the line should be drawn is dictating to others and enforcing your own beliefs onto others. Should ever there be a situation where Islam becomes the majority religion in your Country, should you adhere to the Islamic teachings?

I am talking about the need for those that do sin, WILLINGLY, to attempt me and society to FORCE those that disagree through some kind of peer pressure mind control in attempts to persuade me.

It depends on what you see as a sin. If my religion states no other form of worship shall be allowed in the Country I reside in, will you stop preaching to your god? By the mere act of you preaching to your god you will be commiting a sin in my eyes. Would you stand up for your right to worship your god? Should I object?
Faith is individual to the individual. Now in a society that has freedom, no religion should infringe on the freedoms and rights of another and shold not promote inequality and bigotry.

Oh, the homosexual agenda....yeah......this is what this is all about. It's about forcing unnatural acts on the world and forcing them to accept it.

The only homsexual agenda I can see is one wanting equality.
It may seem like an unnatural act to you, but to a gay person it is natural. Aren't you being hypicritical by forcing your views onto others, telling people how they should live?

Or is your religion the only one that should be followed in this World?

I haven't but has anyone witnessed 2 male sheep having at it?

No but I do have a pair of gay fish. they ignore the female and display to each other. Maybe I should kill them for such immoral acts? (I won't, they are cute together)

edit on 1-3-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

so your arg is that truth is subjective, good luck with that
i don't believe truth is subjective, especially because of justifying lustful urges.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by manna2

so your arg is that truth is subjective, good luck with that i don't believe truth is subjective, especially because of justifying lustful urges.

No, truth can be proven.

Faith is subjective.
edit on 1-3-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by JonoEnglish

What, that men have a g spot where the sun don't shine?

I have often sat on my rear end contemplating why jesus would put a G Spot up my arse here are some of my conclusions -

So I might like being raped by a priest and keep gods' favorite guys out of trouble a bit longer

To encourage me to clean myself thoroughly after curry night

To protect me from vengeful women who would otherwise render me immobile in order to shout in my ear -
"Now see how you like it bastard guy"

Should I ever be dumb enough to cycle the Paris Roubaix I would at least get some pleasure before dying.

There is nothing worse than women having their own special doctor just for them, jesus is fair god.

Roller coasters become more scary as you get older, hey why should the kids have all the fun.

Recycled toilet paper is always thicker and more durable thus less impact on gods environment

We need a very good reason to look a cute pharmacist in the eye and ask for something called Anusol.

Every action has its' equal and opposite reaction, god knew exactly how Henry Heimlich would turn out

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by manna2

you have to "imagine" and assume to draw your conclusions. I do not.
I allready am aware of the militant homosexual agenda, just look at the attacks at persons in this thread alone.
I have gone from a libertarian in believing that homos should have all the secular rights and liberties as anyone else.
I am now defendingh my own beliefs from a militant group bent on changing my morals and beliefs on nothing more than hateful rhetoric aimed at demonizing me and everyone else they seek to destroy through false witness and rumor and lies about me and alot of others they do not PERSONALLY know.

I have changed.
This thread might be the tipping point.
I see now that it will not stop till they edit EVERY bible and imprison and shun all those they oppose. It's not enough for them to live and let live, which has been my life, the way I live it.
Nope, I must be forced to accept what they believe and do is right and even "holy?"

Nope, gays need to go back in the closet where their hate and militant agenda is governed by society shunning them.
They have no absoluites they use to guage their reactions and in the end there is no end to what they want to force on the rest of us.

This thread defines the whole arg.
It's epic fail.
If gay couples want kids, birth them like the rest of us.
No, gay couples are not legit parents.
I am no longer a libertarian on this topic.
I have drawn a line in my minds sand.
You have all crossed it.
I will be political on this isuue in the future where I ket it go before.
I can now see how militant and hateful and vindictive this agenda is now,
You guys really are nuts, and you hate me beacuse I do not like or accept gossips.

Why can't you just admit you get off being hatefull? I remember going onto the white power website and debating with them. And yes, they would also bring up their religon and some how believe that all the non whites they hate is right. But i posted something, and none of them would answer, and i got banned.

I said how many of you people are violent people at heart. How many of you like to beat on your partner, or go and beat someone up for a laugh. I bet you all the money i have that a good 90% of these people are like this, and they use their religon as an excuse to do this.

Its just pure hate, and no one on this thread will have the balls to admit that!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by The Djin

To protect me from vengeful women who would otherwise render me immobile in order to shout in my ear - "Now see how you like it bastard guy"

Lol Djin

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

They lost because they are against freedom... which should be the 1st ingredient of a foster parent.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by JonoEnglish
reply to post by manna2

so your arg is that truth is subjective, good luck with that i don't believe truth is subjective, especially because of justifying lustful urges.

No, truth can be proven.

Faith is subjective.
edit on 1-3-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

Depends on what you call "truth"

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by manna2

"truth" being that which you accept as true and base your world view off of, IS indeed subjective.

Even most scientific facts are in themselves conditional, and thus a bit subjective. Especially the "conclusions" drawn from such things.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Truth is an indisputable fact, that can be proven without any doubt. Sadly some people see their faith as just that, yet can't show any proof because it's faith. They deceive themselves.

It's funny, those people will accept the notion of "innocent until proven guilty" for justice to be served in a court of law. Maybe they will like to see kanagroo courts come back into society and jail people based on a belief that someone has committed a crime. A step backwards imo.

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