posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 05:48 PM
The elite doesn't want us to reproduce.
Apart from false-flag 9-11, nothing better demonstrates Illuminati subversion than their attempt to make us behave like homosexuals.
Until 1973, homosexuality was recognized for what it is, a developmental disorder.
Then, overnight it was redefined as a "lifestyle choice," one that government, schools and media actively promoted.
In the military, soldiers now have to live in close quarters with openly gay men. This is like letting sex-starved men bivouac with beautiful young
women. No it won't affect military capability. And, as Joe Biden admitted, the next step is universalizing "gay marriage."
Thanks to feminism, which in many ways is lesbian, the day is fast approaching when heterosexuals will lose interest in the opposite sex. They will
decide the other sex has nothing to offer in terms of love, marriage and family. The new family model will be single parents or homosexuals raising
the products of one-night stands and sperm clinics.
The Illuminati goal is to redefine and manipulate human beings by taking away our family identity (husband, wife, sister, brother, father, son,
mother, daughter.) The Illuminati Communist Manifesto (1848) listed the destruction of the family as one of its goals. Communist traitors are in
The campaign to change the heterosexual norm is intensifying. Straights need to realize that they are under siege from big government and big
Today, gay and feminist activists want "people" to make love to "people" regardless of their sex. They depict normal heterosexual behaviour as
pathological. Men are abusers and the heterosexual family is oppressive. The way to social justice is to abolish heterosexuality altogether. (Isn't
this "hate"?)
Illuminati-Marxism spawned both the Gay and Woman's liberation movements by transferring Marxist class conflict to gender. The "patriarchy"
(male-dominated heterosexual family) is the root of all evil and must be destroyed ("transformed"). Women (the proletariat) and anyone else deemed
"oppressed" (gays, certain favoured minorities) must be handed position and power on a silver platter.
The Illuminati's "revolutionary" goal is the "new world order" or authoritarian socialism run by monopoly capital. It is big government in the
service of big business, left in the service of right.
It always was. In the words of US Communist leader Bella Dodd the rich sponsored the Communist Party. They sponsor homosexuality and feminism to
"destroy the bourgeois family" and create "new types of human beings who would conform."
Why have straights endured this attack passively?
1) The gay-feminists have waged their war with impunity by claiming a bogus victim status. Straights can't even defend their own sexuality for fear
of accusations of "homophobia" and "sexism." These days anyone who does not want to be gay is homophobic.
2) Typical Marxists, they practice deceit successfully. They attracted widespread support by pretending to champion women when in fact they always had
a revolutionary homosexual agenda. Now politicians and media are in massive denial because they have empowered these radicals and put them in charge
of education. The situation is comparable to the liberal refusal in the late 1940's to admit the government was riddled with Soviet spies. This was
part of the same phenomenon of Rockefeller Communism.
In 1970, Frederick Jaffe, the VP of Rockefeller-sponsored "Planned Parenthood" organization outlined how "social constraints" should be used to
achieve "fertility control." ("Family Planning Perspectives" Oct.1970.)
These "constraints" included encouraging "increased homosexuality," altering "the image of the ideal family," and encouraging women to work
outside the home.
If this failed, the agency recommended the placement of "fertility control agents in the water supply." We're not talking about unwanted
pregnancies here.
The unprecedented decline of the American family since 1960 did not take place by accident. We are victims of a campaign of psychological warfare
carried out by the CIA and foundations through the media, government and education.
They put the neutering agent in the cultural drinking water. The main ingredient is the promotion of homosexuality as an alternative to
Feminism, which masquerades as "woman's rights," is in fact a pathological lesbian movement. It coerces women to believe that their feminine
instincts are socially taught, oppressive and evil. It teaches them to fear and compete with men, and to find fulfillment in career instead of
Women who devote their lives to their families are the finest aspects of human life. They are saints who bring love and beauty into the world and tend
to the real everyday needs of men and children. To disparage these women is a foul, vicious calumny worthy of the devil himself. Yet that's what the
feminist movement is all about, though they deny it.
Betty Frieden, the "moderate" feminist founder, who hid the fact that she was a Communist activist, compared homemakers to concentration camp
victims. Simone de Beauvoir, another Communist founder, said women must not be given a choice to be mothers and homemakers because they'll choose
that option. According to feminist Ellen Willis, feminism "is the cutting edge of a revolution in cultural and moral values...The objective of every
feminist reform, from legal child-care programs, is to undermine traditional family values." (The Nation, Nov. 14, 1981)
What part of traditional family values do feminists object to? Love? Sacrifice? Devotion? Loyalty? Security? The preparation of a new generation for
In conclusion, it's time to recognize that homo and heterosexuality are in fierce competition. The gay model does not fit heterosexuals and
vice-versa. There can only be one model. The issue is: will ours be a heterosexual society that tolerates a 4% gay minority?
Or, will it be a homosexual society that persecutes a 96% straight majority? History has many examples of minorities that have persecuted majorities.
Take Communism for example.
If straights don't establish the norms, gay activists will. When gay/feminist activists demand "equality," they are demanding that one model fit
all. They are saying that we are the same. We are not.
Rejecting the homosexual model is not "intolerance" or "hatred." It is defending our natural birthright, and our families.
Heterosexual society is the victim of a most insidious form of persecution, psychological warfare. The real "haters" are gay-feminist activists, and
the politicians, media, corporations and foundations that sustain them.